sherlock-audit / 2023-12-flatmoney-judging

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xiaoming90 - Existing limit order is not cancelled #202

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 5 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 5 months ago



Existing limit order is not cancelled


The existing limit order is not cancelled when a new limit order is announced. As a result, the keepers will be DOSed, which might degrade or halt the ability of the keeper to carry out their roles (e.g., executing orders and liquidating accounts).

For instance, if the liquidating of accounts cannot be executed or is being slowed down, the solvency of the protocol will be threatened, OR if the traders cannot have their positions adjusted (adding more margin) or closed in a timely manner, their positions might be at risk of being liquidated, leading to a loss for the traders.

Vulnerability Detail

Per the protocol team's response in the contest's Discord channel, it was understood the keepers operate as follows:

Keepers are external bots. Anyone can create/operate a keeper. Keepers are incentivised to execute an order using keeper fees and incentivised to liquidate using liquidator fees. Keepers can choose to execute and order or leave it depending on if the order is profitable for them (execution cost is less than keeper fee) or not.

Listening is done by events I believe.

When announcing a deposit, withdraw, open, adjust and close order, the code will check if the order already exists and expired. If so, it will cancel the existing order and emit the FlatcoinEvents.OrderCancelled to inform the keepers that this order has been cancelled.

However, when announcing a new limit order, the code does not check if there already exists a limit order and cancels it. As a result, it is possible for malicious users to DOS the keepers who are listening to FlatcoinEvents.OrderAnnounced event by executing a large number of announceLimitOrder TX continuously and emitting a large number of FlatcoinEvents.OrderAnnounced, thus overwhelming the keepers as they will see those announced orders that have not been canceled as valid.

File: LimitOrder.sol
58:     function announceLimitOrder(uint256 tokenId, uint256 priceLowerThreshold, uint256 priceUpperThreshold) external {
59:         uint64 executableAtTime = _prepareAnnouncementOrder();
60:         address positionOwner = _checkPositionOwner(tokenId);
61:         _checkThresholds(priceLowerThreshold, priceUpperThreshold);
62:         uint256 tradeFee = ILeverageModule(vault.moduleAddress(FlatcoinModuleKeys._LEVERAGE_MODULE_KEY)).getTradeFee(
63:             vault.getPosition(tokenId).additionalSize
64:         );
66:         _limitOrderClose[tokenId] = FlatcoinStructs.Order({
67:             orderType: FlatcoinStructs.OrderType.LimitClose,
68:             orderData: abi.encode(
69:                 FlatcoinStructs.LimitClose(tokenId, priceLowerThreshold, priceUpperThreshold, tradeFee)
70:             ),
71:             keeperFee: 0, // Not applicable for limit orders. Keeper fee will be determined at execution time.
72:             executableAtTime: executableAtTime
73:         });
75:         // Lock the NFT belonging to this position so that it can't be transferred to someone else.
76:         ILeverageModule(vault.moduleAddress(FlatcoinModuleKeys._LEVERAGE_MODULE_KEY)).lock(tokenId);
78:         emit FlatcoinEvents.OrderAnnounced({
79:             account: positionOwner,
80:             orderType: FlatcoinStructs.OrderType.LimitClose,
81:             keeperFee: 0
82:         });
83:     }

File: LimitOrder.sol
197:     /// @dev This function HAS to be called as soon as the transaction flow enters an announce function.
198:     function _prepareAnnouncementOrder() internal returns (uint64 executableAtTime) {
199:         // Settle funding fees to not encounter the `MaxSkewReached` error.
200:         // This error could happen if the funding fees are not settled for a long time and the market is skewed long
201:         // for a long time.
202:         vault.settleFundingFees();
204:         executableAtTime = uint64(block.timestamp + vault.minExecutabilityAge());
205:     }


Keepers will be DOSed, which might degrade or halt the ability of the keeper to carry out its roles (e.g., executing orders and liquidating accounts). If the keepers cannot carry out some of the roles, it will have various negative impacts on the protocols and users.

For instance, if the liquidating of accounts cannot be executed or is being slowed down, the solvency of the protocol will be threatened, OR if the traders cannot have their positions adjusted or closed in a timely manner, their positions might be at risk of being liquidated, leading to a loss for the traders.

Lastly, from the perspective of keepers, they also wasted their gas executing orders that are no longer valid as the limit order has already been overwritten by a newer limit order, but they were not informed via the event.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


If a limit order already exists, cancel the existing limit order and emit the FlatcoinEvents.OrderCancelled to inform the keepers that this order has been cancelled before announcing a new limit order.

sherlock-admin commented 5 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

invalid: they'll be paying for those keeper fees

rashtrakoff commented 5 months ago

The keepers are designed in such a way that when a new limit order is created by the same address (owner of the position) even though there already exists one (created by the same owner) then the limit order parameters are simply updated in the database. This is because one position cannot have multiple limit orders as per design.

The keepers are all separate services i.e, liquidations, limit order execution and order execution are all different services and bots can choose to run a mix of these services if they wish to.

Hence, I would consider this as not an issue.