The owner of the TelcoinDistributor contract can freeze transactions/funds
An integer overflow using the challengePeriod value can be used by the owner that deploys the TelcoinDistributor contract and through the challengePeriod value, he is able to freeze transactions any time he wishes and even get the funds stuck in the contract.
Vulnerability Detail
How challengePeriod is defined:
// amount of time a proposal can be challenged
uint256 public challengePeriod;
IERC20 telcoin,
uint256 period,
IERC721 council
) Ownable(_msgSender()) {
// verifies no zero values were used
address(telcoin) != address(0) &&
address(council) != address(0) &&
period != 0,
"TelcoinDistributor: cannot intialize to zero"
// initialize telcoin address
TELCOIN = telcoin;
// Initialize challengePeriod duration
challengePeriod = period; // [here]
// Initialize councilNft address
councilNft = council;
function setChallengePeriod(uint256 newPeriod) public onlyOwner {
//update period
challengePeriod = newPeriod;
// Emitting an event for new period
emit ChallengePeriodUpdated(challengePeriod);
The first snippet of code shows that the challengePeriod is initialized in the constructor() and without any boundary checks.
Then in the function setChallengePeriod() it is only updated by the owner of the new instance of the TelcoinDistributor contract but also without limitations on the new period value.
block.timestamp <=
proposedTransactions[transactionId].timestamp + challengePeriod,
"TelcoinDistributor: Challenge period has ended"
// Sets the challenged flag of the proposed transaction to true
proposedTransactions[transactionId].challenged = true;
Using the challengePeriod, the require() check can evaluate to false any time he wishes. This will end up resulting on transactions that will never be challenged and executed, keeping in mind that the challenged flag will never be true, the function executeTransaction() will revert.
// Reverts if the challenge period has not expired
// [1]
block.timestamp >
proposedTransactions[transactionId].timestamp + challengePeriod,
"TelcoinDistributor: Challenge period has not ended"
// [2]
// makes sure the transaction was not challenged
"TelcoinDistributor: transaction has been challenged"
// makes sure the transaction was not executed previously
"TelcoinDistributor: transaction has been previously executed"
// sends out transaction
At [1] that check will be false because of the overflow with challengePeriod.
[2] reverts as well because the challengeTransaction() as shown above.
A malicious actor can create new instances of the TelcoinDistributor and have full control when to challenge or execute transactions (Freezing of funds).
Since the challengers of proposed transactions are Council Members, this attack will also remove their control over the system.
The owner of the TelcoinDistributor contract can freeze transactions/funds
An integer overflow using the
value can be used by the owner that deploys the TelcoinDistributor contract and through the challengePeriod value, he is able to freeze transactions any time he wishes and even get the funds stuck in the contract.Vulnerability Detail
How challengePeriod is defined:
is initialized in theconstructor()
and without any boundary checks.setChallengePeriod()
it is only updated by the owner of the new instance of the TelcoinDistributor contract but also without limitations on the new period value.challengeTransaction()
Using the challengePeriod, the require() check can evaluate to false any time he wishes. This will end up resulting on transactions that will never be challenged and executed, keeping in mind that the challenged flag will never be true, the function
will revert.executeTransaction
At [1] that check will be false because of the overflow with challengePeriod. [2] reverts as well because the challengeTransaction() as shown above.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
Set limitations for the
value so that it can not overflow on the checks highlighted.