sherlock-audit / 2024-02-radicalxchange-judging

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fugazzi - Users can cancel the highest bid for the current round #29

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 8 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 8 months ago



Users can cancel the highest bid for the current round


The highest bid for the ongoing current round can be canceled by users though cancelAllBidsAndWithdrawCollateral(), allowing bid manipulation and an inconsistent state that could lead to multiple severe problems.

Vulnerability Detail

Bids can be withdrawn allowing users to recover the bidded collateral. There are two internal functions that handle this, _cancelBid() and _cancelAllBids().

While _cancelBid() takes special care of checking that the canceled bid is not the highest bid for the round, its sibling _cancelAllBids() does not.

function _cancelAllBids(uint256 tokenId, address bidder) internal {
        storage l = EnglishPeriodicAuctionStorage.layout();

    uint256 currentAuctionRound = l.currentAuctionRound[tokenId];

    for (uint256 i = 0; i <= currentAuctionRound; i++) {
        Bid storage bid = l.bids[tokenId][i][bidder];

        if (bid.collateralAmount > 0) {
            // Make collateral available to withdraw
            l.availableCollateral[bidder] += bid.collateralAmount;

            // Reset collateral and bid
            bid.collateralAmount = 0;
            bid.bidAmount = 0;

We can how see the code loops through all rounds, including the current one, withdrawing the collateral and resetting the bid structure for all bids related to the given bidder.


This is a critical issue than can cause multiple problems:

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Check that the bid is not the highest bid for the round, and skip cancellation if it is.

    function _cancelAllBids(uint256 tokenId, address bidder) internal {
            storage l = EnglishPeriodicAuctionStorage.layout();

        uint256 currentAuctionRound = l.currentAuctionRound[tokenId];

        for (uint256 i = 0; i <= currentAuctionRound; i++) {
            Bid storage bid = l.bids[tokenId][i][bidder];

-           if (bid.collateralAmount > 0) {
+           if (bid.collateralAmount > 0 && bidder != l.highestBids[tokenId][i].bidder) {
                // Make collateral available to withdraw
                l.availableCollateral[bidder] += bid.collateralAmount;

                // Reset collateral and bid
                bid.collateralAmount = 0;
                bid.bidAmount = 0;

Duplicate of #14