sherlock-audit / 2024-02-smilee-finance-judging

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panprog - FeeManager `receiveFee` and `trackVaultFee` functions allow anyone to call it with user-provided dvp/vault address and add any arbitrary feeAmount to any address, breaking fees accounting and temporarily bricking DVP smart contract #43

Open sherlock-admin opened 6 months ago

sherlock-admin commented 6 months ago



FeeManager receiveFee and trackVaultFee functions allow anyone to call it with user-provided dvp/vault address and add any arbitrary feeAmount to any address, breaking fees accounting and temporarily bricking DVP smart contract


FeeManager uses trackVaultFee function to account vault fees. The problem is that this function can be called by any smart contract implementing vault() function (there are no address or role authentication), thus malicious user can break all vault fees accounting by randomly inflating existing vault's fees, making it hard/impossible for admins to determine the real split of fees between vaults. Moreover, malicious user can provide such feeAmount to trackVaultFee function, which will increase any vault's fee to uint256.max value, meaning all following calls to trackVaultFee will revert due to fee addition overflow, temporarily bricking DVP smart contract, which calls trackVaultFee on all mints and burns, which will always revert until FeeManager smart contract is updated to a new address in AddressProvider.

Similarly, receiveFee function is used to account fee amounts received by different addresses (dvp), which can later be withdrawn by admin via withdrawFee function. The problem is that any smart contract implementing baseToken() function can call it, thus any malicious user can break all accounting by adding arbitrary amounts to their addresses without actually paying anything. Once some addresses fees are inflated, it will be difficult for admins to track fee amounts which are real, and which are from fake dvps and fake tokens.

Vulnerability Detail

FeeManager.trackVaultFee function has no role/address check:

    function trackVaultFee(address vault, uint256 feeAmount) external {
        // Check sender:
        IDVP dvp = IDVP(msg.sender);
        if (vault != dvp.vault()) {
            revert WrongVault();

        vaultFeeAmounts[vault] += feeAmount;

        emit TransferVaultFee(vault, feeAmount);

Any smart contract implementing vault() function can call it. The vault address returned can be any address, thus user can inflate vault fees both for existing real vaults, and for any addresses user chooses. This totally breaks all vault fees accounting.

FeeManager.receiveFee function has no role/address check either:

    function receiveFee(uint256 feeAmount) external {
        _getBaseTokenInfo(msg.sender).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), feeAmount);
        senders[msg.sender] += feeAmount;

        emit ReceiveFee(msg.sender, feeAmount);
    function _getBaseTokenInfo(address sender) internal view returns (IERC20Metadata token) {
        token = IERC20Metadata(IVaultParams(sender).baseToken());

Any smart contract crafted by malicious user can call it. It just has to return base token, which can also be token created by the user. After transfering this fake base token, the receiveFee function will increase user's fee balance as if it was real token transferred.


Malicious users can break all fee and vault fee accounting by inflating existing vaults or user addresses fees earned without actually paying these fees, making it hard/impossible for admins to determine the actual fees earned from each vault or dvp. Moreover, malicious user can temporarily brick DVP smart contract by inflating vault's accounted fees to uint256.max, thus making all DVP mints and burns (which call trackVaultFee) revert.

Code Snippet



Tool used

Manual Review


Consider adding a whitelist of addresses which can call these functions.

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

valid; medium(4)

metadato-eth commented 6 months ago

MEDIUM The issue is real but does not expose any fund at risk, it only transaltes in DoS, which would be easily solved by deploying a fixed fee manager.

sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

panprog commented 6 months ago

Fix review: Fixed

sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.