sherlock-audit / 2024-02-rubicon-finance-judging

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thank_you - Apply fee when false still adds a base fee #22

Closed sherlock-admin closed 7 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago



Apply fee when false still adds a base fee


When a token pair's fee applyFee is set to false, then the RubiconFeeController will still apply a base fee to the feeAmount. This is in direct contradiction to the code comments which state:

/// @dev Fee controller, that's intended to be called by reactors.
///      * By default applies constant 'BASE_FEE' on output token.
///      * Dynamic pair-based fee can be enabled by calling 'setPairBasedFee'.
///      * Both dynamic and base fee can be disabled by setting 'applyFee' to false.

Take note of the last line, which states that the dynamic and base fee can be disabled by setting applyFee to false.

Vulnerability Detail

The vulnerability has to do with a if statement called in getFeeOutputs(). This if statement applies a base fee when the applyFee is set to false:

uint256 feeAmount = fee.applyFee
    ? order.outputs[i].amount.mulDivUp(fee.fee, DENOM)
    : order.outputs[i].amount.mulDivUp(baseFee, DENOM);

The following spec test shows that a fee is applied when applyFee is set to false:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {Owned} from "solmate/src/auth/Owned.sol";
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {InputToken, OutputToken, OrderInfo, ResolvedOrder, SignedOrder} from "../../src/base/ReactorStructs.sol";
import {NATIVE} from "../../src/lib/CurrencyLibrary.sol";
import {ProtocolFees} from "../../src/base/ProtocolFees.sol";
import {GladiusReactor} from "../../src/reactors/GladiusReactor.sol";
import {ResolvedOrderLib} from "../../src/lib/ResolvedOrderLib.sol";
import {MockERC20} from "../util/mock/MockERC20.sol";
import {OrderInfoBuilder} from "../util/OrderInfoBuilder.sol";
import {OutputsBuilder} from "../util/OutputsBuilder.sol";
import {MockProtocolFees} from "../util/mock/MockProtocolFees.sol";
import {PermitSignature} from "../util/PermitSignature.sol";
import {DeployPermit2} from "../util/DeployPermit2.sol";
import {IPermit2} from "permit2/src/interfaces/IPermit2.sol";
import {MockFillContract} from "../util/mock/MockFillContract.sol";
import {RubiconFeeController} from "../../src/fee-controllers/RubiconFeeController.sol";
import {ExclusiveDutchOrderReactor, ExclusiveDutchOrder, DutchInput, DutchOutput} from "../../src/reactors/ExclusiveDutchOrderReactor.sol";

contract RubiconFeeControllerTest is Test {
    using OrderInfoBuilder for OrderInfo;
    using ResolvedOrderLib for OrderInfo;

    event ProtocolFeeControllerSet(
        address oldFeeController,
        address newFeeController

    address constant PROTOCOL_FEE_OWNER = address(11);
    address constant RECIPIENT = address(12);
    address constant SWAPPER = address(13);

    MockERC20 tokenIn;
    MockERC20 tokenOut;
    MockERC20 tokenOut2;
    MockProtocolFees fees;
    RubiconFeeController feeController;
    GladiusReactor reactor;

    function setUp() public {
        fees = new MockProtocolFees(PROTOCOL_FEE_OWNER);
        tokenIn = new MockERC20("Input", "IN", 18);
        tokenOut = new MockERC20("Output", "OUT", 18);
        tokenOut2 = new MockERC20("Output2", "OUT", 18);

        feeController = new RubiconFeeController();
        feeController.initialize(PROTOCOL_FEE_OWNER, RECIPIENT);

        reactor = new GladiusReactor();


    function test_PairBasedFeeBug() public {
        uint feeBps = 10;

        ResolvedOrder memory order = createOrder(1 ether);
        /// @dev Apply pair-based fee.

            false // AUDIT: applyFee set to false

        OutputToken[] memory result = feeController.getFeeOutputs(order);

        // AUDIT: fee amount will be greater than zero. 
        require(result[0].amount > 0);

    function createOrder(
        uint256 amount
    ) private view returns (ResolvedOrder memory) {
        OutputToken[] memory outputs = new OutputToken[](1);
        address outputToken = address(tokenOut);
        outputs[0] = OutputToken(outputToken, amount, SWAPPER);
                info: OrderInfoBuilder.init(address(0)),
                input: InputToken(tokenIn, 1 ether, 1 ether),
                outputs: outputs,
                sig: hex"00",
                hash: bytes32(0)


A base fee will be applied to a trade even if the applyFee is set to false. This can lead to users having to pay for a fee when applyFee is set to false.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


When fee.applyFee is false, return order.outputs[i].amount.

uint256 feeAmount = fee.applyFee
    ? order.outputs[i].amount.mulDivUp(fee.fee, DENOM)
    : order.outputs[i].amount;
sherlock-admin commented 7 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

0xAadi commented:

Invalid: The implementation is accurate, although the "@dev" comment appears to be a mistake.

daoio commented 7 months ago

as mentioned by 0xAadi, the implementation is accurate, but the comment is very missleading and invalid, it should be:

/// @dev Fee controller, that's intended to be called by reactors.
///      * By default applies constant 'baseFee' on output token.
///      * Dynamic pair-based fee can be enabled by calling 'setPairBasedFee'.
///      * Both dynamic and base fee can be disabled by setting 'applyFee' to true and the 'fee' value to 0.