/// @return offset The offset of the packed immutable args in calldata
function _getImmutableArgsOffset() internal pure returns (uint256 offset) {
assembly {
offset := sub(calldatasize(), shr(0xf0, calldataload(sub(calldatasize(), 2))))
You can see all shifted values via the following POC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { ClonesWithImmutableArgs } from "@cwia/ClonesWithImmutableArgs.sol";
import { OwnableUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/access/OwnableUpgradeable.sol";
import { ISemver } from "src/universal/ISemver.sol";
import { IDisputeGame } from "src/dispute/interfaces/IDisputeGame.sol";
import { IDisputeGameFactory } from "src/dispute/interfaces/IDisputeGameFactory.sol";
import { LibGameId } from "src/dispute/lib/LibGameId.sol";
import { Clone } from "src/libraries/Clone.sol";
import "src/libraries/DisputeTypes.sol";
import "src/libraries/DisputeErrors.sol";
contract SimpleClone is Clone {
function initialize() public payable virtual {
assembly { /// @audit Seems impossible due to abi encoding, cause bytes would be [LENGTH, DATA] so it will always be at least 64 bytes
if gt(calldatasize(), 0x66) {
// Store the selector for `ExtraDataTooLong()` & revert
mstore(0x00, 0xc407e025)
revert(0x1C, 0x04)
function rootClaim() public pure returns (Claim rootClaim_) {
rootClaim_ = Claim.wrap(_getArgFixedBytes(0x00));
function l1Head() public pure returns (Hash l1Head_) {
l1Head_ = Hash.wrap(_getArgFixedBytes(0x20));
function extraData() public pure returns (bytes memory extraData_) {
// The extra data starts at the second word within the cwia calldata and
// is 32 bytes long.
extraData_ = _getArgDynBytes(0x40, 0x20);
contract GuttedDisputeGameFactory {
using ClonesWithImmutableArgs for address;
address impl;
constructor(address _impl) {
impl = _impl;
function getParentHash() public returns (bytes32) {
bytes32 parentHash = keccak256(abi.encode("123123")); /// @audit NOTE: We put a random value
return parentHash;
function createSimplified(
GameType _gameType, /// @audit Effectively just U256 I think TODO
Claim _rootClaim,
bytes calldata _extraData
returns (IDisputeGame proxy_)
// Get the hash of the parent block.
// bytes32 parentHash = blockhash(block.number - 1); /// @audit Reorg?
bytes32 parentHash = getParentHash();
// Clone the implementation contract and initialize it with the given parameters. /// @audit Can rootClaim tell it that it is longer than what it is?
proxy_ = IDisputeGame(address(impl).clone(abi.encodePacked(_rootClaim, parentHash, _extraData))); /// @audit why packed like that?
proxy_.initialize{ value: msg.value }();
contract FactoryTests is Test {
event DebugBytes32(string, bytes32);
event DebugBytes(string, bytes);
event DebugVal(string, uint256);
function testEncodeDecodeFromCloneIsBroken() public {
SimpleClone impl = new SimpleClone();
GuttedDisputeGameFactory factory = new GuttedDisputeGameFactory(address(impl));
// NOTE: Will fail for encode(string), is fine on encode on simple type
bytes memory encoded = abi.encode(uint256(12));
emit DebugBytes("encoded", encoded);
bytes32 rootOriginal = bytes32(uint256(123));
address clone = address(factory.createSimplified(GameType.wrap(1), Claim.wrap(rootOriginal), encoded));
bytes memory decoded = SimpleClone(clone).extraData();
emit DebugBytes("decoded", decoded);
uint256 original = abi.decode(decoded, (uint256));
emit DebugVal("original", original);
bytes32 l1HeadDecoded = Hash.unwrap(SimpleClone(clone).l1Head());
bytes32 rootDecoded = Claim.unwrap(SimpleClone(clone).rootClaim());
emit DebugBytes32("l1HeadOriginal", factory.getParentHash());
emit DebugBytes32("l1HeadDecoded", l1HeadDecoded);
emit DebugBytes32("rootOriginal", rootOriginal);
emit DebugBytes32("rootDecoded", rootDecoded);
Changing the line back to the original will fix this bug
Clones Data Copying is incorrectly offset by 2 if using
instead ofswont@master
Low/Info issue submitted by GalloDaSballo
Clones Data Copying when using
will incorrectly offset by 2 making all data wrongThis is a courtesy report to also prevent this from being sent as valid in the contest
I was able to find this by cloning the repo and using unpinned dependencies
But if we use pinned dependencies then there is no risk
NOTE: This finding applies only when updating dependencies
The default branch for
: https://github.com/Saw-mon-and-Natalie/clones-with-immutable-args/blob/main/src/Clone.solOP is using a fork from
: https://github.com/Saw-mon-and-Natalie/clones-with-immutable-args/blob/master/src/Clone.solSwitching these versions changes some of the logic and will cause the following issue:
Please see the original code, which was never edited over 2 years https://github.com/wighawag/clones-with-immutable-args/blame/master/src/Clone.sol#L85
The edited code, was edited to use hex, the value is correct 240, however, the
was removedhttps://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-02-optimism-2024/blob/main/optimism/packages/contracts-bedrock/src/libraries/Clone.sol#L90-L96
You can see all shifted values via the following POC
POC Output
POC Code
Changing the line back to the original will fix this bug