sherlock-audit / 2024-02-perennial-v2-3-judging

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panprog - When vault's market weight is set to 0 to remove the market from the vault, vault's leverage in this market is immediately set to max leverage risking position liquidation #8

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 6 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago



When vault's market weight is set to 0 to remove the market from the vault, vault's leverage in this market is immediately set to max leverage risking position liquidation


If any market has to be removed from the vault, the only way to do this is via setting this market's weight to 0. The problem is that the first vault rebalance will immediately withdraw max possible collateral from this market, leaving vault's leverage at max possible leverage, risking the vault's position liquidation. This is especially dangerous if vault's position in this removed market can not be closed due to high skew, so min position is not 0, but the leverage will be at max possible value. As a result, vault depositors can lose funds due to liquidation of vault's position in this market.

Vulnerability Detail

When vault is rebalanced, each market's collateral is calculated as following:

    marketCollateral = marketContext.margin

    UFixed6 marketAssets = assets

For removed markets (weight = 0), marketCollateral will be set to marketContext.margin (i.e. minimum valid collateral to have position at max leverage), marketAssets will be set to 0. But later the position will be adjusted in case minPosition is not 0:

    target.position = marketAssets
        .muldiv(marketContext.registration.leverage, marketContext.latestPrice.abs())

This means that vault's position in the market with weight 0 will be at max leverage until liquidated or position can be closed.


Market removed from the vault (weight set to 0) is put at max leverage and has a high risk of being liquidated, thus losing vault depositors funds.

Proof of concept

The scenario above is demonstrated in the test, change the following test in test/integration/vault/Vault.test.ts:

    it('simple deposits and redemptions', async () => {
      // Now we should have opened positions.
      // The positions should be equal to (smallDeposit + largeDeposit) * leverage originalOraclePrice.
      expect(await position()).to.equal(
      expect(await btcPosition()).to.equal(

      /*** remove all lines after this and replace with the following code: ***/

      console.log("pos1 = " + (await position()) + " pos2 = " + (await btcPosition()) + " col1 = " + (await collateralInVault()) + " col2 = " + (await btcCollateralInVault()));

      // update weight
      await vault.connect(owner).updateWeights([parse6decimal('1.0'), parse6decimal('0')])

      // do small withdrawal to trigger rebalance
      await vault.connect(user).update(user.address, 0, smallDeposit, 0)
      await updateOracle()

      console.log("pos1 = " + (await position()) + " pos2 = " + (await btcPosition()) + " col1 = " + (await collateralInVault()) + " col2 = " + (await btcCollateralInVault()));

Console log:

pos1 = 12224846 pos2 = 206187 col1 = 8008000000 col2 = 2002000000
pos1 = 12224846 pos2 = 206187 col1 = 9209203452 col2 = 800796548

Notice, that after rebalance, position in the removed market (pos2) is still the same, but the collateral (col2) reduced to minimum allowed.

Code Snippet

Vault market allocation sets collateral to only the margin if weight = 0:

Tool used

Manual Review


Ensure that the market's collateral is based on leverage even if weight = 0

arjun-io commented 6 months ago

We would likely consider this a low for two reason:

  1. The admin has control over when the vault is set to 0 weight, so as long as the limits don't prevent the vault from fully closing the position this is a safe operation to perform
  2. The liquidation fee would be an acceptable cost in the cases when the above doesn't apply (i.e. in an emergency)
nevillehuang commented 6 months ago

@panprog Do you agree with the above explanation by sponsor?

panprog commented 6 months ago

@nevillehuang @arjun-io The issue is that it's not just a liquidation, it's that the vault will be bricked most of the time while that market's collateral is below margin and above maintenance (due to #23), i.e.:

  1. Market's min margin for position is $10. When the weight is 0, market collateral will be set to $10 exactly
  2. The following version's price is slightly against the maker, so market's collateral is now $9.999
  3. Any vault action will first try to settle (by calling market.update) and since it's below margin, it will revert.

So until the position is liquidated or back above margin - the vault is bricked. It happens both due to this issue and to #23, so this issue is different from #23, but their combination causes this impact.

If the position is back above margin, next vault action will put it back at exactly margin, so the probability of vault bricking is very high and it can be for extended time.

So for all these considerations I still think it's medium.

arjun-io commented 6 months ago

I see, the confluence with #23 does cause some further issues. Due to the admin's ability to control this weighting I think it's less of an issue but I will defer to the judge

panprog commented 6 months ago

I believe that sherlock's rules towards admin issues is that if admin does some valid action, but the consequences are unexpected and cause some bad impact (loss of funds / breaking core functionality), then the issue is valid. Here the admin sets weight to 0 in expectation that the market is removed from the vault. Ok, maybe he's aware that collateral will be at min margin and OK with the liquidation fee in such case. But I highly doubt that in such case admin is aware that the vault will be bricked temporarily (which is breaking the core functionality). Note, that in such case admin can not do anything to resume vault operation, because setting weight back to non-0 will revert since it tries to rebalance at the start of this function. That's why I think it's valid medium.

arjun-io commented 6 months ago

In that case, I agree a medium is appropriate