sherlock-audit / 2024-02-perennial-v2-3-judging

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panprog - Empty orders do not request from oracle and during settlement they use an invalid oracle version with `price=0` which messes up a lot of fees and funding accounting leading to loss of funds for the makers #5

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 5 months ago



Empty orders do not request from oracle and during settlement they use an invalid oracle version with price=0 which messes up a lot of fees and funding accounting leading to loss of funds for the makers


When market.update which doesn't change user's position is called, a new (current) global order is created, but the oracle version is not requested due to empty order. This means that during the order settlement, it will use non-existant invalid oracle version with price = 0. This price is then used to accumulate all the data in this invalid Version, meaning accounting is done using price = 0, which is totally incorrect. For instance, all funding and fees calculations multiply by oracle version's price, thus all time periods between empty order and the next valid oracle version will not accumulate any fees, which is funds usually lost by makers (as makers won't receive fees/funding for the risk they take).

Vulnerability Detail

When market.update is called, it requests a new oracle version at the current order's timestamp unless the order is empty:

// request version
if (!newOrder.isEmpty()) oracle.request(IMarket(this), account);

The order is empty when it doesn't modify user position:

function isEmpty(Order memory self) internal pure returns (bool) {
    return pos(self).isZero() && neg(self).isZero();

function pos(Order memory self) internal pure returns (UFixed6) {
    return self.makerPos.add(self.longPos).add(self.shortPos);

function neg(Order memory self) internal pure returns (UFixed6) {
    return self.makerNeg.add(self.longNeg).add(self.shortNeg);

Later, when a valid oracle version is commited, during the settlement process, oracle version at the position is used:

function _processOrderGlobal(
    Context memory context,
    SettlementContext memory settlementContext,
    uint256 newOrderId,
    Order memory newOrder
) private {
    // @audit no oracle version at this timestamp, thus it's invalid with `price=0`
    OracleVersion memory oracleVersion =;;
    // @audit order is invalidated (it's already empty anyway), but the `price=0` is still used everywhere
    if (!oracleVersion.valid) newOrder.invalidate();

    VersionAccumulationResult memory accumulationResult;
    (settlementContext.latestVersion,, accumulationResult) = VersionLib.accumulate(
        oracleVersion, // @audit <<< when oracleVersion is invalid, the `price=0` will still be used here

If the oracle version is invalid, the order is invalidated, but the price=0 is still used to accumulate. It doesn't affect pnl from price move, because the final oracle version is always valid, thus the correct price is used to evaluate all possible account actions, however it does affect accumulated fees and funding:

function _accumulateLinearFee(
    Version memory next,
    AccumulationContext memory context,
    VersionAccumulationResult memory result
) private pure {
    (UFixed6 makerLinearFee, UFixed6 makerSubtractiveFee) = _accumulateSubtractiveFee(
            context.toOracleVersion.price.abs() // @audit <<< price == 0 for invalid oracle version
    // Compute long-short funding rate
    Fixed6 funding =
        context.fromPosition.takerSocialized().mul(context.fromOracleVersion.price.abs()) // @audit <<< price == 0 for invalid oracle version
function _accumulateInterest(
    Version memory next,
    AccumulationContext memory context
) private pure returns (Fixed6 interestMaker, Fixed6 interestLong, Fixed6 interestShort, UFixed6 interestFee) {
    // @audit price = 0 and notional = 0 for invalid oracle version
    UFixed6 notional = context.fromPosition.long.add(context.fromPosition.short).min(context.fromPosition.maker).mul(context.fromOracleVersion.price.abs());

As can be seen, all funding and fees accumulations multiply by oracle version's price (which is 0), thus during these time intervals fees and funding are 0.

This will happen by itself during any period when there are no orders, because oracle provider's settlement callback uses market.update with empty order to settle user account, thus any non-empty order is always followed by an empty order for the next version and price = 0 will be used to settle it until the next non-empty order:

function _settle(IMarket market, address account) private {
    market.update(account, UFixed6Lib.MAX, UFixed6Lib.MAX, UFixed6Lib.MAX, Fixed6Lib.ZERO, false);


All fees and funding are incorrectly calculated as 0 during any period when there are no non-empty orders (which will be substantially more than 50% of the time, more like 90% of the time). Since most fees and funding are received by makers as a compensation for their price risk, this means makers will lose all these under-calculated fees and will receive a lot less fees and funding than expected.

Proof of concept

The scenario above is demonstrated in the test, add this to test/unit/market/Market.test.ts:

it('no fees accumulation due to invalid version with price = 0', async () => {

function setupOracle(price: string, timestamp : number, nextTimestamp : number) {
    const oracleVersion = {
    price: parse6decimal(price),
    timestamp: timestamp,
    valid: true,
    oracle.status.returns([oracleVersion, nextTimestamp])

function setupOracleAt(price: string, valid : boolean, timestamp : number) {
    const oracleVersion = {
    price: parse6decimal(price),
    timestamp: timestamp,
    valid: valid,

const riskParameter = { ...(await market.riskParameter()) }
const riskParameterMakerFee = { ...riskParameter.makerFee }
riskParameterMakerFee.linearFee = parse6decimal('0.005')
riskParameterMakerFee.proportionalFee = parse6decimal('0.0025')
riskParameterMakerFee.adiabaticFee = parse6decimal('0.01')
riskParameter.makerFee = riskParameterMakerFee
const riskParameterTakerFee = { ...riskParameter.takerFee }
riskParameterTakerFee.linearFee = parse6decimal('0.005')
riskParameterTakerFee.proportionalFee = parse6decimal('0.0025')
riskParameterTakerFee.adiabaticFee = parse6decimal('0.01')
riskParameter.takerFee = riskParameterTakerFee
await market.connect(owner).updateRiskParameter(riskParameter)

dsu.transferFrom.whenCalledWith(user.address, market.address, COLLATERAL.mul(1e12)).returns(true)
dsu.transferFrom.whenCalledWith(userB.address, market.address, COLLATERAL.mul(1e12)).returns(true)

setupOracle('100', TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP + 100);

await market
    ['update(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,int256,bool)'](user.address, POSITION, 0, 0, COLLATERAL, false);
await market
    ['update(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,int256,bool)'](userB.address, 0, POSITION, 0, COLLATERAL, false);

setupOracle('100', TIMESTAMP + 100, TIMESTAMP + 200);
await market
    ['update(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,int256,bool)'](user.address, POSITION, 0, 0, 0, false);

// oracle is commited at timestamp+200
setupOracle('100', TIMESTAMP + 200, TIMESTAMP + 300);
await market
    ['update(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,int256,bool)'](user.address, POSITION, 0, 0, 0, false);

// oracle is not commited at timestamp+300
setupOracle('100', TIMESTAMP + 200, TIMESTAMP + 400);
setupOracleAt('0', false, TIMESTAMP + 300);
await market
    ['update(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,int256,bool)'](user.address, POSITION, 0, 0, 0, false);

// settle to see makerValue at all versions
setupOracle('100', TIMESTAMP + 400, TIMESTAMP + 500);

await market.settle(user.address);
await market.settle(userB.address);

var ver = await market.versions(TIMESTAMP + 200);
console.log("version 200: longValue: " + ver.longValue + " makerValue: " + ver.makerValue);
var ver = await market.versions(TIMESTAMP + 300);
console.log("version 300: longValue: " + ver.longValue + " makerValue: " + ver.makerValue);
var ver = await market.versions(TIMESTAMP + 400);
console.log("version 400: longValue: " + ver.longValue + " makerValue: " + ver.makerValue);

Console log:

version 200: longValue: -318 makerValue: 285
version 300: longValue: -100000637 makerValue: 100500571
version 400: longValue: -637 makerValue: 571

Notice, that fees are accumulated between versions 200 and 300, version 300 has huge pnl (because it's evaluated at price = 0), which then returns to normal at version 400, but no fees are accumulated between version 300 and 400 due to version 300 having price = 0.

Code Snippet

Market._update requests a new oracle version only when the order is not empty:

Market._processOrderGlobal invalidates the order for invalid oracle version, but still uses invalid oracle's price (which is 0) to accumulate:

Tool used

Manual Review


Keep the price from the previous valid oracle version and use it instead of oracle version's one if oracle version's price == 0.

sherlock-admin2 commented 5 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

panprog commented:

invalid by sherlock rules

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

@panprog What is your comment referring to here?

panprog commented 4 months ago

@nevillehuang The comment was meant for issue #7, somehow got mixed up with this one. This issue is valid.

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.