sherlock-audit / 2024-02-rio-network-core-protocol-judging

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santiellena - PriceFeed decimals check not implemented on `setAssetPriceFeed` #101

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 7 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 7 months ago



PriceFeed decimals check not implemented on setAssetPriceFeed


RioLRTAssetRegistry::setAssetPriceFeed function to set a new price feed for an asset does not check if the new price feed decimals is equal to the priceFeedDecimals variable on the contract, which could lead to miscalculations.

Vulnerability Detail

RioLRTAssetRegistry has the capability to add assets and set their IRioLRTAssetRegistry::AssetInfo on the addAsset function which then calls inside the _addAsset function:

    /// @notice Adds a new underlying asset to the liquid restaking token.
    /// @param config The asset's configuration.
    function addAsset(AssetConfig calldata config) external onlyOwner {
    /// @dev Adds a new underlying asset to the liquid restaking token.
    /// @param config The asset's configuration.
    function _addAsset(AssetConfig calldata config) internal {
        if (isSupportedAsset(config.asset)) revert ASSET_ALREADY_SUPPORTED(config.asset);
        if (config.asset == address(0)) revert INVALID_ASSET_ADDRESS();

        uint8 decimals = config.asset == ETH_ADDRESS ? 18 : IERC20Metadata(config.asset).decimals();
        if (config.asset == ETH_ADDRESS) {
            if (config.priceFeed != address(0)) revert INVALID_PRICE_FEED();
            if (config.strategy != BEACON_CHAIN_STRATEGY) revert INVALID_STRATEGY();
        } else {
            if (decimals > 18) revert INVALID_ASSET_DECIMALS();
            if (config.priceFeed == address(0)) revert INVALID_PRICE_FEED();
            if (IPriceFeed(config.priceFeed).decimals() != priceFeedDecimals) revert INVALID_PRICE_FEED_DECIMALS();
            if (IStrategy(config.strategy).underlyingToken() != config.asset) revert INVALID_STRATEGY();

        AssetInfo storage info = assetInfo[config.asset];
        info.decimals = decimals;
        info.depositCap = config.depositCap;
        info.priceFeed = config.priceFeed;
        info.strategy = config.strategy;

        emit AssetAdded(config);

In the _addAsset function there is the following check, if (IPriceFeed(config.priceFeed).decimals() != priceFeedDecimals) revert INVALID_PRICE_FEED_DECIMALS();, only allowing price feeds with a stablished decimals amount to facilitate calculations. Any discrepancy between the expected price feed decimals with the actual price feed decimals will result in under or overpricing assets.

The issue is that in setAssetPriceFeed, when updating the price feed of an asset, that previously mentioned check is never done which may produce a discrepancy if the new price feed does not have the same amount of decimals required by the RioLRTAssetRegistry contract.

Imagine the following scenario:

Code Snippet

Add the following test to test/RioLRTAssetRegistry.t.sol:

    function test_setAssetPriceFeedWithInvalidDecimals() public {
        // Creating a new price feed to change the old one
        MockPriceFeed newFeed = new MockPriceFeed(1e18);

        address oldPriceFeed = reLST.assetRegistry.getAssetPriceFeed(RETH_ADDRESS);
        uint256 oldPriceFeedDecimals = MockPriceFeed(oldPriceFeed).decimals();

        // Using RETH because is already deployed and well setted by test suite
        reLST.assetRegistry.setAssetPriceFeed(RETH_ADDRESS, address(newFeed));

        address newPriceFeed = reLST.assetRegistry.getAssetPriceFeed(RETH_ADDRESS);
        uint256 newPriceFeedDecimals = MockPriceFeed(newPriceFeed).decimals();

        assert(oldPriceFeedDecimals != newPriceFeedDecimals);

Tool used

Manual Review


Add the decimals check on the RioLRTAssetRegistry::setAssetRegistry function:

/// @dev Sets the asset's price feed.
/// @param newPriceFeed The new price feed.
function setAssetPriceFeed(address asset, address newPriceFeed) external onlyOwner {
    if (!isSupportedAsset(asset)) revert ASSET_NOT_SUPPORTED(asset);
    if (newPriceFeed == address(0)) revert INVALID_PRICE_FEED();
+   if (IPriceFeed(newPriceFeed).decimals() != priceFeedDecimals) revert INVALID_PRICE_FEED_DECIMALS();

    assetInfo[asset].priceFeed = newPriceFeed;

    emit AssetPriceFeedSet(asset, newPriceFeed);
nevillehuang commented 7 months ago

Invalid, admin trusted to set appropriate price feed deicmals, this is purely a sanity check