sherlock-audit / 2024-02-jala-swap-judging

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C1rdan - Wrapped Tokens can be stuck / Wrong amount used in MasterRouter #213

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago



Wrapped Tokens can be stuck / Wrong amount used in MasterRouter


MasterRouter uses the wrong amount, originToken instead of wrappedToken, which leads to less traded tokens and wrapped Tokens stuck in the router.

Vulnerability Detail

MasterRouter is responsible for wrapping/unwrapping of tokens and using the Uniswap Router to execute swaps. It is crucial to take care that the correct amount values are used, as the wrapped tokens are always having 18 decimals and the origin Token usually less.

The vulnerability stems from the swapExactTokensforEth function, which takes the originToken and the originToken amount (amountIn) as user input. It then transfers this amount to itself and wraps it using the wrapperFactory. Next, the swap function from the JalaRouter02 is called. The token to be swapped here is the wrapped token, but the amount passed is the amountIn variable which is the amount of the originToken (less decimals).

This results in less tokens to be actually traded and the rest of the transferred and wrapped tokens to remain inside the MasterRouter contract.


User receives less CHY (ETH) for their tokens and Wrapped Tokens are stuck in MasterRouter contract

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


use Wrapped Token amount instead of amountIn

Duplicate of #146