sherlock-audit / 2024-01-napier-judging

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xiaoming90 - `swapUnderlyingForYt` revert due to rounding issues #101

Open sherlock-admin opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 5 months ago



swapUnderlyingForYt revert due to rounding issues


The core function (swapUnderlyingForYt) of the Router will revert due to rounding issues. Users who intend to swap underlying assets to YT tokens via the Router will be unable to do so.

Vulnerability Detail

The swapUnderlyingForYt allows users to swap underlying assets to a specific number of YT tokens they desire.

File: NapierRouter.sol
297:     function swapUnderlyingForYt(
298:         address pool,
299:         uint256 index,
300:         uint256 ytOutDesired,
301:         uint256 underlyingInMax,
302:         address recipient,
303:         uint256 deadline
304:     ) external payable override nonReentrant checkDeadline(deadline) returns (uint256) {
330:             // Variable Definitions:
331:             // - `uDeposit`: The amount of underlying asset that needs to be deposited to issue PT and YT.
332:             // - `ytOutDesired`: The desired amount of PT and YT to be issued.
333:             // - `cscale`: Current scale of the Tranche.
334:             // - `maxscale`: Maximum scale of the Tranche (denoted as 'S' in the formula).
335:             // - `issuanceFee`: Issuance fee in basis points. (10000 =100%).
337:             // Formula for `Tranche.issue`:
338:             // ```
339:             // shares = uDeposit / s
340:             // fee = shares * issuanceFeeBps / 10000
341:             // pyIssue = (shares - fee) * S
342:             // ```
344:             // Solving for `uDeposit`:
345:             // ```
346:             // uDeposit = (pyIssue * s / S) / (1 - issuanceFeeBps / 10000)
347:             // ```
348:             // Hack:
349:             // Buffer is added to the denominator.
350:             // This ensures that at least `ytOutDesired` amount of PT and YT are issued.
351:             // If maximum scale and current scale are significantly different or `ytOutDesired` is small, the function might fail.
352:             // Without this buffer, any rounding errors that reduce the issued PT and YT could lead to an insufficient amount of PT to be repaid to the pool.
353:             uint256 uDepositNoFee = cscale * ytOutDesired / maxscale;
354:             uDeposit = uDepositNoFee * MAX_BPS / (MAX_BPS - (series.issuanceFee + 1)); // 0.01 bps buffer

Line 353-354 above compute the number of underlying deposits needed to send to the Tranche to issue the amount of YT token the users desired. It attempts to add a buffer of 0.01 bps buffer to prevent rounding errors that could lead to insufficient PT being repaid to the pool and result in a revert. During the audit, it was found that this buffer is ineffective in achieving its purpose.

The following example/POC demonstrates a revert could still occur due to insufficient PT being repaid despite having a buffer:

Let the state be the following:

The following computes the number of underlying assets to be transferred to the Tranche to mint/issue PY + YT

uDepositNoFee = cscale * ytOutDesired / maxscale;
uDepositNoFee = 1.2e18 * 123 / 1.25e18 = 118.08 = 118 (Round down)

uDeposit = uDepositNoFee * MAX_BPS / (MAX_BPS - (series.issuanceFee + 1))
uDeposit = 118 * 10000 / (10000 - (0 + 1)) = 118.0118012 = 118 (Round down)

Subsequently, the code will perform a flash-swap via the swapPtForUnderlying function. It will borrow 123 PT from the pool, which must be repaid later.

In the swap callback function, the code will transfer 118 underlying assets to the Tranche and execute the Tranche.issue function to mint/issue PY + YT.

Within the Tranche.issue function, it will trigger the adapter.prefundedDeposit() function to mint the estETH/shares. The following is the number of estETH/shares minted:

shares = assets * (total supply/total assets)
sahres = 118 * 100e18 / 120e18 = 98.33333333 = 98 shares

Next, Line 219 below of the Tranche.issue function will compute the number of PY+YT to be issued/minted

issued = (sharesUsed - fee).mulWadDown(_maxscale);
issued = (sharesUsed - 0).mulWadDown(_maxscale);
issued = sharesUsed.mulWadDown(_maxscale);

issued = sharesUsed * _maxscale / WAD
issued = 98 * 1.25e18 / 1e18 = 122.5 = 122 PT (Round down)

File: Tranche.sol
179:     function issue(
180:         address to,
181:         uint256 underlyingAmount
182:     ) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused notExpired returns (uint256 issued) {
217:         uint256 sharesUsed = sharesMinted + accruedInTarget;
218:         uint256 fee = sharesUsed.mulDivUp(issuanceFeeBps, MAX_BPS);
219:         issued = (sharesUsed - fee).mulWadDown(_maxscale);

At the end of the Tranche.issue function, 122 PY + YT is issued/minted back to the Router.

Note that 123 PT was flash-loaned earlier, and 123 PT needs to be repaid. Otherwise, the code at Line 164 below will revert. The main problem is that only 122 PY was issued/minted (a shortfall of 1 PY). Thus, the swap TX will revert at the end.

File: NapierRouter.sol
085:     function swapCallback(int256 underlyingDelta, int256 ptDelta, bytes calldata data) external override {
161:             uint256 pyIssued ={to: address(this), underlyingAmount: params.underlyingDeposit});
163:             // Repay the PT to Napier pool
164:             if (pyIssued < pyDesired) revert Errors.RouterInsufficientPtRepay();


The core function (swapUnderlyingForYt) of the Router will break. Users who intend to swap underlying assets to YT tokens via the Router will not be able to do so.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The buffer does not appear to be the correct approach to manage this rounding error. One could increase the buffer from 0.01% to 1% and solve the issue in the above example, but a different or larger number might cause a rounding error to surface again. Also, a larger buffer means that many unnecessary PTs will be issued.

Thus, it is recommended that a round-up division be performed when computing the uDepositNoFee and uDeposit using functions such as divWadUp so that the issued/minted PT can cover the debt.

sherlock-admin commented 5 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid: rounding error: medium(7)

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.