sherlock-audit / 2023-12-flatmoney-judging

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ydlee - The end time of the order's executability age is calculated incorrectly. #165

Closed sherlock-admin closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago



The end time of the order's executability age is calculated incorrectly.


The end time of order's executability age is calculated incorrectly, the result is that the order's executability age gets unexpectedly extended.

Vulnerability Detail

The ending time of order's executability is calculated by executableAtTime + vault.maxExecutabilityAge(), which is wrong.

650:    function _prepareExecutionOrder(address account, uint256 executableAtTime) internal {
651:->      if (block.timestamp > executableAtTime + vault.maxExecutabilityAge()) revert FlatcoinErrors.OrderHasExpired();
653:        // Check that the minimum time delay is reached before execution
654:        if (block.timestamp < executableAtTime) revert FlatcoinErrors.ExecutableTimeNotReached(executableAtTime);
656:        // Delete the order tracker from storage.
657:        delete _announcedOrder[account];
658:    }

As shown in FlatcoinVault.sol#L30-L34, minExecutabilityAge and maxExecutabilityAge are both the amount of time expired between trade announcement and execution.

30:    /// @notice The minimum time that needs to expire between trade announcement and execution.
31:    uint64 public minExecutabilityAge;
33:    /// @notice The maximum amount of time that can expire between trade announcement and execution.
34:    uint64 public maxExecutabilityAge;

While order's executableAtTime is calculated by announcement block timestamp plus minExecutabilityAge ([DelayedOrder.sol#L646]()), its ending time should be executableAtTime + vault.maxExecutabilityAge() - vault.minExecutabilityAge() instead.

Function: _prepareAnnouncementOrder
646:        executableAtTime = uint64(block.timestamp + vault.minExecutabilityAge());


Order's executability age gets unexpectedly extended.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


In function _prepareExecutionOrder, calculate the ending executability age of a order as executableAtTime + vault.maxExecutabilityAge() - vault.minExecutabilityAge().

sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

invalid: thats to ensure the order does not expire

nevillehuang commented 6 months ago

Invalid, intended functionality to only count executability time expiration from end of minimum time onwards.