sherlock-audit / 2024-01-telcoin-judging

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0xadrii - Pausing the TelcoinDistributor can prevent the challenge period mechanism from functioning properly #145

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 7 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago



Pausing the TelcoinDistributor can prevent the challenge period mechanism from functioning properly


The contract's paused time is not considered when challenging a proposal, which could lead to proposals being executed without having a period where council members can challenge it.

Vulnerability Detail

The TelcoinDistributor.sol allows new transactions to be proposed. Council members can challenge proposals using the challengeTransaction() function:

// TelcoinDistributor.sol

function challengeTransaction(
        uint256 transactionId
    ) external onlyCouncilMember whenNotPaused {
        // Makes sure the id exists
            transactionId < proposedTransactions.length,
            "TelcoinDistributor: Invalid index"

        // Reverts if the current time exceeds the sum of the transaction's timestamp and the challenge period
            block.timestamp <=
                proposedTransactions[transactionId].timestamp + challengePeriod,
            "TelcoinDistributor: Challenge period has ended"

        // Sets the challenged flag of the proposed transaction to true
        proposedTransactions[transactionId].challenged = true;

        // Emits an event with the transaction ID and the challenger's address
        emit TransactionChallenged(transactionId, _msgSender());

This mechanism is crucial in the TelcoinDistributor mechanics, given that any council member can propose transactions at their will. If a transaction is challenged, it will no longer be able to be executed using the executeTransaction(), so this is an important component to prevent malicious transactions from being executed.

The problem with the current implementation is that pausing the contract can make the challenge time for a transaction to be passed, preventing users from actually challenging the transaction. Note that the challengeTransaction() has the whenNotPaused modifier, which prevents it from being called if the contract is paused.

Consider the following scenario:

  1. A transaction is proposed. At this point, any council member can challenge it until the challengePeriod passes.
  2. After the transaction gets proposed, the owner of the contract is forced to pause the contract due to an external unfortunate event.
  3. After some time (a time greater than the challengePeriod) passes, the owner decides to unpause the contract.
  4. Because the challenging period for the transaction proposed in 1 has passed while the contract was in a paused state, council members will no longer be able of challenging that transaction. If the transaction is malicious, it could have unfortunate consequences for the protocol (such as draining the owner() ’s TELCOIN balance).

The following diagram illustrates the previously described scenario:

Captura de Pantalla 2024-01-15 a las 9 11 18


Medium. Although this is an edge case that might have critical consequences, the probability of such a situation taking place is low. However, this situation can not be overlooked and must be considered, given that it impacts a crucial protocol mechanic.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Consider tracking the contract’s paused time. Such time should be considered in the challengePeriod function in order to decide if the challenge period should be extended or not for the currently proposed transactions. If the contract was paused between a transaction proposal and its total challenge period duration, the paused difference should be considered in order to apply a proper challenge period duration.

Duplicate of #24

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

invalid because { This is invalid and due to the same reasol wiith issue 024}