sherlock-audit / 2024-02-perpetual-judging

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jokr - Incorrect premium calculation in OracleMaker #137

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 2 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 months ago



Incorrect premium calculation in OracleMaker


Position rate should not be influenced by free collateral of the OracleMaker

Vulnerability Detail

Position rate determines the exposure of OracleMaker. Position rate is used to determine the amount of premium based on the current oracleMaker position.

For ex: If maker has 100 ETH long position and if a user wants to open a short then the price which he has to open will be less than actual market price. If user takes the long, then its in favour of oracleMaker, so no premium will be imposed

Here is how the position rate is being calculated

    function _getPositionRate(uint256 price) internal view returns (int256) {
        IVault vault = _getVault();
        uint256 marketId_ = _getOracleMakerStorage().marketId;
        // accountValue = margin + unrealisedPnl
        int256 accountValue = vault.getAccountValue(marketId_, address(this), price);
        int256 unrealizedPnl = vault.getUnrealizedPnl(marketId_, address(this), price);
        int256 unsettledMargin = accountValue - unrealizedPnl;
        int256 collateralForOpen = FixedPointMathLib.min(unsettledMargin, accountValue);
        // TODO: use positionMarginRequirement
        //int256 collateralForOpen = positionMarginRequirement + freeCollateralForOpen;
        if (collateralForOpen <= 0) {
            revert LibError.NegativeOrZeroMargin();

        int256 maxPositionNotional = (collateralForOpen * 1 ether) / _getOracleMakerStorage().minMarginRatio.toInt256();

        // if maker has long position, positionRate > 0
        // if maker has short position, positionRate < 0
        int256 openNotional = vault.getOpenNotional(marketId_, address(this));
        int256 uncappedPositionRate = (-openNotional * 1 ether) / maxPositionNotional;

        // util ratio: 0 ~ 1
        // position rate: -1 ~ 1
            uncappedPositionRate > 0
                ? FixedPointMathLib.min(uncappedPositionRate, 1 ether)
                : FixedPointMathLib.max(uncappedPositionRate, -1 ether);

The problem here is the uncappedPositionRate also depends on maxPositionNotional. maxPositionNotional is the maximum openNotional possible for current openCollateral of oracleMaker with given minMarginRatio.

int256 uncappedPositionRate = (-openNotional * 1 ether) / maxPositionNotional;

So in this case if the freeCollateral is more in the oracle maker than the premium becomes proportionally low which is not correct.

Consider this scenario Currently oracleMaker has 100 ETH short position. If a user wants to take a 10 ETH long position there must premium against user. So the reservation price at which user opens will be higher than market price.

Now the user deposits large amount of collateral as LP. As the. freeCollateral increases, for sufficient collateral given the premium free decreases proportionally. After the user opens the position with less premium, he just withdraws the collateral back. Thus bypassing the premium enforced by oracle maker

This is possible by considering free collateral while calculating the position rate. Position rate should solely depend on openNotional and not on free collateral in any way


Incorrect handling of risk exposure

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Modify the position rate calculation by excluding maxPositionNotional

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

santipu_ commented:


rc56 commented 2 months ago


CheshireCatNick commented 2 months ago

Also in the beginning we only allow whitelisted users to deposit to maker.

IllIllI000 commented 2 months ago

@rc56, @CheshireCatNick, and @42bchen if you disagree that this is a High, can you let us know what severity you think this should be, and apply the disagree-with-severity tag? It seems similar to in that the LP deposits/withdrawals can be used to game what users have to pay