sherlock-audit / 2024-02-perennial-v2-3-judging

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panprog - Requested oracle versions, which have expired, must return this oracle version as invalid, but they return it as a normal version with previous version's price instead #6

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago



Requested oracle versions, which have expired, must return this oracle version as invalid, but they return it as a normal version with previous version's price instead


Each market action requests a new oracle version which must be commited by the keepers. However, if keepers are unable to commit requested version's price (for example, no price is available at the time interval, network or keepers are down), then after a certain timeout this oracle version will be commited as invalid, using the previous valid version's price.

The issue is that when this expired oracle version is used by the market (using, the version returned will be valid (valid = true), because oracle returns version as invalid only if price = 0, but the commit function sets the previous version's price for these, thus it's not 0.

This leads to market using invalid versions as if they're valid, keeping the orders (instead of invalidating them), which is a broken core functionality and a security risk for the protocol.

Vulnerability Detail

When requested oracle version is commited, but is expired (commited after a certain timeout), the price of the previous valid version is set to this expired oracle version:

function _commitRequested(OracleVersion memory version) private returns (bool) {
    if (block.timestamp <= (next() + timeout)) {
        if (!version.valid) revert KeeperOracleInvalidPriceError();
        _prices[version.timestamp] = version.price;
    } else {
        // @audit previous valid version's price is set for expired version
        _prices[version.timestamp] = _prices[_global.latestVersion]; 
    return true;

Later, Market._processOrderGlobal reads the oracle version using the, invalidating the order if the version is invalid:

function _processOrderGlobal(
    Context memory context,
    SettlementContext memory settlementContext,
    uint256 newOrderId,
    Order memory newOrder
) private {
    OracleVersion memory oracleVersion =;;
    if (!oracleVersion.valid) newOrder.invalidate();

However, expired oracle version will return valid = true, because this flag is only set to false if price = 0:

function at(uint256 timestamp) public view returns (OracleVersion memory oracleVersion) {
    (oracleVersion.timestamp, oracleVersion.price) = (timestamp, _prices[timestamp]);
    oracleVersion.valid = !oracleVersion.price.isZero(); // @audit <<< valid = false only if price = 0

This means that _processOrderGlobal will treat this expired oracle version as valid and won't invalidate the order.


Market uses invalid (expired) oracle versions as if they're valid, keeping the orders (instead of invalidating them), which is a broken core functionality and a security risk for the protocol.

Code Snippet

KeeperOracle._commitRequested sets _prices to the last valid version's price for expired versions:

Market._processOrderGlobal reads the oracle version using the, invalidating the order if the version is invalid: returns valid = false only if price = 0, but since expired version has valid price, it will be returned as a valid version:

Tool used

Manual Review


Add validity map along with the price map to KeeperOracle when recording commited price.

nevillehuang commented 4 months ago

@arjun-io @panprog @bin2chen66 For the current supported tokens in READ.ME, I think medium severity remains appropriate given they are both stablecoins. Do you agree?

arjun-io commented 4 months ago

@arjun-io @panprog @bin2chen66 For the current supported tokens in READ.ME, I think medium severity remains appropriate given they are both stablecoins. Do you agree?

I'm not entirely sure how the stablecoin in use matters here? Returning an invalid versions as valid can be very detrimental in markets where invalid versions can be triggered at will (such as in markets that close) which can result in users being able to open or close positions when they shouldn't be able to

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.