sherlock-audit / 2023-12-notional-update-5-judging

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xiaoming90 - Low precision is used when checking spot price deviation #32

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 7 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago



Low precision is used when checking spot price deviation


Low precision is used when checking spot price deviation, which might lead to potential manipulation or create the potential for an MEV opportunity due to valuation discrepancy.

Vulnerability Detail

Assume the following:

File: Constants.sol
46:     // Basis for percentages
47:     int256 internal constant PERCENTAGE_DECIMALS = 100;

File: nTokenCalculations.sol
61:             int256 maxValueDeviationPercent = int256(
62:                 uint256(uint8(nToken.parameters[Constants.MAX_MINT_DEVIATION_LIMIT]))
63:             );
64:             // Check deviation limit here
65:             int256 deviationInPercentage = nTokenOracleValue.sub(nTokenSpotValue).abs()
66:                 .mul(Constants.PERCENTAGE_DECIMALS).div(nTokenOracleValue);
67:             require(deviationInPercentage <= maxValueDeviationPercent, "Over Deviation Limit");

Based on the above formula:

((nTokenOracleValue - nTokenSpotValue) * Constants.PERCENTAGE_DECIMALS) / nTokenOracleValue
((1,000,000,000 - 980,000,001) * 100) / 1,000,000,000
(19,999,999 * 100) / 1,000,000,000
1,999,999,900 / 1,000,000,000 = 1.9999999 = 1

The above shows that the oracle and spot values have deviated by 1.99999%, which is close to 2%. However, due to a rounding error, it is rounded down to 1%, and the TX will not revert.


The purpose of the deviation check is to ensure that the spot market value is not manipulated. If the deviation check is not accurate, it might lead to potential manipulation or create the potential for an MEV opportunity due to valuation discrepancy.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider increasing the precision.

For instance, increasing the precision from Constants.PERCENTAGE_DECIMALS (100) to 1e8 would have caught the issue mentioned earlier in the report even after the rounding down.

((nTokenOracleValue - nTokenSpotValue) * 1e8) / nTokenOracleValue
((1,000,000,000 - 980,000,001) * 1e8) / 1,000,000,000
(19,999,999 * 1e8) / 1,000,000,000 = 1999999.9 = 1999999

1% of 1e8 = 1000000

require(deviationInPercentage <= maxValueDeviationPercent, "Over Deviation Limit")
require(1999999 <= 1000000, "Over Deviation Limit") => Revert
sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid because { This is valid}

sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed-off on the fix.