sherlock-audit / 2023-12-flatmoney-judging

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xiaoming90 - Incorrect handling of PnL during liquidation #180

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 7 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago



Incorrect handling of PnL during liquidation


The incorrect handling of PnL during liquidation led to an error in the protocol's accounting mechanism, which might result in various issues, such as the loss of assets and the stable collateral total being inflated.

Vulnerability Detail

First Example

Assume a long position with the following state:

Let the current StableCollateralTotal be $x$ and marginDepositedTotal be $y$ at the start of the liquidation.

Firstly, the settleFundingFees() function will be executed at the start of the liquidation process. The effect of the settleFundingFees() function is shown below. The long trader's marginDepositedTotal will be reduced by 100, while the LP's stableCollateralTotal will increase by 100.

settleFundingFees() = Short/LP need to pay Long 100

marginDepositedTotal = marginDepositedTotal + funding fee
marginDepositedTotal = y + (-100) = (y - 100)

stableCollateralTotal = x + (-(-100)) = (x + 100)

Since the position's settle margin is below the liquidation margin, the position will be liquidated.

At Line 109, the condition (settledMargin > 0) will be evaluated as True. At Line 123:

if (uint256(settledMargin) > expectedLiquidationFee)
if (+20 > +25) => False
liquidatorFee = settledMargin
liquidatorFee = +20

The liquidationFee will be to +20 at Line 127 below. This basically means that all the remaining margin of 20 will be given to the liquidator, and there should be no remaining margin for the LPs.

At Line 133 below, the vault.updateStableCollateralTotal function will be executed:

vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(remainingMargin - positionSummary.profitLoss);
vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(0 - (+100));

stableCollateralTotal = (x + 100) - 100 = x

When vault.updateStableCollateralTotal is set to -100, stableCollateralTotal is equal to $x$.

File: LiquidationModule.sol
085:     function liquidate(uint256 tokenId) public nonReentrant whenNotPaused liquidationInvariantChecks(vault, tokenId) {
102:         // Check that the total margin deposited by the long traders is not -ve.
103:         // To get this amount, we will have to account for the PnL and funding fees accrued.
104:         int256 settledMargin = positionSummary.marginAfterSettlement;
106:         uint256 liquidatorFee;
108:         // If the settled margin is greater than 0, send a portion (or all) of the margin to the liquidator and LPs.
109:         if (settledMargin > 0) {
110:             // Calculate the liquidation fees to be sent to the caller.
111:             uint256 expectedLiquidationFee = PerpMath._liquidationFee(
112:                 position.additionalSize,
113:                 liquidationFeeRatio,
114:                 liquidationFeeLowerBound,
115:                 liquidationFeeUpperBound,
116:                 currentPrice
117:             );
119:             uint256 remainingMargin;
121:             // Calculate the remaining margin after accounting for liquidation fees.
122:             // If the settled margin is less than the liquidation fee, then the liquidator fee is the settled margin.
123:             if (uint256(settledMargin) > expectedLiquidationFee) {
124:                 liquidatorFee = expectedLiquidationFee;
125:                 remainingMargin = uint256(settledMargin) - expectedLiquidationFee;
126:             } else {
127:                 liquidatorFee = uint256(settledMargin);
128:             }
130:             // Adjust the stable collateral total to account for user's remaining margin.
131:             // If the remaining margin is greater than 0, this goes to the LPs.
132:             // Note that {`remainingMargin` - `profitLoss`} is the same as {`marginDeposited` + `accruedFunding`}.
133:             vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(int256(remainingMargin) - positionSummary.profitLoss);
135:             // Send the liquidator fee to the caller of the function.
136:             // If the liquidation fee is greater than the remaining margin, then send the remaining margin.
137:             vault.sendCollateral(msg.sender, liquidatorFee);
138:         } else {
139:             // If the settled margin is -ve then the LPs have to bear the cost.
140:             // Adjust the stable collateral total to account for user's profit/loss and the negative margin.
141:             // Note: We are adding `settledMargin` and `profitLoss` instead of subtracting because of their sign (which will be -ve).
142:             vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(settledMargin - positionSummary.profitLoss);
143:         }

Next, the vault.updateGlobalPositionData function here will be executed.

vault.updateGlobalPositionData({marginDelta: -(position.marginDeposited + positionSummary.accruedFunding)})
vault.updateGlobalPositionData({marginDelta: -(20 + (-100))})
vault.updateGlobalPositionData({marginDelta: 80})

profitLossTotal = 100
newMarginDepositedTotal = globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + marginDelta + profitLossTotal
newMarginDepositedTotal = (y - 100) + 80 + 100 = (y + 80)

stableCollateralTotal = stableCollateralTotal + -PnL
stableCollateralTotal = x + (-100) = (x - 100)

The final newMarginDepositedTotal is $y + 80$ and stableCollateralTotal is $x -100$, which is incorrect. In this scenario

Second Example

The current price of rETH is \$1000.

Let's say there is a user A (Alice) who makes a deposit of 5 rETH as collateral for LP.

Let's say another user, Bob (B), comes up, deposits 2 rETH as a margin, and creates a position with a size of 5 rETH, basically creating a perfectly hedged market. Since this is a perfectly hedged market, the accrued funding fee will be zero for the context of this example.

Total collateral in the system = 5 rETH + 2 rETH = 7 rETH

After some time, the price of rETH drop to \$500. As a result, Bob's position is liquidated as its settled margin is less than zero.

$$ settleMargin = 2\ rETH + \frac{5 \times (500 - 1000)}{500} = 2\ rETH - 5\ rETH = -3\ rETH $$

During the liquidation, the following code is executed to update the LP's stable collateral total:

vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(settledMargin - positionSummary.profitLoss);
vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(-3 rETH - (-5 rETH));

LP's stable collateral total increased by 2 rETH.

Subsequently, the updateGlobalPositionData function will be executed.

File: LiquidationModule.sol
85:     function liquidate(uint256 tokenId) public nonReentrant whenNotPaused liquidationInvariantChecks(vault, tokenId) {
159:         vault.updateGlobalPositionData({
160:             price: position.lastPrice,
161:             marginDelta: -(int256(position.marginDeposited) + positionSummary.accruedFunding),
162:             additionalSizeDelta: -int256(position.additionalSize) // Since position is being closed, additionalSizeDelta should be negative.
163:         });

Within the updateGlobalPositionData function, the profitLossTotal at Line 179 will be -5 rETH. This means that the long trader (Bob) has lost 5 rETH.

At Line 205 below, the PnL of the long traders (-5 rETH) will be transferred to the LP's stable collateral total. In this case, the LPs gain 5 rETH.

Note that the LP's stable collateral total has been increased by 2 rETH earlier and now we are increasing it by 5 rETH again. Thus, the total gain by LPs is 7 rETH. If we add 7 rETH to the original stable collateral total, it will be 7 rETH + 5 rETH = 12 rETH. However, this is incorrect because we only have 7 rETH collateral within the system, as shown at the start.

File: FlatcoinVault.sol
173:     function updateGlobalPositionData(
174:         uint256 _price,
175:         int256 _marginDelta,
176:         int256 _additionalSizeDelta
177:     ) external onlyAuthorizedModule {
178:         // Get the total profit loss and update the margin deposited total.
179:         int256 profitLossTotal = PerpMath._profitLossTotal({globalPosition: _globalPositions, price: _price});
181:         // Note that technically, even the funding fees should be accounted for when computing the margin deposited total.
182:         // However, since the funding fees are settled at the same time as the global position data is updated,
183:         // we can ignore the funding fees here.
184:         int256 newMarginDepositedTotal = int256(_globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal) + _marginDelta + profitLossTotal;
186:         // Check that the sum of margin of all the leverage traders is not negative.
187:         // Rounding errors shouldn't result in a negative margin deposited total given that
188:         // we are rounding down the profit loss of the position.
189:         // If anything, after closing the last position in the system, the `marginDepositedTotal` should can be positive.
190:         // The margin may be negative if liquidations are not happening in a timely manner.
191:         if (newMarginDepositedTotal < 0) {
192:             revert FlatcoinErrors.InsufficientGlobalMargin();
193:         }
195:         _globalPositions = FlatcoinStructs.GlobalPositions({
196:             marginDepositedTotal: uint256(newMarginDepositedTotal),
197:             sizeOpenedTotal: (int256(_globalPositions.sizeOpenedTotal) + _additionalSizeDelta).toUint256(),
198:             lastPrice: _price
199:         });
201:         // Profit loss of leverage traders has to be accounted for by adjusting the stable collateral total.
202:         // Note that technically, even the funding fees should be accounted for when computing the stable collateral total.
203:         // However, since the funding fees are settled at the same time as the global position data is updated,
204:         // we can ignore the funding fees here
205:         _updateStableCollateralTotal(-profitLossTotal);
206:     }

Third Example

At $T0$, the marginDepositedTotal = 70 ETH, stableCollateralTotal = 100 ETH, vault's balance = 170 ETH

Bob's Long Position Alice (LP)
Margin = 70 ETH
Position Size = 500 ETH
Leverage = (500 + 20) / 20 = 26x
Liquidation Fee = 50 ETH
Liquidation Margin = 60 ETH
Entry Price = \$1000 per ETH
Deposited = 100 ETH

At $T1$​, the position's settled margin falls to 60 ETH (margin = +70, accrued fee = -5, PnL = -5) and is subjected to liquidation.

Firstly, the settleFundingFees() function will be executed at the start of the liquidation process. The effect of the settleFundingFees() function is shown below. The long trader's marginDepositedTotal will be reduced by 5, while the LP's stableCollateralTotal will increase by 5.

settleFundingFees() = Long need to pay short 5

marginDepositedTotal = marginDepositedTotal + funding fee
marginDepositedTotal = 70 + (-5) = 65

stableCollateralTotal = 100 + (-(-5)) = 105

Next, this part of the code will be executed to send a portion of the liquidated position's margin to the liquidator and LPs.

settledMargin > 0 => True
(settledMargin > expectedLiquidationFee) => (+60 > +50) => True
remainingMargin = uint256(settledMargin) - expectedLiquidationFee = 60 - 50 = 10

50 ETH will be sent to the liquidator and the remaining 10 ETH should goes to the LPs.

vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(remainingMargin - positionSummary.profitLoss) =>
stableCollateralTotal = 105 ETH + (remaining margin - PnL)
stableCollateralTotal = 105 ETH + (10 ETH - (-5 ETH))
stableCollateralTotal = 105 ETH + (15 ETH) = 120 ETH

Next, the vault.updateGlobalPositionData function here will be executed.

vault.updateGlobalPositionData({marginDelta: -(position.marginDeposited + positionSummary.accruedFunding)})
vault.updateGlobalPositionData({marginDelta: -(70 + (-5))})
vault.updateGlobalPositionData({marginDelta: -65})

profitLossTotal = -5
newMarginDepositedTotal = globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + marginDelta + profitLossTotal
newMarginDepositedTotal = 70 + (-65) + (-5) = 0

stableCollateralTotal = stableCollateralTotal + -PnL
stableCollateralTotal = 120 + (-(5)) = 125

The reason why the profitLossTotal = -5 is because there is only one (1) position in the system. So, this loss actually comes from the loss of Bob's position.

The newMarginDepositedTotal = 0 is correct. This is because the system only has 1 position, which is Bob's position; once the position is liquidated, there should be no margin deposited left in the system.

However, stableCollateralTotal = 125 is incorrect. Because the vault's collateral balance now is 170 - 50 (send to liquidator) = 120. Thus, the tracked balance and actual collateral balance are not in sync.


The following is a list of potential impacts of this issue:

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


To remediate the issue, the profitLossTotal should be excluded within the updateGlobalPositionData function during liquidation.

- profitLossTotal = PerpMath._profitLossTotal(...)

- newMarginDepositedTotal = globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _marginDelta + profitLossTotal
+ newMarginDepositedTotal = globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal + _marginDelta

if (newMarginDepositedTotal < 0) {
    revert FlatcoinErrors.InsufficientGlobalMargin();

_globalPositions = FlatcoinStructs.GlobalPositions({
    marginDepositedTotal: uint256(newMarginDepositedTotal),
    sizeOpenedTotal: (int256(_globalPositions.sizeOpenedTotal) + _additionalSizeDelta).toUint256(),
    lastPrice: _price

- _updateStableCollateralTotal(-profitLossTotal);

The existing updateGlobalPositionData function still needs to be used for other functions besides liquidation. As such, consider creating a separate new function (e.g., updateGlobalPositionDataDuringLiquidation) solely for use during the liquidation that includes the above fixes.

The following attempts to apply the above fix to the three (3) examples described in the report to verify that it is working as intended.

First Example

Let the current StableCollateralTotal be $x$ and marginDepositedTotal be $y$ at the start of the liquidation.

StableCollateralTotal = $x$​​ + 100

marginDepositedTotal = $y$ - 100

vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(int256(remainingMargin) - positionSummary.profitLoss);
vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(0 - (+100));

StableCollateralTotal = ($x$ + 100) - 100 = $x$

marginDelta = -(position.marginDeposited + positionSummary.accruedFunding) = -(20 + (-100)) = 80

newMarginDepositedTotal = marginDepositedTotal + marginDelta = ($y$ - 100) + 80 = ($y$ - 20)

No change to StableCollateralTotal here. Remain at $x$

1) The LPs should not gain or lose in this scenario. Thus, the fact that the StableCollateralTotal remains as $x$ before and after the liquidation is correct. 2) The marginDepositedTotal is ($y$ - 20) is correct because the liquidated position's remaining margin is 20 ETH. Thus, when this position is liquidated, 20 ETH should be deducted from the marginDepositedTotal 3) No revert during the execution.

Second Example

vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(settledMargin - positionSummary.profitLoss);
vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(-3 rETH - (-5 rETH));

StableCollateralTotal = 5 + 2 = 7 ETH

marginDelta = -(position.marginDeposited + positionSummary.accruedFunding) = -(2 + 0) = -2

marginDepositedTotal = marginDepositedTotal + marginDelta = 2 + (-2) = 0

StableCollateralTotal = 7 ETH, marginDepositedTotal = 0 (Total 7 ETH tracked in the system)

Balance of collateral in the system = 7 ETH. Thus, both values are in sync. No revert.

Third Example

marginDepositedTotal = 70 + (-5) = 65

StableCollateralTotal = 100 + 5 = 105

50 ETH sent to the liquidator from the system: Balance of collateral in the system = 170 ETH - 50 ETH = 120 ETH

vault.updateStableCollateralTotal(remainingMargin - positionSummary.profitLoss) =>
stableCollateralTotal = 105 ETH + (remaining margin - PnL)
stableCollateralTotal = 105 ETH + (10 ETH - (-5 ETH))
stableCollateralTotal = 105 ETH + (15 ETH) = 120 ETH

StableCollateralTotal = 120 ETH

marginDelta= -(position.marginDeposited + positionSummary.accruedFunding) = -(70 + (-5)) = -65

marginDepositedTotal = 65 + (-65) = 0

StableCollateralTotal = 120 ETH, marginDepositedTotal = 0 (Total 120 ETH tracked in the system)

Balance of collateral in the system = 120 ETH. Thus, both values are in sync. No revert.

sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid: whole lot of lessons taught here; high(3)

rashtrakoff commented 6 months ago

Wow, this is a detailed explanation. We did find this issue during the audit and glad that you have found it as well!

itsermin commented 6 months ago

I believe this type of scenario is also fixed in the PR for #186:

It appears that this issue #186 and #192 are covering the same ground.

sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.