sherlock-audit / 2024-02-perennial-v2-3-judging

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bin2chen - after update v2.1.1 may not be able to settle properly #30

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago



after update v2.1.1 may not be able to settle properly


Updating v2.1.1 will set settleOnly=true and settle all users. The latest OracleVersion needs to be commited before settle. However, commit the OracleVersion may trigger market.update() and prevent the OracleVersion from being updated properly.

Vulnerability Detail

An important step in updating v2.2 is to settle all users first.

Upgrade to v2.1.1

Upgrade the protocol contracts to, to add settle only mode.

This is upgrade-safe since the new settleOnly field in the risk parameters defaults to false.

Enter settle only mode, and settle all accounts on all markets / vaults

Next we turn on the settleOnly parameter to true. This pauses all new updates to the markets, while still allowing settlement.

We must then go through and settle every single account that has an unsettled position present in each market. This can be batched via a multicall contract.

  1. Upgrade to v2.1.1
  2. set settleOnly=true -> will pause all market.update()
  3. wait last OracleVersion
  4. settle all user

We need to wait for the latest OracleVersion before settle all users.

But currently, updating the latest OracleVersion triggers market.update().

contract KeeperOracle is IKeeperOracle, Instance {
    function commit(OracleVersion memory version) external onlyFactory returns (bool requested) {
        if (version.timestamp == 0) revert KeeperOracleVersionOutsideRangeError();
        requested = (version.timestamp == next()) ? _commitRequested(version) : _commitUnrequested(version);
        _global.latestVersion = uint64(version.timestamp);

        for (uint256 i; i < _globalCallbacks[version.timestamp].length(); i++)
@>          _settle(IMarket(_globalCallbacks[version.timestamp].at(i)), address(0));

        emit OracleProviderVersionFulfilled(version);

    function _settle(IMarket market, address account) private {
@>      market.update(account, UFixed6Lib.MAX, UFixed6Lib.MAX, UFixed6Lib.MAX, Fixed6Lib.ZERO, false);

market.update() with settleOnly=true is not executable

So it can't update the latest OracleVersion, so it can't really settle.

It is recommended to use a method dedicated to settlement: market.settle().


If all settlements are not made before settleOnly = true, or if someone maliciously submits the order before executing settleOnly = true This could lead to not settle properly after updating v2.1.1

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


contract KeeperOracle is IKeeperOracle, Instance {
    function _settle(IMarket market, address account) private {
-       market.update(account, UFixed6Lib.MAX, UFixed6Lib.MAX, UFixed6Lib.MAX, Fixed6Lib.ZERO, false);
+       market.settle(account);
sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

panprog commented:

invalid, because it's quite possible for admin to atomically turn off settle only, commit oracle, turn on settle only, even if this exact set of actions is not described in the migration guide. This might be a sub-optimal behaviour for admin, but shouldn't prevent successful migration

nevillehuang commented 5 months ago

request poc

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago

PoC requested from @bin2chen66

Requests remaining: 2

bin2chen66 commented 5 months ago

@nevillehuang It does work if the administrator collects all the Oracle and commits it manually, although it's a bit of a hassle and slows down the migration time. thanks

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

@bin2chen66 Seems like low severity is more appropriate given there is a workaround without any loss correct?

bin2chen66 commented 4 months ago

In the real scenario, the protocol will not be migrated like this. It should be the way I suggest. But after this problem occurs, it is also possible to do so. Although it will not be done.

But it is OK from an audit impact perspective. I agree with low

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.