sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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0xadrii - Variable opening fee will always be wrongly computed if collateral is not a stablecoin #119

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 6 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago



Variable opening fee will always be wrongly computed if collateral is not a stablecoin


Borrowing fees will be computed wrongly because of a combination of hardcoded values and a wrongly implemented setter function.

Vulnerability Detail

Tapioca applies a linearly scaling creation fee to open a new CDP in Big Bang markets. This is done via the internal _computeVariableOpeningFee() function every time a new borrow is performed.

In order to compute the variable fee, the exchange rate will be queried. This rate is important in order to understand the current price of USDO related to the collateral asset.

As per the comment in the code snippet shows below, Tapioca wrongly assumes that the exchange rate will always be USDO <> USDC, when in reality the actual collateral will dictate the exchange rate returned.

It is also important to note the fact that contrary to what one would assume, maxMintFeeStart is assumed to be smaller than minMintFeeStart in order to perform the calculations:

// BBLendingCommon.sol

function _computeVariableOpeningFee(uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256) {
        if (amount == 0) return 0; 

        //get asset <> USDC price ( USDO <> USDC ) 
        (bool updated, uint256 _exchangeRate) = assetOracle.get(oracleData); 
        if (!updated) revert OracleCallFailed();

        if (_exchangeRate >= minMintFeeStart) { 
            return (amount * minMintFee) / FEE_PRECISION;
        if (_exchangeRate <= maxMintFeeStart) { 
            return (amount * maxMintFee) / FEE_PRECISION;

        uint256 fee = maxMintFee
            - (((_exchangeRate - maxMintFeeStart) * (maxMintFee - minMintFee)) / (minMintFeeStart - maxMintFeeStart)); 

        if (fee > maxMintFee) return (amount * maxMintFee) / FEE_PRECISION;
        if (fee < minMintFee) return (amount * minMintFee) / FEE_PRECISION;

        if (fee > 0) {
            return (amount * fee) / FEE_PRECISION;
        return 0;

It is also important to note that minMintFeeStart and maxMintFeeStart are hardcoded when being initialized inside BigBang.sol (as mentioned, maxMintFeeStart is smaller than minMintFeeStart):

// BigBang.sol

function _initCoreStorage(
        IPenrose _penrose,
        IERC20 _collateral,
        uint256 _collateralId,
        ITapiocaOracle _oracle,
        uint256 _exchangeRatePrecision,
        uint256 _collateralizationRate,
        uint256 _liquidationCollateralizationRate,
        ILeverageExecutor _leverageExecutor
    ) private {

        maxMintFeeStart = 975000000000000000; // 0.975 *1e18
        minMintFeeStart = 1000000000000000000; // 1*1e18


While the values hardcoded initially to values that are coherent for a USDO <> stablecoin exchange rate, these values won’t make sense if we find ourselves fetching an exchcange rate of an asset not stable.

Let’s say the collateral asset is ETH. If ETH is at 4000$, then the exchange rate will return a value of 0,00025. This will make the computation inside _computeVariableOpeningFee() always apply the maximum fee when borrowing because _exchangeRate is always smaller than maxMintFeeStart by default.

Although this has an easy fix (changing the values stored in maxMintFeeStart and minMintFeeStart), this can’t be properly done because the setMinAndMaxMintRange() function wrongly assumes that minMintFeeStart must be smaller than maxMintFeeStart (against what the actual calculations dictate in the _computeVariableOpeningFee()):

// BigBang.sol

function setMinAndMaxMintRange(uint256 _min, uint256 _max) external onlyOwner {
        emit UpdateMinMaxMintRange(minMintFeeStart, _min, maxMintFeeStart, _max);

        if (_min >= _max) revert NotValid(); 

        minMintFeeStart = _min;
        maxMintFeeStart = _max;

This will make it impossible to properly update the maxMintFeeStart and minMintFeeStart to have proper values because if it is enforced that maxMintFeeStart > than minMintFeeStart, then _computeVariableOpeningFee() will always enter the first if (_exchangeRate >= minMintFeeStart) and wrongly return the minimum fee.


Medium. Although this looks like a bug that doesn’t have a big impact in the protocol, it actually does. The fees will always be wrongly applied for collaterals different from stablecoins, and applying these kind of fees when borrowing is one of the core mechanisms to keep USDO peg, as described in Tapioca’s documentation. If this mechanisms doesn’t work properly, users won’t be properly incentivized to borrow/repay considering the different market conditions that might take place and affect USDO’s peg to $1.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The mitigation for this is straightforward. Change the setMinAndMaxMintRange() function so that _max is enforced to be smaller than _min:

// BigBang.sol

function setMinAndMaxMintRange(uint256 _min, uint256 _max) external onlyOwner {
        emit UpdateMinMaxMintRange(minMintFeeStart, _min, maxMintFeeStart, _max);

-        if (_min >= _max) revert NotValid(); 
+        if (_max >= _min) revert NotValid(); 

        minMintFeeStart = _min;
        maxMintFeeStart = _max;

Also, I would recommend not to hardcode the values of maxMintFeeStart and minMintFeeStart and pass them as parameter instead, inside _initCoreStorage() , as they should always be different considering the collateral configured for that market.

cryptotechmaker commented 6 months ago

Low; the assetOracle is different from the oracle state var which is represented by the market's collateral. The assetOracle checks the USDO price against USDC

sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit