sherlock-audit / 2024-02-perennial-v2-3-judging

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KingNFT - ````Pyth```` oracle is paying ````30%```` more than intended keep fee #13

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago



Pyth oracle is paying 30% more than intended keep fee


After Pyth network's perseus upgrade (Sep-20-2023), the gas cost of price submission has dramatically decreased. Perennial V2 is paying 30% more than intended keeper fee due to lack of adaptation with the upgrade.


Vulnerability Detail

A key improvement of perseus upgrade is that the VAA length has significantly decreased, it reduces both L1 calldata fee and L2 execution fee. As most cases L1 calldata fee is the dominant part of gas cost for L2 transactions, the following PoC shows the difference between actual calldata gas used and the amount Perennial V2 is paying. We can see the current implementation is tuned for the old VAA format with about 6% extra compensation for keepers. But for the new VAA format, the compensation increases to 36%, there is a 30% over payment than intended.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "forge-std/console2.sol";
import "forge-std/StdAssertions.sol";
import "contracts/attribute/interfaces/IKept.sol";

interface IPythFactory is IKept {
    function commit(bytes32[] memory ids, uint256 version, bytes calldata data) external;
    function commitKeepConfig(uint256 numRequested) external view returns (KeepConfig memory);

interface IPyth {
    struct Price {
        int64 price;
        uint64 conf;
        int32 expo;
        uint publishTime;

    struct PriceFeed {
        bytes32 id;
        Price price;
        Price emaPrice;

    function parsePriceFeedUpdates(
        bytes[] calldata updateData,
        bytes32[] calldata priceIds,
        uint64 minPublishTime,
        uint64 maxPublishTime
    ) external payable returns (PriceFeed[] memory priceFeeds);

contract PythOracleL1CalldataFeeTest is Test {
    uint256 constant ARB_GAS_MULTIPLIER = 16;
    uint256 constant ARB_FIXED_OVERHEAD = 140;
    bytes32 constant PYTH_ETH_FEED = 
    IPyth constant PYTH = IPyth(0xff1a0f4744e8582DF1aE09D5611b887B6a12925C);
    IPythFactory constant PYTH_ORACLE_FACTORY = 
    uint256 constant BLOCK_HEIGHT = 196472000; // Apr-01-2024 12:50:35 PM +UTC
    string constant RPC_URL = "";

    function setUp() public {
        vm.createSelectFork(RPC_URL, BLOCK_HEIGHT);

    function test() public {
        // 1. check vaa valid

        // 2. L1 calldata gas needed for submitting old VAA
        uint256 oldVaaGas = _calldataGasActuallyUsed(_oldVaaSample());

        // 3. L1 calldata gas needed for submitting new VAA
        uint256 newVaaGas = _calldataGasActuallyUsed(_newVaaSample());

        // 4. L1 calldata gas used for calculating keep fee payment
        IKept.KeepConfig memory config = PYTH_ORACLE_FACTORY.commitKeepConfig(1);
        uint256 payingGas = _calldataGasForPaying(config);

        // 5. show over payment infomation
        _showOverPaymentInfo(oldVaaGas, payingGas, "Old VAA L1 calldata gas info: ");
        _showOverPaymentInfo(newVaaGas, payingGas, "New VAA L1 calldata gas info: ");

    function _checkVaaValid(bytes memory vaa) internal {
        bytes[] memory updateData = new bytes[](1);
        updateData[0] = vaa;
        bytes32[] memory priceIds = new bytes32[](1);
        priceIds[0] = PYTH_ETH_FEED;
        IPyth.PriceFeed[] memory parsedPrices = PYTH
            .parsePriceFeedUpdates{value: 1e9}(updateData, priceIds, 0, type(uint64).max);
        assertEq(1, parsedPrices.length);
        IPyth.PriceFeed memory p = parsedPrices[0];
        assertGt(p.price.price, 0);
        assertEq(p.price.expo, -8);
        assertGt(p.price.publishTime, 0);

    function _calldataGasActuallyUsed(bytes memory vaa) internal view returns(uint256) {
        bytes32[] memory ids = new bytes32[](1);
        ids[0] = PYTH_ETH_FEED;
        uint256 version = block.timestamp;
        bytes memory commitCalldata = abi.encodeCall(IPythFactory.commit, (ids, version, vaa));
        return (commitCalldata.length + ARB_FIXED_OVERHEAD) * ARB_GAS_MULTIPLIER;

    function _calldataGasForPaying(IKept.KeepConfig memory config) internal pure returns(uint256) {
        // reference: Kept_Arbitrum._calldataFee()
        bytes memory applicableCalldata =[0:0]; // reference: KeeperFactory.commit(), L188
        uint256 applicableGas = ARB_GAS_MULTIPLIER * (applicableCalldata.length + ARB_FIXED_OVERHEAD);
        UFixed18 multiplier = config.multiplierCalldata;
        uint256 buffer = config.bufferCalldata;
        UFixed18 totalGas = UFixed18Lib.from(applicableGas).mul(multiplier).add(UFixed18Lib.from(buffer));
        return totalGas.truncate();

    function _newVaaSample() internal pure returns(bytes memory vaa) {
        vaa = hex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

    function _oldVaaSample() internal pure returns(bytes memory vaa) {
        // reference: Pyth.test.ts, L35
        vaa = hex"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";

    function _showOverPaymentInfo(uint256 used, uint256 paid, string memory prefix) internal pure {
        uint256 diff = paid - used;
        string memory usedInfo = string.concat("used(", _toDigitalsString(used), "), ");
        string memory paidInfo = string.concat("paid(", _toDigitalsString(paid), "), ");
        string memory overPaymentInfo = 
            string.concat("over payment ratio (", _toPercentString(diff * 10000 / used), ")");
        string memory allInfo = string.concat(prefix, usedInfo, paidInfo, overPaymentInfo);

    function _toPercentString(uint256 pct) internal pure returns (string memory result) {
        uint256 d2 = pct % 10;
        uint256 d1 = (pct / 10) % 10;
        uint256 d0 = (pct / 100) % 10;
        result = string.concat(_toString(d0), ".", _toString(d1), _toString(d2), "%");
        uint256 d = pct / 1000;
        while (d > 0) {
            result = string.concat(_toString(d % 10), result);
            d = d / 10;

    function _toDigitalsString(uint256 num) internal pure returns(string memory result) {
        while (num > 0) {
            result = string.concat(_toString(num % 10), result);
            num /= 10;
        if (bytes(result).length == 0) result = "0";

    function _toString(uint256 digital) internal pure returns (string memory str) {
        str = new string(1);
        bytes16 symbols = "0123456789abcdef";
        assembly {
            mstore8(add(str, 32), byte(digital, symbols))

the test log:

2024-02-perennial-v2-3\root> forge test --mc PythOracleL1CalldataFeeTest -vv
[⠰] Compiling...
[⠆] Compiling 1 files with 0.8.23
[⠰] Solc 0.8.23 finished in 2.84s
Compiler run successful!

Ran 1 test for test/PythOracleL1CalldataFee.t.sol:PythOracleL1CalldataFeeTest
[PASS] test() (gas: 310418)
  Old VAA L1 calldata gas info: used(33024), paid(35200), over payment ratio (6.58%)
  New VAA L1 calldata gas info: used(25856), paid(35200), over payment ratio (36.13%)

Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 970.84ms (41.09ms CPU time)

Ran 1 test suite in 979.14ms (970.84ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)


The protocol continuously loses fund.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Decreasing L1 calldata and L2 execution keeper fee based on the new VAA format.

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

panprog commented:

low or borderline medium as this seems more an admin parameters choice tweak which should be considered a trusted setup

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

request poc

This seems invalid, but could be a good improvement. Don't think paying more fees for pyth oracle is a security risk

Sponsor comments:

yeah we use the new VAA format now, there's nothing VAA specific in the code so either is fine with our contracts. Agreed that it's invalid either way

I'm guessing they just assumed we're still using the old format from the tests

sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago

PoC requested from @ydspa

Requests remaining: 1

ydspa commented 4 months ago

I think the report and the existing PoC has clearly represent what i wanna show:

The protocol is paying about 36% extra compensation for keepers to call PythFactory.commit(), but the intended and reasonable compensation rate should be much lower, may be same with call for PythFactory.settle(), which is only 5%.

And this issue is existing since Perennial V2's initial deployment:

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

@kbrizzle @arjun-io Was this a known issue in previous audit and/or known in contest details?

arjun-io commented 4 months ago

You can see in this tenderly decoded tx (sent to the protocol recently) that the Pyth update payload is the new 0x504... format:

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

@ydspa Do you agree this issue should be invalid?

ydspa commented 4 months ago

You can see in this tenderly decoded tx (sent to the protocol recently) that the Pyth update payload is the new 0x504... format:

The issue here is exactly that keepers can commit price with the new VAA format, but Perennial V2 keeps paying fee based the Old VAA, and result in a 36% extra compensation for keepers.

arjun-io commented 4 months ago

You can see in this tenderly decoded tx (sent to the protocol recently) that the Pyth update payload is the new 0x504... format:

The issue here is exactly that keepers can commit price with the new VAA format, but Perennial V2 keeps paying fee based the Old VAA, and result in a 36% extra compensation for keepers.

Can you point to the code where we're overpaying based on the old VAA?

ydspa commented 4 months ago

You can see in this tenderly decoded tx (sent to the protocol recently) that the Pyth update payload is the new 0x504... format:

The issue here is exactly that keepers can commit price with the new VAA format, but Perennial V2 keeps paying fee based the Old VAA, and result in a 36% extra compensation for keepers.

Can you point to the code where we're overpaying based on the old VAA?

  1. The old VAA sample is from
  2. As the origin PoC of this report shows, if keepers commit with the old VAA, then they get a 6% extra compensation, which is very close to the compensation rate for settle().

I think it's reasonable to infer that the current implementation is tuned for old VAA rather than the new one. Or is there any doc or reason why set 36% bonus rate for commit() but only set 5% for settle().

settle fee config

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

@ydspa Wouldn't this be out of scope if you discovered the issue from a deployment script? Isn't either format both compatible with perennial?

ydspa commented 4 months ago

@ydspa Wouldn't this be out of scope if you discovered the issue from a deployment script?

Actually it's an online issue on the live net, im not sure it's in or out of scope according Sherlock rule

ydspa commented 4 months ago

@ydspa Isn't either format both compatible with perennial?

The two formats are functionally both working, but the Pyth network doesn't provide the old format any more.

panprog commented 4 months ago

My opinion here is that 5% or 36% is just the admin/protocol chosen value: this is the profit (incentive) for the keepers to do their job. Both 5% and 36% are correct values, it's not a loss of funds, it's a balance between settlement fee charged from users and keepers profits. This is a great informational issue so that admins can make more informed decision on the fee, but certainly not medium.

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

Agree with comments by @panprog.

ydspa commented 4 months ago

My opinion here is that 5% or 36% is just the admin/protocol chosen value: this is the profit (incentive) for the keepers to do their job. Both 5% and 36% are correct values, it's not a loss of funds, it's a balance between settlement fee charged from users and keepers profits. This is a great informational issue so that admins can make more informed decision on the fee, but certainly not medium.

Why 36% is a correct value, its obviously an unintended behavior? Paying more fund than intend is a issue

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

@ydspa Even if so, I believe you discovered this issue from out of scope deployment files and on-chain contracts correct? Unless there is current in-scope- smart contract logic indicating the old VAA is used, I believe this issue to be informational and out of scope

ydspa commented 4 months ago

@ydspa Even if so, I believe you discovered this issue from out of scope deployment files and on-chain contracts correct? Unless there is current in-scope- smart contract logic indicating the old VAA is used, I believe this issue to be informational and out of scope

Yep, we can treat this issue as an in scope contract is affected by some out of scope file, and i think it should apply the Sherlock's similar rule for third party library:

Contract Scope: In case the vulnerability exists in a library and an in-scope contract uses it and is affected by this bug this is a valid issue.

panprog commented 4 months ago

@ydspa Do I understand it correctly that this issue is for the on-chain settings values (commitConfig?)? I don't see any issue with the code. Or do you suggest any fixes in the code that can fix this issue? Any settings (i.e. exact values set), including current live on-chain settings are out of scope. It is assumed that admin sets correct settings since admin is trusted.

Even if you find that live on-chain admin settings are bad and indicate a critical vulnerability which can be used to steal all funds, it's still out of scope of this audit contest. This might be a valid issue for bugs bounty program (since it concerns live deployment), but not sure about it.

ydspa commented 4 months ago


Bring this issue up, look forward a clear Sherlock rule for cases that If an in scope contract is affected by the deployment script, it's valid or not?

Yep, we can treat this issue as an in scope contract is affected by some out of scope file, and i think it should apply the Sherlock's similar rule for third party library: Contract Scope: In case the vulnerability exists in a library and an in-scope contract uses it and is affected by this bug this is a valid issue.

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago


Bring this issue up, look forward a clear Sherlock rule for cases that If an in scope contract is affected by the deployment script, it's valid or not?

Yep, we can treat this issue as an in scope contract is affected by some out of scope file, and i think it should apply the Sherlock's similar rule for third party library: Contract Scope: In case the vulnerability exists in a library and an in-scope contract uses it and is affected by this bug this is a valid issue.

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

@ydspa, @Czar102 initial response internally is that he agrees, but yea I think we could wait till a more detailed explanation by him incase I am wrong. This to me is a suboptimal admin configuration that makes it out of scope.

Evert0x commented 4 months ago

@nevillehuang @ydspa If I'm correct, the core issue is a that the keeper fee is higher than required. And the fix is to lower the keeper fee, through an admin call?

Protocol admin: TRUSTED

Protocol admin is considered to be trusted in most cases, hence issues where Admin incorrectly enters an input parameter. Example: Make sure interestPerMin > 1 ether as it is an important parameter. This is not a valid issue.

If I'm correct. I believe the following rule applies and the escalation should be rejected and the issue should stay invalid

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

@Evert0x The fix would be to utilize the new VAA format via adjustments in the deployment scripts. This will lower the keeper fee paid out. I wouldn't call it an incorrect input but rather suboptimal because the protocol will function as per normal just with higher keeper fees. But since admins are trusted for such configurations, I believe it is still out of scope.

ydspa commented 4 months ago

@nevillehuang @ydspa If I'm correct, the core issue is a that the keeper fee is higher than required. And the fix is to lower the keeper fee, through an admin call?

Protocol admin: TRUSTED

Protocol admin is considered to be trusted in most cases, hence issues where Admin incorrectly enters an input parameter. Example: Make sure interestPerMin > 1 ether as it is an important parameter. This is not a valid issue.

If I'm correct. I believe the following rule applies and the escalation should be rejected and the issue should stay invalid

I agree this issue could be treated as incorrect admin input of immutable parameter, the fix needs an upgrade of contract, and the different point is its not a hypothesis of things like IF admin inputs invalid parameter..., but truly exists both online and current deployment script.

Evert0x commented 4 months ago

Based on the comments above it's clear to me that this issue shouldn't be judges as Medium or High.

Planning to reject escalation and keep issue state as is

Evert0x commented 4 months ago

Result: Invalid Unique

sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status: