Incorrect enforcement of bottom-up resolution leads to unresolvable claims
Incorrect enforcement of bottom-up resolution leads to unresolvable claims.
Vulnerability Detail
When the dispute game ends, claims are resolved from the bottom-up, to ensure challenges are properly settled. When resolving a claim, it is verified that no challenger of that claim has it's own challenges. Otherwise, we view any non-countered challenges of the current claim as legitimate.
for (uint256 i = 0; i < challengeIndicesLen; ++i) {
uint256 challengeIndex = challengeIndices[i];
// INVARIANT: Cannot resolve a subgame containing an unresolved claim
if (subgames[challengeIndex].length != 0) revert OutOfOrderResolution();
ClaimData storage claim = claimData[challengeIndex];
// If the child subgame is uncountered and further left than the current left-most counter,
// update the parent subgame's `countered` address and the current `leftmostCounter`.
// The left-most correct counter is preferred in bond payouts in order to discourage attackers
// from countering invalid subgame roots via an invalid defense position. As such positions
// cannot be correctly countered.
// Note that correctly positioned defense, but invalid claimes can still be successfully countered.
if (claim.counteredBy == address(0) && leftmostCounter.raw() > claim.position.raw()) {
countered = claim.claimant;
leftmostCounter = claim.position;
Another requirement in order to resolve claims is that the game must still be in progress:
if (status != GameStatus.IN_PROGRESS) revert GameNotInProgress();
An issue occurs because although the game resolution logic is sound in this case, the state management allows a situation where a claim that has not been resolved yet will never be resolvable. Consider the situation below:
Claim B -> Claim A
Claim A is the root claim and claim B counters it. When the game timer ends for A, it can be resolved (there are no subgames for claim B). However, since A is the root, resolve() can now be called, which changes the status of the game to CHALLENGER_WINS. However, now resolveClaim() can never be called for B (the in progress check will fail).
As a result, the bond for claim B cannot be claimed, leading to loss of funds of the honest claimer.
An honest participant may lose their bond.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
Two options:
Allow resolutions to take place not during the game runtime
Require that all child claims have been resolved before resolving the root.
Incorrect enforcement of bottom-up resolution leads to unresolvable claims
Incorrect enforcement of bottom-up resolution leads to unresolvable claims.
Vulnerability Detail
When the dispute game ends, claims are resolved from the bottom-up, to ensure challenges are properly settled. When resolving a claim, it is verified that no challenger of that claim has it's own challenges. Otherwise, we view any non-countered challenges of the current claim as legitimate.
Another requirement in order to resolve claims is that the game must still be in progress:
if (status != GameStatus.IN_PROGRESS) revert GameNotInProgress();
An issue occurs because although the game resolution logic is sound in this case, the state management allows a situation where a claim that has not been resolved yet will never be resolvable. Consider the situation below:
Claim B -> Claim A
Claim A is the root claim and claim B counters it. When the game timer ends for A, it can be resolved (there are no subgames for claim B). However, since A is the root,
can now be called, which changes the status of the game to CHALLENGER_WINS. However, nowresolveClaim()
can never be called for B (the in progress check will fail).As a result, the bond for claim B cannot be claimed, leading to loss of funds of the honest claimer.
An honest participant may lose their bond.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
Two options:
Duplicate of #164