sherlock-audit / 2024-02-rio-network-core-protocol-judging

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cheatcode - Unauthorized Withdrawal Claims in RioLRTWithdrawalQueue::claimWithdrawalsForEpoch function #368

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 6 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 7 months ago



Unauthorized Withdrawal Claims in RioLRTWithdrawalQueue::claimWithdrawalsForEpoch function


The RioLRTWithdrawalQueue contract currently lacks explicit verification mechanisms to ensure that the entity attempting to claim withdrawals is authorized to do so for the specified shares. This oversight could potentially allow unauthorized parties to claim assets that do not belong to them, leading to asset misappropriation and undermining the trust and security of the platform.

Vulnerability Detail

The functions intended for withdrawal claims do not include checks to verify the identity of the caller against the intended recipient of the shares or assets. In decentralized systems, especially those involving financial transactions, it is crucial to enforce strict access controls to prevent unauthorized access to funds. The absence of such validations poses a significant security risk, as malicious actors might exploit this to withdraw assets they are not entitled to, thereby compromising the integrity and security of the contract and its users' assets.


The claimWithdrawalsForEpoch function allows the caller to claim withdrawals without verifying if they are authorized to claim on behalf of the user whose shares are being withdrawn:

function claimWithdrawalsForEpoch(ClaimRequest calldata request) public returns (uint256 amountOut) {
    // No explicit check to ensure the caller is authorized to claim these shares
    UserWithdrawalSummary memory userSummary = epochWithdrawals.users[request.withdrawer];
    if (userSummary.sharesOwed == 0) revert NO_SHARES_OWED_IN_EPOCH();
    if (userSummary.claimed) revert WITHDRAWAL_ALREADY_CLAIMED();

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Implement a check within the claimWithdrawalsForEpoch function to ensure that the caller is either the withdrawer or an authorized delegate:

function claimWithdrawalsForEpoch(ClaimRequest calldata request) public returns (uint256 amountOut) {
    EpochWithdrawals storage epochWithdrawals = _getEpochWithdrawals(request.asset, request.epoch);
    require(epochWithdrawals.users[msg.sender].sharesOwed > 0 || authorizedDelegates[request.withdrawer][msg.sender], "Unauthorized claim");

    UserWithdrawalSummary storage userSummary = epochWithdrawals.users[request.withdrawer];
    if (userSummary.sharesOwed == 0) revert NO_SHARES_OWED_IN_EPOCH();
    if (userSummary.claimed) revert WITHDRAWAL_ALREADY_CLAIMED();

    // Additional logic to process the claim...

In this solution, authorizedDelegates is a mapping structure where users can register delegates authorized to claim withdrawals on their behalf:

mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public authorizedDelegates;

This approach ensures that only the owner of the shares or an explicitly authorized delegate can initiate a claim, significantly enhancing the security of the withdrawal process and protecting against unauthorized access to funds.

nevillehuang commented 6 months ago

Invalid, withdrawals are only executed from the caller context represented by withdrawer being assigned to msg.sender