sherlock-audit / 2024-01-telcoin-judging

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VAD37 - `StakingRewardsManager.sol` function `topUp()` does not use array index or `indices` to setup config #146

Closed sherlock-admin closed 7 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago



StakingRewardsManager.sol function topUp() does not use array index or indices to setup config


The topUp() function in StakingRewardsManager.sol have input uint256[] memory indices but this was not used correctly. Instead it just use indices.length to loop through all staking contracts array from 0 to length.

The expected behaviour is changing config for specific staking contract by using indices as index. But what happen is it change all staking contracts in the array from index 0 to input length.

Vulnerability Detail

Looking at topUp() function in StakingRewardsManager.sol

    /// @notice Top up multiple staking contracts
    /// @param source address from which tokens are taken
    /// @param indices array of staking contract indices
    function topUp(
        address source,
        uint256[] memory indices
    ) external onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) {
        for (uint i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {//@audit H forloop forget using indices array for index of stakignContracts. Now it overflow array
            // get staking contract and config
            StakingRewards staking = stakingContracts[i];
            StakingConfig memory config = stakingConfigs[staking];

            // will revert if block.timestamp <= periodFinish

            // pull tokens from owner of this contract to fund the staking contract

            // start periods

            emit ToppedUp(staking, config);

Input variable indices is only used as array length. It suppose to be used like this

uint index = indices[i];
StakingRewards staking = stakingContracts[index];

If admin intention is topUp all staking contracts at once then there is no need to input entire array and only need to input uint length of array is enough.


Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Use indices array as index

        for (uint i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
            uint index = indices[i];
            require(stakingContracts.length > index, "StakingRewardsManager::topUp: index out of bounds");
            // get staking contract and config            
            StakingRewards staking = stakingContracts[index];
            StakingConfig memory config = stakingConfigs[staking];

Duplicate of #16

sherlock-admin2 commented 7 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid because { even though its quietly different than the issue 016 but the underlying cause is the same; i will consider it valid and a dupp of it; and also the recommendation here is not so robust; so i protest againts using it.}