sherlock-audit / 2023-12-ubiquity-judging

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Krace - Users could mint and redeem Ubiquity Dollar with a more favorable Dollar price #163

Closed sherlock-admin closed 7 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 8 months ago



Users could mint and redeem Ubiquity Dollar with a more favorable Dollar price


Upon establishing a new MetaPool, the Ubiquity Dollar's price is configured to 1 ether. In the event that users execute either the mintDollar or redeemDollar functions within the same block as the setPool operation, they have the opportunity to leverage the 1 ether price for potential profits.

Vulnerability Detail

In the provided code snippet, the function setPool is utilized to set a new MetaPool by the owner. And, it establishes the price of Ubiquity Dollar to the default value of 1 ether.

    function setPool(address _pool, address _curve3CRVToken1) internal {
            IMetaPool(_pool).coins(0) ==
            "TWAPOracle: FIRST_COIN_NOT_DOLLAR"
        TWAPOracleStorage storage ts = twapOracleStorage();

        // coin at index 0 is Ubiquity Dollar and index 1 is 3CRV
            IMetaPool(_pool).coins(1) == _curve3CRVToken1,
            "TWAPOracle: COIN_ORDER_MISMATCH"

        uint256 _reserve0 = uint112(IMetaPool(_pool).balances(0));
        uint256 _reserve1 = uint112(IMetaPool(_pool).balances(1));

        // ensure that there's liquidity in the pair
        require(_reserve0 != 0 && _reserve1 != 0, "TWAPOracle: NO_RESERVES");
        // ensure that pair balance is perfect
        require(_reserve0 == _reserve1, "TWAPOracle: PAIR_UNBALANCED");
        ts.priceCumulativeLast = IMetaPool(_pool).get_price_cumulative_last();
        ts.pricesBlockTimestampLast = IMetaPool(_pool).block_timestamp_last();
        ts.pool = _pool;
        // dollar token is inside the diamond
        ts.token1 = _curve3CRVToken1;
//@audit the price is set to 1 ether, rather than the actual price
        ts.price0Average = 1 ether;
        ts.price1Average = 1 ether;

Let's examine the logic of price updates within the update() function. It's essential to note that the price is eligible for an update only when blockTimestamp > ts.pricesBlockTimestampLast.

    function update() internal {
        TWAPOracleStorage storage ts = twapOracleStorage();
            uint256[2] memory priceCumulative,
            uint256 blockTimestamp
        ) = currentCumulativePrices();
        if (blockTimestamp - ts.pricesBlockTimestampLast > 0) {
            // get the balances between now and the last price cumulative snapshot
            uint256[2] memory twapBalances = IMetaPool(ts.pool)
                    blockTimestamp - ts.pricesBlockTimestampLast

            // price to exchange amountIn Ubiquity Dollar to 3CRV based on TWAP
            ts.price0Average = IMetaPool(ts.pool).get_dy(
                1 ether,

            // price to exchange amountIn 3CRV to Ubiquity Dollar based on TWAP
            ts.price1Average = IMetaPool(ts.pool).get_dy(
                1 ether,
            // we update the priceCumulative
            ts.priceCumulativeLast = priceCumulative;
            ts.pricesBlockTimestampLast = blockTimestamp;

Hence, should an attacker execute the mintDollar immediately after the establishment of a new MetaPool (within the same block and timestamp), the Ubiquity Dollar's price will promptly revert to 1 ether.

In the event that 1 ether happens to represent a lower price and exceeds the mintPriceThreshold, the attacker stands to obtain more collateral than intended. This scenario also holds true for the redeemDollar function when 1 ether exceeds the current price.

    function mintDollar(
        uint256 collateralIndex,
        uint256 dollarAmount,
        uint256 dollarOutMin,
        uint256 maxCollateralIn
        returns (uint256 totalDollarMint, uint256 collateralNeeded)
        UbiquityPoolStorage storage poolStorage = ubiquityPoolStorage();

            poolStorage.isMintPaused[collateralIndex] == false,
            "Minting is paused"

        // update Dollar price from Curve's Dollar Metapool
        // prevent unnecessary mints
//@audit getDollarPriceUsd is 1 ether if this is invoked in the same block with setPool
            getDollarPriceUsd() >= poolStorage.mintPriceThreshold,
            "Dollar price too low"


Users could mint and redeem Ubiquity Dollar with a more favorable Dollar price and profit from that.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It's recommended to set the price0Average and price1Average to the correct value when setting new Pool.

Duplicate of #20

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

auditsea commented:

In the beginning, it's guaranteed that token price is $1

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

auditsea commented:

In the beginning, it's guaranteed that token price is $1