sherlock-audit / 2024-02-radicalxchange-judging

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Aamirusmani1552 - Other bidders cannot place bid for `0` amount if the starting bid is `0`. #75

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 8 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 8 months ago



Other bidders cannot place bid for 0 amount if the starting bid is 0.


In the current setup, if the starting bid of an auction is set to 0, only the previous owner retains the ability to initiate the bidding process with a bid amount of 0.

Vulnerability Detail

When the starting bid is set to 0, only the previous owner of the steward license can submit a bid with a value of 0. Any other prospective bidder is unable to participate because they are required to submit an amount greater than 0, triggering a function revert due to the validation checks implemented.

function _placeBid(
        uint256 tokenId,
        address bidder,
        uint256 bidAmount,
        uint256 collateralAmount
    ) internal {
            storage l = EnglishPeriodicAuctionStorage.layout();

        uint256 currentAuctionRound = l.currentAuctionRound[tokenId];

        Bid storage bid = l.bids[tokenId][currentAuctionRound][bidder];

        // Check if higher than starting bid
            bidAmount >= l.startingBid,
            'EnglishPeriodicAuction: Bid amount must be greater than or equal to starting bid'

        // Check if highest bid
        if (l.highestBids[tokenId][currentAuctionRound].bidAmount > 0) {
                bidAmount >=
                    l.highestBids[tokenId][currentAuctionRound].bidAmount +
                'EnglishPeriodicAuction: Bid amount must be greater than highest outstanding bid'

        uint256 totalCollateralAmount = bid.collateralAmount + collateralAmount;

        uint256 feeAmount;
        address currentBidder;
        if (IStewardLicense(address(this)).exists(tokenId)) {
            currentBidder = IStewardLicense(address(this)).ownerOf(tokenId);
        } else {
            currentBidder = l.initialBidder;

        if (bidder == currentBidder) {
            // If current bidder, collateral is entire fee amount
            feeAmount = totalCollateralAmount;
        } else {
 @1>               totalCollateralAmount > bidAmount,
                'EnglishPeriodicAuction: Collateral must be greater than current bid'
            // If new bidder, collateral is bidAmount + fee
            feeAmount = totalCollateralAmount - bidAmount;

@2>            _checkBidAmount(bidAmount, feeAmount),
            'EnglishPeriodicAuction: Incorrect bid amount'


GitHub: [330]

They can place bid for higher amount than 0, but if the user is the only one who wants to bid for the license they should have get it for 0. but the current design doesn't allow that. Only old owner will be able to vote with bid value of 0.


other bidders will not be able to place bid with 0 amount.

Code Snippet


    it('other bidders will not be able to bid for 0 bid amount', async function () {
      // Auction start: Now - 200
      // Auction end: Now + 100
      const instance = await getInstance({
        auctionLengthSeconds: 300,
        initialPeriodStartTime: (await time.latest()) - 200,
        licensePeriod: 1000,
        hasOwner: true

      await instance.connect(owner).setStartingBid(ethers.utils.parseEther('0'));

      // place bid
      const bidAmount1 = ethers.utils.parseEther('0');
      const feeAmount1 = await instance.calculateFeeFromBid(bidAmount1);
      const collateralAmount1 = feeAmount1;

      await expect(instance
        .placeBid(0, bidAmount1, { value: collateralAmount1 }));



AAMIR@Victus MINGW64 /d/radicle-audit/pco-art (master)
$ npx hardhat test --grep 'other bidders will not be able to bid for 0 bid amount'

      ✔ other bidders will not be able to bid for 0 bid amount (716ms)

  1 passing (2s)

Tool used


It is recommended to make changes so that the other bidders can place the bid for 0 amount. One way to do it is to check if there is bidder in the highest bidder mapping.

Hash01011122 commented 8 months ago

Invalid, Design Choice