sherlock-audit / 2023-12-flatmoney-judging

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xiaoming90 - Deposit does not round in favor of the vault #179

Closed sherlock-admin closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago



Deposit does not round in favor of the vault


When calculating how many shares/UNIT to be minted to a user for a certain amount of the collateral they deposit, it does not round in favor of the vault, leading to users getting more shares than expected.

Vulnerability Detail

The stableCollateralPerShare function computes the number of collaterals per share. Note that in Line 214, the calculation is rounded down. This means that if the stableBalance is 19 and totalSupply is 10, the result will be 1 rETH/share in Solidity instead of 1.9 rETH/share if floating point is supported in other languages.

File: StableModule.sol
208:     function stableCollateralPerShare(uint32 _maxAge) public view returns (uint256 _collateralPerShare) {
209:         uint256 totalSupply = totalSupply();
211:         if (totalSupply > 0) {
212:             uint256 stableBalance = stableCollateralTotalAfterSettlement(_maxAge);
214:             _collateralPerShare = (stableBalance * (10 ** decimals())) / totalSupply;
215:         } else {
216:             // no shares have been minted yet
217:             _collateralPerShare = 1e18;
218:         }
219:     }

When the _collateralPerShare result returned from the stableCollateralPerShare function is rounded down, one share is worth fewer collateral tokens (rETH). Intuitively, this means that the share becomes cheaper. As such, you can receive more shares for a specific amount of assets you deposited since the price of each asset is now cheaper.

The stableCollateralPerShare function is used within the executeDeposit function to compute the price per share (PPS) to determine the number of shares/UNIT to be minted to the depositor. Since the PPS is rounded down (cheaper than expected)(e.g. 1 rETH per share instead of 1.9 rETH per share), this means that the depositor will get more shares/UNIT than expected. Thus, the vault rounds in favor of the users instead of itself.

File: StableModule.sol
61:     function executeDeposit(
62:         address _account,
63:         uint64 _executableAtTime,
64:         FlatcoinStructs.AnnouncedStableDeposit calldata _announcedDeposit
65:     ) external whenNotPaused onlyAuthorizedModule returns (uint256 _liquidityMinted) {
66:         uint256 depositAmount = _announcedDeposit.depositAmount;
68:         uint32 maxAge = _getMaxAge(_executableAtTime);
70:         _liquidityMinted = (depositAmount * (10 ** decimals())) / stableCollateralPerShare(maxAge);

Assume that Bob deposits 20 rETH:

The above shows that the vault does not round in favor of itself.


As shown in the example above, users are getting more shares than expected (20 vs 10.5).

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


A rule of thumb when implementing a vault is to always round in favor of the vault instead of the users.

When calculating many shares/UNIT to be minted to a user for a certain amount of the collateral they deposit, it should always be rounded in favor of the vault instead of the users.

It is fine to use the existing stableCollateralPerShare for withdrawal, as rounding down means fewer assets per share, and the users will receive fewer assets in exchange for their shares/UNITs, thus favoring the vault.

However, it is not unsafe to use the existing stableCollateralPerShare function for deposit, as it is rounding in favor of the users. The formula used for computing the stableCollateralPerShare should be rounded up as follows (Assuming using Solmate's Math)

depositAmount.mulDivUp((10 ** decimals()), totalSupply);
sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:


rashtrakoff commented 6 months ago

I would like to see a PoC for this. The attack seems possible only if stableCollateralBalance or stableCollateralPerShareAfterSettlement is small but I am unsure one can reach this state without the protocol having been nuked (longs have gotten all the stableCollateral amount due to extreme price rise).

itsermin commented 6 months ago

Yeah this appears to be for very small amounts. The MIN_DEPOSIT is 1e6 for rETH stable deposit. Likewise, there are minimum amounts on margin for leverage trades.

nevillehuang commented 6 months ago

Agree with sponsors, am doubtful of magnitude of loss given stableBalance in 18 decimals is first scaled by another 18 decimals by multiplying by (10 ** decimals())) (10 ** 18) first. So by that logic the example will be:

_collateralPerShare = 19e18 *1e18 / 10e18 = 19e18