sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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bin2chen - sellCollateral() using incorrect parameters when calling getAsset #103

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 3 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago



sellCollateral() using incorrect parameters when calling getAsset


sellCollateral() using incorrect parameters when calling getAsset

Vulnerability Detail

BBLeverage.sellCollateral() the code is follows:

    function sellCollateral(address from, uint256 share, bytes calldata data)
        solvent(from, false)
        returns (uint256 amountOut)
        amountOut = leverageExecutor.getAsset(
@>          assetId, address(collateral), address(asset), memoryData.leverageAmount, from, data
        memoryData.shareOut = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, amountOut, false);
        address(asset).safeApprove(address(yieldBox), type(uint256).max);

In the function call getAsset(assetId, address(collateral)...), the second parameter is passed as collateral, but it should actually be asset.

interface ILeverageExecutor {
    function getAsset(
        uint256 assetId,
@>      address assetAddress,
        address collateralAddress,
        uint256 collateralAmountIn,
        address from,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (uint256 assetAmountOut); //used for sellCollateral


Incorrect usage of getAsset() can lead to exchange failures.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


    function sellCollateral(address from, uint256 share, bytes calldata data)
        solvent(from, false)
        returns (uint256 amountOut)
        if (address(leverageExecutor) == address(0)) {
            revert LeverageExecutorNotValid();
        _allowedBorrow(from, share);
        _removeCollateral(from, address(this), share);

        _SellCollateralMemoryData memory memoryData;

        (, memoryData.obtainedShare) =
            yieldBox.withdraw(collateralId, address(this), address(leverageExecutor), 0, share);
        memoryData.leverageAmount = yieldBox.toAmount(collateralId, memoryData.obtainedShare, false);
        amountOut = leverageExecutor.getAsset(
-           assetId, address(collateral), address(asset), memoryData.leverageAmount, from, data
+           assetId, address(asset), address(collateral), memoryData.leverageAmount, from, data

Duplicate of #115

sherlock-admin4 commented 3 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

CergyK commented 3 months ago


This should be a duplicate of #115, the interface used for getAsset is wrong

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago


This should be a duplicate of #115, the interface used for getAsset is wrong

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nevillehuang commented 3 months ago

I believe they are separate issues, this seems to be an issue relating to the correct use of the interface with 6 arguments but inputting the wrong parameter whereas the other issue is talking about wrong use of interface.

CergyK commented 3 months ago

I believe they are separate issues, this seems to be an issue relating to the correct use of the interface with 6 arguments but inputting the wrong parameter whereas the other issue is talking about wrong use of interface.

Yes sorry my message was a bit short, I meant since the whole set of arguments needs to be changed anyway, the fix to #115 will also most likely fix this one (which IIRC is a criteria for duplication).

cvetanovv commented 3 months ago

I agree with @CergyK escalation, and we can duplicate them. The root of these issues is the leverageExecutor interface, which is incorrect.

cvetanovv commented 3 months ago

Planning to accept the escalation and duplicate with #115.

Evert0x commented 3 months ago

Result: Medium Duplicate of #115

sherlock-admin4 commented 3 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

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