sherlock-audit / 2024-02-rubicon-finance-judging

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HSP - Attacker can submit malicious order and user may lose funds interacting with it #38

Closed sherlock-admin closed 9 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 9 months ago



Attacker can submit malicious order and user may lose funds interacting with it


GladiusOrderQuoter does not verify if the reactor in an order is valid, attacker can submit order with malicious reactor, user who interacts with this order may suffer a loss.

Vulnerability Detail

GladiusOrderQuoter is used on the off-chain side, and validates orders during their creation, before pushing them into database.

Market maker can send POST request to the API to submit an order, GladiusOrderQuoter will validate the order through the quoter, before accepting it.

To validate an order, quote(...) function is called, this function quotes the given order, returning the ResolvedOrder object which defines the current input and output token amounts required to satisfy it:

    function quote(
        bytes memory order,
        bytes memory sig,
        uint256 quantity
    ) external returns (ResolvedOrder memory result) {
                SignedOrder(order, sig),
        {} catch (bytes memory reason) {
            result = parseRevertReason(reason);

After the order is validated by GladiusOrderQuoter, it is pushed into database, and takers will see the order through API, which is similar to this:

And response looks like below:

    "orders": [
            "outputs": [
                    "recipient": "0x59c6d0c21d9700f3dbd25c7533c87eba53ffbfff",
                    "startAmount": "4800000000",
                    "endAmount": "4800000000",
                    "token": "0x7F5c764cBc14f9669B88837ca1490cCa17c31607"
            "orderStatus": "open",
            "createdAt": 1706616806,
            "encodedOrder": "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",
            "signature": "0xa144d267c8585e33464fe69142cedad2ef830d44768b6ab35071a6004cc8dd1a38ce1420e2fff21888164a50446e5ad7218369cda9c3ea85c16913a52fe9c5d11b",
            "chainId": 10,
            "orderHash": "0x41e6987cd72a36aff25d89313cfb77b187b44bf18c2835f79acac34ca257b004",
            "input": {
                "endAmount": "4802688000000000000000",
                "token": "0xDA10009cBd5D07dd0CeCc66161FC93D7c9000da1",
                "startAmount": "4802688000000000000000"
            "price": 1000560000000,
            "type": "Dutch"

The problem is GladiusOrderQuoter does not verify if the reactor in an order is valid, an attacker can submit an order with malicious reactor which may, for instance, do nothing but executing gas-consuming operations, the validation will still passed and user will suffer a loss.

Please see the test codes:

    function test_audit_submit_order_with_malicious_reactor() public {
        // GladiusOrderQuoter
        GladiusOrderQuoter quoter = new GladiusOrderQuoter{salt: bytes32(uint256(2))}();

        // Deploy malicious reactor
        MaliciousReactor maliciousReactor = new MaliciousReactor();

        // Build order with malicious reactor
        (GladiusOrder memory order, bytes memory sig) = buildOrderAndSig(maliciousReactor);

        // Quote validation passed and order with malicious reactor is pushed to Gladius database
        quoter.quote(abi.encode(order), sig, 2e18);

        // Trader executes order only to waste gas
        SignedOrder memory signedOrder = SignedOrder({
            order: abi.encode(order),
            sig: sig
        IGladiusReactor gladiusReactor = getReactor(abi.encode(order));

    function getReactor(
        bytes memory order
    ) public pure returns (IGladiusReactor gladiusReactor) {
        assembly {
            let orderInfoOffsetPointer := add(order, 64)
            gladiusReactor := mload(
                add(orderInfoOffsetPointer, mload(orderInfoOffsetPointer))

    function buildOrderAndSig(MaliciousReactor maliciousReactor) private view returns (GladiusOrder memory order, bytes memory sig) {
        OrderInfo memory orderInfo = OrderInfo({
            reactor: maliciousReactor,
            swapper: swapper,
            nonce: 0,
            deadline: block.timestamp + 1 days,
            additionalValidationContract: IValidationCallback(address(0)),
            additionalValidationData: bytes("")

        DutchInput memory dutchInput = DutchInput({
            token: tokenIn,
            startAmount: 2e18,
            endAmount: 2e18

        DutchOutput memory dutchOutput = DutchOutput({
            token: address(tokenOut),
            startAmount: 10e18,
            endAmount: 1e18,
            recipient: swapper

        DutchOutput[] memory outputs = new DutchOutput[](1);
        outputs[0] = dutchOutput;

        order = GladiusOrder({
            info: orderInfo,
            decayStartTime: block.timestamp + 6 hours,
            decayEndTime: block.timestamp + 12 hours,
            exclusiveFiller: address(0),
            exclusivityOverrideBps: 0,
            input: dutchInput,
            outputs: outputs,
            fillThreshold: 1

        sig = signOrder(

The malicious reactor contract may look like below:

contract MaliciousReactor is IGladiusReactor {
    using PartialFillLib for GladiusOrder;
    using DutchDecayLib for DutchOutput[];
    using DutchDecayLib for DutchInput;

    function execute(SignedOrder calldata order) external override payable {
        // do somthing gas-consuming

    function executeWithCallback(
        SignedOrder calldata order,
        bytes calldata callbackData
    ) external payable {
        // do somthing gas-consuming

    function executeBatch(SignedOrder[] calldata orders) external override payable {
        // do somthing gas-consuming

    function executeBatchWithCallback(
        SignedOrder[] calldata orders,
        bytes calldata callbackData
    ) external override payable {
        // do somthing gas-consuming

    function execute(
        SignedOrder calldata order,
        uint256 quantity
    ) external override payable {
        // do somthing gas-consuming

    function executeWithCallback(
        SignedOrder calldata order,
        uint256 quantity,
        bytes calldata callbackData
    ) external override payable {
        // do somthing gas-consuming

        ResolvedOrder[] memory resolvedOrders = new ResolvedOrder[](1);
        resolvedOrders[0] = resolve(order, quantity);


    function executeBatch(
        SignedOrder[] calldata orders,
        uint256[] calldata quantities
    ) external override payable {
        // do somthing gas-consuming

    function executeBatchWithCallback(
        SignedOrder[] calldata orders,
        uint256[] calldata quantities,
        bytes calldata callbackData
    ) external override payable {
        // do somthing gas-consuming

    function resolve(
        SignedOrder calldata signedOrder,
        uint256 quantity
    ) internal view returns (ResolvedOrder memory resolvedOrder) {
        GladiusOrder memory order = abi.decode(

        InputToken memory input = order.input.decay(
        OutputToken[] memory outputs = order.outputs.decay(

        resolvedOrder = ResolvedOrder({
            input: input,
            outputs: outputs,
            sig: signedOrder.sig,
            hash: order.hash()


There could be serious impacts to the protocol:

  1. Order is submitted off-chain, attacker can submit a very high volume of orders with no cost, the front-end which most users rely on may be swamped with fake orders;

  2. Orders validated by GladiusOrderQuoter are supposed to be trusted, traders who interact with the malicious orders will get nothing but wasting a lot of gas fees, however this is not their fault;

  3. Things can be much worse given that trader may grant token allowance to the malicious reactor, as suggested in the doc, if that is the case, user's funds can be stolen:

    Approve the ExclusiveDutchOrderReactor if the trader wishes for instant settlement. The trader can pay gas to immediately “take” orders from Gladius and settle their trade, much like they can on the onchain Rubicon order book

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


To fix the trust issue in GladiusOrderQuoter, please verify if the reactor in an order is valid during invalidation:

+   address public reactor;

+   function setReactor(address _reactor) external onlyOwner {
+       reactor = _reactor;
+   }

    function quote(
        bytes memory order,
        bytes memory sig,
        uint256 quantity
    ) external returns (ResolvedOrder memory result) {
+       require(reactor == getReactor(order), "Invalid reactor");
sherlock-admin commented 9 months ago

2 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

PNS commented:

M-1 OZ Audit; Fillers generally estimate gas before execution and use private mempools like flashbots or mevblocker.

0xAadi commented:

Invalid: OOS, external DB is OOS, external can/can't have reactor validation before calling quote() or pushing result to db

daoio commented 9 months ago

In theory, that's true, but this issue is tightly connected to the way the server works. So, while it's possible to create an order with some arbitrary data, even with malicious reactor, and in theory such order can be executed, the server ensures validity of the order, which includes a check for a correct reactor address (because it doesn't really makes sense from server's perspective to accept orders, that are intended to be execute through unkown contracts).