sherlock-audit / 2024-02-rio-network-core-protocol-judging

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mstpr-brainbot - Depositing to EigenLayer can revert due to round downs in converting shares<->assets #9

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 8 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 8 months ago



Depositing to EigenLayer can revert due to round downs in converting shares<->assets


When the underlying tokens deposited from depositPool to EigenLayer strategy, there are bunch of converting operations done which rounds down the solution at some point and the require check reverts hence, the depositing might not be possible due to this small round down issue.

Vulnerability Detail

Best to go for this is an example, so let's do it.

Assume the deposit pool has 111 1e18 stETH waiting for rebalance to be deposited to EigenLayer and there is only 1 operator with 1 strategy allowed which is the EigenLayers stETH strategy. Also, assume the EigenLayer has 3333 1e18 stETH in total and 3232 * 1e18 shares in supply. Also, note that the EigenLayer uses virtual shares offset which is 1e3.

Now, let's say there is no withdrawal queue to ease the complexity of the issue and rebalance is called and the balance in the deposit pool will be forwarded to EigenLayer strategy as follows:

function rebalance(address asset) external checkRebalanceDelayMet(asset) {
        // Deposit remaining assets into EigenLayer.
        (uint256 sharesReceived, bool isDepositCapped) = depositPool().depositBalanceIntoEigenLayer(asset);

Then, the depositBalanceIntoEigenLayer will trigger the OperatorOperations.depositTokenToOperators function as follows:

function depositBalanceIntoEigenLayer(address asset) external onlyCoordinator returns (uint256, bool) {
        uint256 amountToDeposit = asset.getSelfBalance();
        if (amountToDeposit == 0) return (0, false);
        address strategy = assetRegistry().getAssetStrategy(asset);
        uint256 sharesToAllocate = assetRegistry().convertToSharesFromAsset(asset, amountToDeposit);
        // @review library called
        -> return (OperatorOperations.depositTokenToOperators(operatorRegistry(), asset, strategy, sharesToAllocate), isDepositCapped);

As we can see in the above snippet, the underlying tokens to be deposited which is 111 * 1e18 stETH in our example will be converted to EigenLayer strategy shares via assetRegistry().convertToSharesFromAsset

Now, how does EigenLayer calculates how much shares to be minted given an underlying token deposit is as follows:

function underlyingToSharesView(uint256 amountUnderlying) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
        // account for virtual shares and balance
        uint256 virtualTotalShares = totalShares + SHARES_OFFSET;
        uint256 virtualTokenBalance = _tokenBalance() + BALANCE_OFFSET;
        // calculate ratio based on virtual shares and balance, being careful to multiply before dividing
        return (amountUnderlying * virtualTotalShares) / virtualTokenBalance;

Now, let's plugin our numbers in the example to calculate how much shares would be minted according to EigenLayer: virtualTotalShares = 3232 1e18 + 1e3 virtualTokenBalance = 3333 1e18 + 1e3 amountUnderlying = 111 * 1e18

and when we do the math we will calculate the shares to be minted as: 107636363636363636364

Then, the library function will be executed as follows:

function depositTokenToOperators(
        IRioLRTOperatorRegistry operatorRegistry,
        address token,
        address strategy,
        uint256 sharesToAllocate // @review 107636363636363636364 as we calculated above!
    ) internal returns (uint256 sharesReceived) {
        (uint256 sharesAllocated, IRioLRTOperatorRegistry.OperatorStrategyAllocation[] memory  allocations) = operatorRegistry.allocateStrategyShares(
            strategy, sharesToAllocate

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < allocations.length; ++i) {
            IRioLRTOperatorRegistry.OperatorStrategyAllocation memory allocation = allocations[i];

            IERC20(token).safeTransfer(allocation.delegator, allocation.tokens);
            sharesReceived += IRioLRTOperatorDelegator(allocation.delegator).stakeERC20(strategy, token, allocation.tokens);
        if (sharesReceived != sharesAllocated) revert INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_SHARES_RECEIVED();

The very first line of the above snippet executes the operatorRegistry.allocateStrategyShares, let's examine that:

 function allocateStrategyShares(address strategy, uint256 sharesToAllocate) external onlyDepositPool returns (uint256 sharesAllocated, OperatorStrategyAllocation[] memory allocations) {
        uint256 remainingShares = sharesToAllocate;
        allocations = new OperatorStrategyAllocation[](s.activeOperatorCount);
        while (remainingShares > 0) {
            uint256 newShareAllocation = FixedPointMathLib.min(operatorShares.cap - operatorShares.allocation, remainingShares);
            uint256 newTokenAllocation = IStrategy(strategy).sharesToUnderlyingView(newShareAllocation);
            allocations[allocationIndex] = OperatorStrategyAllocation(
            remainingShares -= newShareAllocation;
        sharesAllocated = sharesToAllocate - remainingShares;

So, let's value the above snippet aswell considering the cap is not reached. As we can see the how much underlying token needed is again calculated by querying the EigenLayer strategy sharesToUnderlyingView, so let's first calculate that:

function sharesToUnderlyingView(uint256 amountShares) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
        // account for virtual shares and balance
        uint256 virtualTotalShares = totalShares + SHARES_OFFSET;
        uint256 virtualTokenBalance = _tokenBalance() + BALANCE_OFFSET;
        // calculate ratio based on virtual shares and balance, being careful to multiply before dividing
        return (virtualTokenBalance * amountShares) / virtualTotalShares;

Let's put the values to above snippet: virtualTotalShares = 3232 1e18 + 1e3 virtualTokenBalance = 3333 1e18 + 1e3 amountShares = 107636363636363636364 *hence, the return value is 110999999999999999999(as you noticed it is not 111 1e18 as we expect!)**

sharesToAllocate = remainingShares = newShareAllocation = 107636363636363636364 newTokenAllocation = 110999999999999999999 sharesAllocated = 107636363636363636364

Now, let's go back to depositTokenToOperators function and move with the execution flow:

as we can see the underlying tokens we calculated (110999999999999999999) is deposited to EigenLayer for shares here and then compared in the last line in the if check as follows:

for (uint256 i = 0; i < allocations.length; ++i) {
            IRioLRTOperatorRegistry.OperatorStrategyAllocation memory allocation = allocations[i];

            IERC20(token).safeTransfer(allocation.delegator, allocation.tokens);
            sharesReceived += IRioLRTOperatorDelegator(allocation.delegator).stakeERC20(strategy, token, allocation.tokens);
        if (sharesReceived != sharesAllocated) revert INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_SHARES_RECEIVED();

stakeERC20 will stake 110999999999999999999 tokens and in exchange will receive 107636363636363636363 shares. Then the sharesReceived will be compared with the initial share amount calculation which is 107636363636363636364

hence, the last if check will revert because 107636363636363636363 != 107636363636363636364

Coded PoC:

function test_RioRoundingDownPrecision() external pure returns (uint, uint) {
        uint underlyingTokens = 111 * 1e18;
        uint totalUnderlyingTokensInEigenLayer = 3333 * 1e18;
        uint totalSharesInEigenLayer = 3232 * 1e18;
        uint SHARE_AND_BALANCE_OFFSET = 1e3;

        uint virtualTotalShares =  totalSharesInEigenLayer + SHARE_AND_BALANCE_OFFSET;
        uint virtualTokenBalance = totalUnderlyingTokensInEigenLayer + SHARE_AND_BALANCE_OFFSET;

        uint underlyingTokensToEigenLayerShares = (underlyingTokens * virtualTotalShares) / virtualTokenBalance;
        uint eigenSharesToUnderlying = (virtualTokenBalance * underlyingTokensToEigenLayerShares) / virtualTotalShares;

        // we expect eigenSharesToUnderlying == underlyingTokens, which is not
        require(eigenSharesToUnderlying != underlyingTokens);

        return (underlyingTokensToEigenLayerShares, eigenSharesToUnderlying);


The issue described above can happen frequently as long as the perfect division is not happening when converting shares/assets. In order to solve the issue the amounts and shares has to be perfectly divisible such that the rounding down is not an issue. This can be fixed by owner to airdrop some assets such that this is possible. However, considering how frequent and easy the above scenario can happen and owner needs to do some math to fix the issue, I'll label this as high.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


sherlock-admin4 commented 7 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

10xhash commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit rio-org/rio-sherlock-audit#11.

Fixed The check is removed. To mitigate the differences in the share allocation to operators inside rio and the actual share allocation to operators in eigenlayer, an additional function is added to sync

sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.