sherlock-audit / 2024-02-radicalxchange-judging

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14si2o_Flint - All bids with 100% collateralisation will revert due to incorrect fee calculation #12

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 8 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 8 months ago



All bids with 100% collateralisation will revert due to incorrect fee calculation


Users who wish to participate in an auction must provide full collateralisation (100%) of their bids, while the fee is a percentage of that bid amount. This is clearly stated in the documentation.

Yet, due to a check in _placeBid, any bid with a collateralisation rate of 100% will revert.

The root of the issue is the expectation that the fee should be paid on top of the bidAmount, which goes fully against documentation and poses many problems.

Vulnerability Detail

In the documentation, we can see:

Bidding in a PCO English Auction

A bid submitted in PCOArt's English auction has two parts:

    Bid Value - The price a prospective Steward is willing to pay the current Steward to assume control of the license (or in the case of a current Steward's bid, the payment value they'd be willing to forgo to retain control)
    Honorarium - The monetary contribution passed to a work's Creator Circle based on a percentage of their Bid Value

These bids require full collateralization to ensure proper auction closing and funds distribution.

Yet in _placeBid we find:

        } else {
                totalCollateralAmount > bidAmount,
                'EnglishPeriodicAuction: Collateral must be greater than current bid'
            // If new bidder, collateral is bidAmount + fee
            feeAmount = totalCollateralAmount - bidAmount;


This is the stated scenario from docs Bob Bid = 100 Collateral = 100 Fee = 5%

Bob wins.
Creator's circle = 100 * 5% = 5 oldBidder = 100 - 5 = 95

However, if Bob follows the above scenario, his bid will revert since the above require resolves to require(100>100): EnglishPeriodicAuction: Collateral must be greater than current bid

Simply providing some extra collateralisation won't work aswell, since the _checkBidAmount further down the function will revert if the added collateral is not within rounding error of the correct fee calculation of fee % * bidAmount.

This becomes impossibly complex when we take a normal auction where Bob & Alice keep bidding against each other in order to take the highest bid. For every new bid, Bob must perfectly! calculate within 1 wei the exact amount of overcollateralisation he needs, which changes every time due to collateral deposited of which part is for the bidAmount and part is for the feeAmount.

In a time-pressured environment of an auction, this is impossible to do without there being errors. So many auctions will end not because the highest bid won, but because the highest bid made a 1 wei calculation mistake.


Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Change the check so that totalCollateralAmount == bidAmount as anything besides full collateralisation is a mistake. Also fix the fee calculation so that it is a % of bidAmount, not the subtraction between collateral and bid.