sherlock-audit / 2024-02-perpetual-judging

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unsafesol - Wrong Implementation of Borrowing Fee Mechanism causes lose of Funds for Whitelisted Makers #104

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago



Wrong Implementation of Borrowing Fee Mechanism causes lose of Funds for Whitelisted Makers


According to the Perp V3 Documentation , Whitelisted Makers do not have to pay Borrowing Fee but instead they can receive borrowing fee based on its utilization ratio. In implementation , the borrowing fee is collected from all makers regardless of whether they are whitelisted or not .

Vulnerability Detail

Let's check the implementation of Borrowing Fee Mechanism for the flow : OrderGatewayV2 -> ClearingHouse -> Vault . Here through settleOrder function of OrderGatewayV2 , ClearingHouse's openPositionFor function is called where it indeed checks for whitelistedMakers as shown below:

 bool hasMakerCallback = _isWhitelistedMaker(params.marketId, params.maker);

then in later part of the same function it calls vault.settlePosition as shown below:

                marketId: params.marketId,
                taker: taker,
                maker: params.maker,
                takerPositionSize: result.base,
                takerOpenNotional: result.quote,
                reason: reason

In vault.settlePosition we can see that borrowing is calculated and is subtracted from the margin balance of maker regardless of whether the Maker is a whitelisted maker or not as shown below :

 function settlePosition(
        SettlePositionParams calldata params
    ) external override nonReentrant onlyClearingHouse marketExistsAndActive(params.marketId) {
        if (params.takerPositionSize == 0) revert LibError.ZeroAmount();

        // before hook
        int256 takerPendingMargin;
        int256 makerPendingMargin;
        IBorrowingFee borrowingFee = _getBorrowingFee();                                                                     <@audit
        bool hasBorrowingFee = address(borrowingFee) != address(0);
        if (hasBorrowingFee) {
            (int256 takerBorrowingFee, int256 makerBorrowingFee) = borrowingFee.beforeSettlePosition( 
            takerPendingMargin -= takerBorrowingFee;
            makerPendingMargin -= makerBorrowingFee;                                                                             <@audit
        IFundingFee fundingFee = _getFundingFee();
        if (address(fundingFee) != address(0)) {
            (int256 takerFundingFee, int256 makerFundingFee) = fundingFee.beforeSettlePosition(
            takerPendingMargin -= takerFundingFee;
            makerPendingMargin -= makerFundingFee;
        // settle taker & maker's pending margin
        if (takerPendingMargin != 0) {
            _settlePnl(params.marketId, params.taker, takerPendingMargin);
        if (makerPendingMargin != 0) {
            _settlePnl(params.marketId, params.maker, makerPendingMargin);                                 <@audit

But here in the documentary of PerpV3 , under WhitelistedMaker section two points are clearly written : 1) Can receive borrowing fee based on its utilization ratio. 2) Don’t need to pay borrowing fee.


Loss of funds for Whitelisted Makers as Protocol fails to deliver the promises mentioned in the Documentation .

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review , Perp V3 Documentation given in Contest Page


Remove the Borrowing Fee for Whitelisted Makers by adding a check inside Vault.sol#settlePosition .

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

2 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

santipu_ commented:

Invalid - For whitelisted makers, borrowing fee will be a negative value, meaning they will receive it instead of paying it.

takarez commented:

whitelisted makers are indeed paying fees as the check is just to make sure it isn't address zero; medium(3)

Wraecca commented 2 months ago


in BorrowingFee.sol, receiver's borrowingFee is always negative. payer's borrowingFee is always positive. a positive fee means traders pay, a negative fee means trader receive, meanning receiver's margin subtracted a negative fee = receives borrowing fee. i couldn't come out any scenario that can make receiver's borrowing fee into positive, means receiver are always receiving fee and aligned with the doc