sherlock-audit / 2024-02-rio-network-core-protocol-judging

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klaus - An operator can change the earningsReceiver after deploying an OperatorDelegator and steal the rewards #196

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 7 months ago



An operator can change the earningsReceiver after deploying an OperatorDelegator and steal the rewards


It checks the EigenLayer configuration of the operator only when deploying OperatorDelegator, but it can be changed by operator later. In particular, if the earningsReceiver setting is changed, the operator can steal the rewards.

Vulnerability Detail

When deploying OperatorDelegator, it checks whether the value set by the operator on the EigenLayer is correct. It verifies if the earningsReceiver, delegationApprover, stakerOptOutWindowBlocks configuration values are correct. In particular, earningsReceiver should be set to RewardDistributor contract so that rewards are distributed through the Rio system.

function initialize(address token_, address operator) external initializer {

    if (msg.sender != address(operatorRegistry())) revert ONLY_OPERATOR_REGISTRY();

@>  IDelegationManager.OperatorDetails memory operatorDetails = delegationManager.operatorDetails(operator);
@>  if (operatorDetails.earningsReceiver != address(rewardDistributor())) revert INVALID_EARNINGS_RECEIVER();
@>  if (operatorDetails.delegationApprover != address(0)) revert INVALID_DELEGATION_APPROVER();
@>  if (operatorDetails.stakerOptOutWindowBlocks < operatorRegistry().minStakerOptOutBlocks()) {

        ISignatureUtils.SignatureWithExpiry(new bytes(0), 0),

    // Deploy an EigenPod and set the withdrawal credentials to its address.
    address eigenPodAddress = eigenPodManager.createPod();

    eigenPod = IEigenPod(eigenPodAddress);
    withdrawalCredentials = _computeWithdrawalCredentials(eigenPodAddress);

This setting is only checked at deployment and is not checked afterwards. Therefore, after deploying OperatorDelegator, if the operator changes the settings by making a contract call to EigenLayer, they can steal the rewards.

This is PoC. Add it to the RioLRTOperatorRegistry.t.sol file and run it.

function test_PoCChangeEigenLayerConfig() public {
    uint40 validatorCap = 100;
    address operator = address(1);

            earningsReceiver: address(reETH.rewardDistributor),
            delegationApprover: address(0),
            stakerOptOutWindowBlocks: 0

    (uint8 operatorId, address delegator) = reETH.operatorRegistry.addOperator(
            operator: operator,
            initialManager: address(this),
            initialEarningsReceiver: address(this),
            initialMetadataURI: metadataURI,
            strategyShareCaps: defaultStrategyShareCaps,
            validatorCap: validatorCap
    assertEq(operatorId, 1);
    assertNotEq(delegator, address(0));

    IRioLRTOperatorRegistry.OperatorPublicDetails memory operatorDetails =

    assertEq(, true);
    assertEq(operatorDetails.delegator, delegator);
    assertEq(operatorDetails.manager, address(this));
    assertEq(operatorDetails.pendingManager, address(0));
    assertEq(operatorDetails.earningsReceiver, address(this));
    assertEq(operatorDetails.validatorDetails.cap, validatorCap);

    assertEq(reETH.operatorRegistry.operatorCount(), 1);
    assertEq(reETH.operatorRegistry.activeOperatorCount(), 1);

    assertEq(delegationManager.earningsReceiver(operator), address(this));

    // change setting
        earningsReceiver: operator, // change earning receiver
        delegationApprover: address(0),
        stakerOptOutWindowBlocks: 0

    assertEq(delegationManager.earningsReceiver(operator), operator); // earningsReceiver changed


If the operator changes the earningsReceiver settings, they can steal the rewards.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Penalize operators for changing settings.

solimander commented 7 months ago

Invalid - Operators are trusted partners, but they will be removed from the active set if they fail to update their earnings receiver.

nevillehuang commented 7 months ago

Could be valid, depending on reward distribution logic, given operators are not trusted. Would this fall under the scenario where they are trusted to act accordingly in eigenlayer context?

solimander commented 7 months ago

Operators are partners that are trusted to act accordingly within EigenLayer. If they change their earnings receiver within EigenLayer, they will be penalized by being removed from the operator set.

nevillehuang commented 6 months ago

Agree with sponsor based on head of judging comments here