sherlock-audit / 2024-01-telcoin-judging

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0xadrii - Wrong parameter when retrieving causes a complete DoS of the protocol #139

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 8 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 8 months ago



Wrong parameter when retrieving causes a complete DoS of the protocol


A wrong parameter in the _retrieve() prevents the protocol from properly interacting with Sablier, causing a Denial of Service in all functions calling _retrieve().

Vulnerability Detail

The CouncilMember contract is designed to interact with a Sablier stream. As time passes, the Sablier stream will unlock more TELCOIN tokens which will be available to be retrieved from CouncilMember.

The _retrieve() internal function will be used in order to fetch the rewards from the stream and distribute them among the Council Member NFT holders (snippet reduced for simplicity):

// CouncilMember.sol

function _retrieve() internal {
        // Execute the withdrawal from the _target, which might be a Sablier stream or another protocol


The most important part in _retrieve() regarding the vulnerability that we’ll dive into is the _stream.execute() interaction and the params it receives. In order to understand such interaction, we first need understand the importance of the _stream and the _target variables.

Sablier allows developers to integrate Sablier via Periphery contracts, which prevents devs from dealing with the complexity of directly integrating Sablier’s Core contracts. Telcoin developers have decided to use these periphery contracts. Concretely, the following contracts have been used:

NOTE: It is important to understand that the actual lockup linear stream will be deployed as well. The difference is that the Telcoin protocol will not interact with that contract directly. Instead, the PRBProxy and proxy target contracts will be leveraged to perform such interactions.

Knowing this, we can now move on to explaining Telcoin’s approach to withdrawing the available tokens from the stream. As seen in the code snippet above, the _retrieve() function will perform two steps to actually perform a withdraw from the stream:

It will first call the _stream's execute() function (remember _stream is a PRBProxy). This function receives a target and some data as parameter, and performs a delegatecall aiming at the target:


/// @inheritdoc IPRBProxy
   function execute(address target, bytes calldata data) external payable override returns (bytes memory response) {

        // Delegate call to the target contract, and handle the response.
        response = _execute(target, data);

                          INTERNAL NON-CONSTANT FUNCTIONS

    /// @notice Executes a DELEGATECALL to the provided target with the provided data.
    /// @dev Shared logic between the constructor and the `execute` function.
    function _execute(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory response) {
        // Check that the target is a contract.
        if (target.code.length == 0) {
            revert PRBProxy_TargetNotContract(target);

        // Delegate call to the target contract.
        bool success;
        (success, response) = target.delegatecall(data);


In the _retrieve() function, the target where the call will be forwarded to is the _target parameter, which is a ProxyTarget contract. Concretely, the delegatecall function that will be triggered in the ProxyTarget will be withdrawMax():


function withdrawMax(ISablierV2Lockup lockup, uint256 streamId, address to) external onlyDelegateCall {
    lockup.withdrawMax(streamId, to);

As we can see, the withdrawMax() function has as parameters the lockup stream contract to withdraw from, the streamId and the address to which will receive the available funds from the stream. The vulnerability lies in the parameters passed when calling the withdrawMax() function in _retrieve(). As we can see, the first encoded parameter in the encodeWithSelector() call after the selector is the _target:

// CouncilMember.sol

function _retrieve() internal {
        // Execute the withdrawal from the _target, which might be a Sablier stream or another protocol
                _target,   // <------- This is incorrect


This means that the proxy target’s withdrawMax() function will be triggered with the _target contract as the lockup parameter, which is incorrect. This will make all calls eventually execute withdrawMax() on the PRBProxy contract, always reverting.

The parameter needed to perform the withdrawMax() call correctly is the actual Sablier lockup contract, which is currently not stored in the CouncilMember contract.

The following diagram also summarizes the current wrong interactions for clarity: vulnerability


High. ALL withdrawals from the Sablier stream will revert, effectively causing a DoS in the _retrieve() function. Because the _retrieve() function is called in all the main protocol functions, this vulnerability essentially prevents the protocol from ever functioning correctly.

Proof of Concept

Because the current Telcoin repo does not include actual tests with the real Sablier contracts (instead, a TestStream contract is used, which has led to not unveiling this vulnerability), [I’ve created a repository]( where the poc can be executed (the repository will be public after the audit finishes (on 15 jan. 2024 at 16:00 CET)). The testPoc() function shows how any interaction (in this case, a call to the mint() function) will fail because the proper Sablier contracts are used (PRBProxy and proxy target):

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {Test, console2} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {SablierV2Comptroller} from "@sablier/v2-core/src/SablierV2Comptroller.sol";
import {SablierV2NFTDescriptor} from "@sablier/v2-core/src/SablierV2NFTDescriptor.sol";
import {SablierV2LockupLinear} from "@sablier/v2-core/src/SablierV2LockupLinear.sol";
import {ISablierV2Comptroller} from "@sablier/v2-core/src/interfaces/ISablierV2Comptroller.sol";
import {ISablierV2NFTDescriptor} from "@sablier/v2-core/src/interfaces/ISablierV2NFTDescriptor.sol";
import {ISablierV2LockupLinear} from "@sablier/v2-core/src/interfaces/ISablierV2LockupLinear.sol";

import {CouncilMember, IPRBProxy} from "../src/core/CouncilMember.sol";
import {TestTelcoin} from "./mock/TestTelcoin.sol";
import {MockProxyTarget} from "./mock/MockProxyTarget.sol";
import {PRBProxy} from "./mock/MockPRBProxy.sol";
import {PRBProxyRegistry} from "./mock/MockPRBProxyRegistry.sol";

import {UD60x18} from "@prb/math/src/UD60x18.sol";
import {LockupLinear, Broker, IERC20} from "@sablier/v2-core/src/types/DataTypes.sol";
import {IERC20 as IERC20OZ} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

contract PocTest is Test {

    //                        CONSTANTS                           //

   bytes32 public constant GOVERNANCE_COUNCIL_ROLE =
    bytes32 public constant SUPPORT_ROLE = keccak256("SUPPORT_ROLE");

    //                         STORAGE                            //

    /// @notice Poc Users
    address public sablierAdmin;
    address public user;

    /// @notice Sablier contracts
    SablierV2Comptroller public comptroller;
    SablierV2NFTDescriptor public nftDescriptor;
    SablierV2LockupLinear public lockupLinear;

    /// @notice Telcoin contracts
    PRBProxyRegistry public proxyRegistry;
    PRBProxy public stream;
    MockProxyTarget public target;
    CouncilMember public councilMember;
    TestTelcoin public telcoin;

    function setUp() public {
        // Setup users

        // Deploy token
        telcoin = new TestTelcoin(address(this));

        // Deploy Sablier 

        // Deploy council member
        councilMember = new CouncilMember();

        // Setup stream

        // Setup the council member

    function testPoc() public {
      // Step 1: Mint council NFT to user;
      assertEq(councilMember.balanceOf(user), 1);

      // Step 2: Forward time 1 days
      vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);

      // Step 3: All functions calling _retrieve() (mint(), burn(), removeFromOffice()) will fail

    function _setupUsers() internal {
        sablierAdmin = makeAddr("sablierAdmin");
        user = makeAddr("user");

    function _deploySablier() internal {
        // Deploy protocol
        comptroller = new SablierV2Comptroller(sablierAdmin);
        nftDescriptor = new SablierV2NFTDescriptor();
        lockupLinear = new SablierV2LockupLinear(

    function _setupStream() internal {

        // Deploy proxies
        proxyRegistry = new PRBProxyRegistry();
        stream = PRBProxy(payable(address(proxyRegistry.deploy())));
        target = new MockProxyTarget();

        // Setup stream
        LockupLinear.Durations memory durations = LockupLinear.Durations({
            cliff: 0,
            total: 1 weeks

        UD60x18 fee = UD60x18.wrap(0);

        Broker memory broker = Broker({account: address(0), fee: fee});
        LockupLinear.CreateWithDurations memory params = LockupLinear
                sender: address(this),
                recipient: address(stream),
                totalAmount: 100e18,
                asset: IERC20(address(telcoin)),
                cancelable: false,
                transferable: false,
                durations: durations,
                broker: broker

        bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(target.createWithDurations.selector, address(lockupLinear), params, "");

        // Create the stream through the PRBProxy
        telcoin.approve(address(stream), type(uint256).max);
        bytes memory response = stream.execute(address(target), data);
        assertEq(lockupLinear.ownerOf(1), address(stream));

    function _setupCouncilMember() internal {
      // Initialize
            "Test Council",
            IPRBProxy(address(stream)), // stream_
            address(target), // target_
            1, // id_

        // Grant roles
        councilMember.grantRole(GOVERNANCE_COUNCIL_ROLE, address(this));
        councilMember.grantRole(SUPPORT_ROLE, address(this));


Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review, foundry


In order to fix the vulnerability, the proper address needs to be passed when calling withdrawMax().

Note that the actual stream address is currently NOT stored in CouncilMember.sol, so it will need to be stored (my example shows a new actualStream variable)

function _retrieve() internal {
        // Execute the withdrawal from the _target, which might be a Sablier stream or another protocol
-                _target, 
+       actualStream

amshirif commented 8 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 8 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid because { This is valid a a dupp of 086; the watson claims its hight but will still make it meduim due to the impact mentioned in issue 086; but making it the best report as the POC is well written and implemented}

nevillehuang commented 8 months ago

@amshirif Is there anyway the admin can unblock DoS in withdrawals?

amshirif commented 8 months ago

@nevillehuang No, a new contract with these fixes would need to be deployed to prevent DoS because those two values had to be the same prior to the fix.

sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed-off on the fix.