sherlock-audit / 2023-12-flatmoney-judging

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LTDingZhen - Calculations in Keeperfee are too crude, making users pay more KeeperFee. #259

Closed sherlock-admin closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 5 months ago



Calculations in Keeperfee are too crude, making users pay more KeeperFee.


In KeeperFee.sol , KeeperFee is calculated on a very rough estimate, making users pay more additional fees.

Vulnerability Detail

In KeeperFee.sol , getKeeperFee()' would returnKeeperFee` in collateral:

function getKeeperFee() public view returns (uint256 keeperFeeCollateral) {

    ...    //get oracle feed and do some validation

    uint256 gasPriceL2 = _gasPriceOracle.gasPrice();
    uint256 overhead = _gasPriceOracle.overhead();
    uint256 l1BaseFee = _gasPriceOracle.l1BaseFee();
    uint256 decimals = _gasPriceOracle.decimals();
    uint256 scalar = _gasPriceOracle.scalar();

    uint256 costOfExecutionGrossEth = ((((_gasUnitsL1 + overhead) * l1BaseFee * scalar) / 10 ** decimals) +
        (_gasUnitsL2 * gasPriceL2));
    uint256 costOfExecutionGrossUSD = costOfExecutionGrossEth.mulDiv(ethPrice18, _UNIT); // fee priced in USD

    uint256 maxProfitMargin = _profitMarginUSD.max(costOfExecutionGrossUSD.mulDiv(_profitMarginPercent, _UNIT)); // additional USD profit for the keeper
    uint256 costOfExecutionNet = costOfExecutionGrossUSD + maxProfitMargin; // fee priced in USD

    keeperFeeCollateral = (_keeperFeeUpperBound.min(costOfExecutionNet.max(_keeperFeeLowerBound))).mulDiv(
    ); // fee priced in collateral

Currently, Transaction Fees on OP STACK chains are composed of an Execution Gas Fee and an L1 Data Fee. The total cost of a transaction is the sum of these two fees.

Since L1 fees often account for more than 80% of a transaction, we will only discuss L1 fees here.

According to OP doc,

the L1 Data Fee is calculated based on the following parameters:

After calculating the gas cost of the transaction data, the fixed and dynamic overhead values are applied.

tx_total_gas = (tx_data_gas + fixed_overhead) * dynamic_overhead

Finally, the total L1 Data Fee is calculated by multiplying the total gas cost by the current Ethereum base fee.

l1_data_fee = tx_total_gas * ethereum_base_fee

But in current Keeperfee.sol,

costOfExecutionGrossEth = ((((_gasUnitsL1 + overhead) * l1BaseFee * scalar) / 10 ** decimals) + (_gasUnitsL2 * gasPriceL2));

The tx_data_gas is just estimated to _gasUnitsL1. So no matter what transaction Keepers perform, users will always pay Keepers the same amount of gas.


Because KeeperFee should be able to cover all kinds of executions in terms of gas, this crude approximation will force users to pay more for orders that actually consume relatively little gas, such as executewithdraw.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Use something like payExecutionFee in GMX to refund users for their additional cost.

nevillehuang commented 5 months ago

Deleted the poc requesting comment wrongly, still require it by @RealLTDingZhen

sherlock-admin commented 5 months ago

2 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xLogos commented:

invalid, desing decision

takarez commented:


RealLTDingZhen commented 4 months ago

It could be a design choice. I'm dropping the issue.