sherlock-audit / 2024-02-perpetual-judging

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PUSH0 - OracleMaker LPs are unnecessarily forced-exposed to risk when CircuitBreaker's rate limit is close to triggering #113

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 months ago



OracleMaker LPs are unnecessarily forced-exposed to risk when CircuitBreaker's rate limit is close to triggering


When Circuit Breaker's rate limit is close to being triggered, Oracle Maker LPs may be unable to withdraw due to triggering the rate limit. The problem is that they are forced to keep such funds as margin, while it's possible to support a soft withdraw and allow.

Vulnerability Detail

In the Oracle Maker, LPs are able to deposit collateral tokens. These tokens are then immediately used as margin against the market that it is providing liquidity for. When liquidity is withdrawn, the funds are taken out of margin and transferred to the LP.

Withdrawing margin is a two-step process, where the margin is first transferred to fund, then the fund can be withdrawn to the user. The second step where the funds are withdrawn to the user, which may be prevented by the Circuit Breaker's rate limit.

However, in OracleMaker's withdrawal, these two steps are bundled, reverting the withdrawal when any of the two step fails. If the Circuit Breaker rate is close to triggering, then LPs are force-exposed to risk by not being able to withdraw margin to funds.

Consider the following scenario:


OracleMaker LPs are unnecessarily forced-exposed to risk by being forced to keep their funds as margin

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual review


Support a Oracle Maker LP soft-withdraw by allow calling transferMarginToFund() only, then actually claiming the funds at a later time.

CheshireCatNick commented 2 months ago
nevillehuang commented 2 months ago

I believe this is invalid, once rate limit is reached, withdrawals are expected to revert as mentioned in docs:

Note that we didn’t use lockedFund-related features in Circuit Breaker, instead, the withdrawal reverts when withdrawal rate limit is hit.