sherlock-audit / 2024-02-perennial-v2-3-judging

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panprog - Vault and oracle keepers DoS in some situations due to `market.update(account,max,max,max,0,false)` #23

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 5 months ago



Vault and oracle keepers DoS in some situations due to market.update(account,max,max,max,0,false)


When user's market account is updated without position and collateral change (by calling market.update(account,max,max,max,0,false)), this serves as some kind of "settling" the account (which was the only way to settle the account before v2.3). However, this action still reverts if the account is below margin requirement.

The issue is that some parts of the code use this action to "settle" the account in the assumption that it never reverts which is not true. This causes unpexpected reverts and denial of service to users who can not execute transactions in some situations, in particular:

  1. Oracle KeeperFactory.settle uses this method to settle all accounts in the market for the oracle verison and will revert entire market version's settlement if any account which is being settled is below margin requirement. Example scenario: 1.1. User increases position to the edge of margin requirement 1.2. The price rises slightly for the commited oracle version, and user position is settled and is now slightly below margin requirements 1.3. All attempts to settle accounts for the commited oracle version for this market will revert as user's account collateral is below margin requirements.

  2. Vault Vault._updateUnderlying uses this method to settle all vault's accounts in the markets. This function is called at the start of rebalance and update, with rebalance also being called before any admin vault parameters changes such as updating market leverages, weights or cap. This becomes especially problematic if any market is "removed" from the vault by setting its weight to 0, but the market still has some position due to minPosition limitation (as described in another issue). In such case each vault update will bring this market's position to exact edge of margin requirement, meaning a lot of times minimal price changes will put the vault's market account below margin requirement, and as such most Vault functions will revert (update, rebalance and admin param changes). Moreover, since the vault rebalances collateral and/or position size only in _manage (which is called only from update and rebalance), this means that the vault is basically bricked until this position is either liquidated or goes above margin requirement again due to price changes.

Vulnerability Detail

When Market.update is called, any parameters except protected = true will perform the following check from the InvariantLib.validate:

if (
) revert IMarket.MarketInsufficientMarginError();

This means that even updates which do not change anything (empty order and 0 collateral change) still perform this check and revert if the user's collateral is below margin requirement.

Such method to settle accounts is used in KeeperOracle._settle:

function _settle(IMarket market, address account) private {
    market.update(account, UFixed6Lib.MAX, UFixed6Lib.MAX, UFixed6Lib.MAX, Fixed6Lib.ZERO, false);

This is called from KeeperFactory.settle, which the keepers are supposed to call to settle market accounts after the oracle version is commited. This will revert, thus keepers will temporarily be unable to call this function for the specific oracle version until all users are at or above margin.

The same method is used to settle accounts in Vault._updateUnderlying:

function _updateUnderlying() private {
    for (uint256 marketId; marketId < totalMarkets; marketId++)


  1. Keepers are unable to settle market accounts for the commited oracle version until all accounts are above margin. The oracle fees are still taken from all accounts, but the keepers are blocked from receiving it.
  2. If any Vault's market weight is set to 0 (or if vault's position in any market goes below margin for whatever other reason), most of the time the vault will temporarily be bricked until vault's position in that market is liquidated. The only function working in this state is Vault.settle, even all admin functions will revert.

Code Snippet

InvariantLib.validate reverts for all updates (except liquidations) where account is below margin requirements:

KeeperOracle._settle uses Market.update to settle accounts:

Vault._updateUnderlying also uses the same method to settle accounts:

Tool used

Manual Review


Depending on intended functionality:

  1. Ignore the margin requirement for empty orders and collateral change which is >= 0. AND/OR
  2. Use Market.settle instead of Market.update to settle accounts, specifically in KeeperOracle._settle and in Vault._updateUnderlying. There doesn't seem to be any reason or issue to use settle instead of update, it seems that update is there just because there was no settle function available before.
sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.