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dany.armstrong90 - Yield can be distributed when tranche is paused. #115

Closed sherlock-admin closed 5 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 5 months ago



Yield can be distributed when tranche is paused.


Tranche.sol#issue, updateUnclaimedYield, collect functions which process yields are all implemented with whenNotPaused modifier. But the whenNotPaused modifier is not applied to redeemWithYT function.

Vulnerability Detail

Tranche.sol#redeemWithYT function is as follows.

    function redeemWithYT(address from, address to, uint256 pyAmount) external nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
        uint256 _lscale = lscales[from];
        uint256 accruedInTarget = unclaimedYields[from];

        // Calculate the accrued interest in Target token
        // The lscale should not be 0 because the user should have some YT balance
        if (_lscale == 0) revert NoAccruedYield();

        GlobalScales memory _gscales = gscales;

        // Compute the accrued yield from the time when the YT balance is updated last to now
        // The accrued yield in units of target is computed as:
        // Formula: yield = ytBalance * (1/lscale - 1/maxscale)
        // Sum up the accrued yield, plus the unclaimed yield from the last time to now
        accruedInTarget += _computeAccruedInterestInTarget(
            // Use yt balance instead of `pyAmount`
            // because we'll update the user's lscale to the current maxscale after this line
            // regardless of whether the user redeems all of their yt or not.
            // Otherwise, the user will lose some accrued yield from the last time to now.
        // Compute shares equivalent to the amount of principal token to redeem
        uint256 sharesRedeemed = pyAmount.divWadDown(_gscales.maxscale);

        // Update the local scale and accrued yield of `from`
        lscales[from] = _gscales.maxscale;
275     delete unclaimedYields[from];
        gscales = _gscales;

        // Burn PT and YT tokens from `from`
        _burnFrom(from, pyAmount);
        _yt.burnFrom(from, msg.sender, pyAmount);

        // Withdraw underlying tokens from the adapter and transfer them to the user
283     _target.safeTransfer(address(adapter), sharesRedeemed + accruedInTarget);
284     (uint256 amountWithdrawn, ) = adapter.prefundedRedeem(to);

        emit RedeemWithYT(from, to, amountWithdrawn);
        return amountWithdrawn;

As we can see above, on L275, 283, 284, it processes yields. But whenNotPaused is not applied.


Yield can be distributed when paused.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The whenNotPaused modifier has to be applied to Tranche.sol#redeemWithYT as follows. Tranche.sol#redeemWithYT function has to be modified as follows.

-   function redeemWithYT(address from, address to, uint256 pyAmount) external nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
+   function redeemWithYT(address from, address to, uint256 pyAmount) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused returns (uint256) {

Duplicate of #75