sherlock-audit / 2024-02-optimism-2024-judging

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The checks below should be inclusive #251

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 5 months ago

The checks below should be inclusive

Low/Info issue submitted by Bauchibred

Proof of Concept

Take a look at

        // A proven withdrawal must wait at least `PROOF_MATURITY_DELAY_SECONDS` before finalizing.
            block.timestamp - provenWithdrawal.timestamp > PROOF_MATURITY_DELAY_SECONDS,
            "OptimismPortal: proven withdrawal has not matured yet"

And here

        // Before a withdrawal can be finalized, the dispute game it was proven against must have been
        // resolved for at least `DISPUTE_GAME_FINALITY_DELAY_SECONDS`. This is to allow for manual
        // intervention in the event that a dispute game is resolved incorrectly.
            block.timestamp - disputeGameProxy.resolvedAt().raw() > DISPUTE_GAME_FINALITY_DELAY_SECONDS,
            "OptimismPortal: output proposal in air-gap"