sherlock-audit / 2023-12-dodo-gsp-judging

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PranavGarg - Risk of reuse of signatures across forks due to lack of chain ID validation #167

Closed sherlock-admin closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago



Risk of reuse of signatures across forks due to lack of chain ID validation


The permit function in the GSPVault contract implements EIP-2612 functionality, allowing users to modify the allowance mapping using a signed message rather than relying solely on the msg.sender. However, the way it handles the chainID presents a potential security vulnerability.

Vulnerability Detail

The chainID is included in the DOMAIN_SEPARATOR. And it is only initialized once and cannot be reinitialized, so the chainID remains fixed.


However, In the event of a post-deployment hard fork of the chain, the chain ID cannot be updated, and signatures may be replayed across both versions of the chain.


This can lead to signature reuse attack. Here is an exploit scenario : Bob holds tokens worth $1,000 on the mainnet. Bob submits a signature to permit Eve to spend those tokens on his behalf. Later, the mainnet is hard-forked and retains the same chain ID. As a result, there are two parallel chains with the same chain ID, and Eve can use Bob’s signature to transfer funds on both chains.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Possible solutions :

Duplicate of #113