sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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hyh - TOFTOptionsReceiverModule will have the user lose the whole output TAP when requested to exercise all eligible options #130

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 4 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago



TOFTOptionsReceiverModule will have the user lose the whole output TAP when requested to exercise all eligible options


TOFTOptionsReceiverModule's exerciseOptionsReceiver() will execute successfully, but lose (freeze permanently) all the output TAP amount of the user if being run with zero TAP amount (_options.tapAmount), which is valid use case of TapiocaOptionBroker's exerciseOption(), corresponding to the full position exercise.

Vulnerability Detail

Specifying zero tap amount is a usual workflow of TapiocaOptionBroker's exerciseOption(), meaning that the whole eligible option position should be exercised. It's arguably the most used way to interact with exerciseOption() since slicing the exercise doesn't provide any additional benefits, but increases the operational and gas costs.

exerciseOptionsReceiver() will not revert when run with _options.tapAmount = 0, it will exercise the full position, but send nothing to the user: the whole TAP amount received will be left with the contract, being permanently frozen there as there is no way to rescue it.


The probability of having exerciseOptionsReceiver() run with _options.tapAmount = 0 can be estimated as medium. The impact of user losing the whole position TAP proceedings, being permanently frozen with the contract, has high severity.

Likelihood: Medium + Impact: High = Severity: High.

Code Snippet

_options.tapAmount == 0 is an allowed state for exerciseOptionsReceiver():

    function exerciseOptionsReceiver(address srcChainSender, bytes memory _data) public payable {
        // Decode received message.
        ExerciseOptionsMsg memory msg_ = TOFTMsgCodec.decodeExerciseOptionsMsg(_data);


            // _data declared for visibility.
            IExerciseOptionsData memory _options = msg_.optionsData;
>>          _options.tapAmount = _toLD(_options.tapAmount.toUint64());
            _options.paymentTokenAmount = _toLD(_options.paymentTokenAmount.toUint64());

            // @dev retrieve paymentToken amount
            _internalTransferWithAllowance(_options.from, srcChainSender, _options.paymentTokenAmount);

            /// Does this: _approve(address(this),, _options.paymentTokenAmount);
                address(this), 0,, uint200(_options.paymentTokenAmount), uint48(block.timestamp + 1)
            ); // Atomic approval
            address(this).safeApprove(address(pearlmit), _options.paymentTokenAmount);

            /// @dev call exerciseOption() with address(this) as the payment token
            uint256 bBefore = balanceOf(address(this));
                address(this), //payment token
>>              _options.tapAmount
            address(this).safeApprove(address(pearlmit), 0); // Clear approval
            uint256 bAfter = balanceOf(address(this));

            // Refund if less was used.
            if (bBefore > bAfter) {
                uint256 diff = bBefore - bAfter;
                if (diff < _options.paymentTokenAmount) {
                    IERC20(address(this)).safeTransfer(_options.from, _options.paymentTokenAmount - diff);

It corresponds to a situation of exercising for the whole eligible TAP amount in TapiocaOptionBroker's exerciseOption():

        uint256 eligibleTapAmount = muldiv(tOLPLockPosition.ybShares, gaugeTotalForEpoch, netAmount);
        eligibleTapAmount -= oTAPCalls[_oTAPTokenID][cachedEpoch]; // Subtract already exercised amount
        if (eligibleTapAmount < _tapAmount) revert TooHigh();

>>      uint256 chosenAmount = _tapAmount == 0 ? eligibleTapAmount : _tapAmount;
        if (chosenAmount < 1e18) revert TooLow();
        oTAPCalls[_oTAPTokenID][cachedEpoch] += chosenAmount; // Adds up exercised amount to current epoch

        // Finalize the deal
>>      _processOTCDeal(_paymentToken, paymentTokenOracle, chosenAmount,;

        emit ExerciseOption(cachedEpoch, msg.sender, _paymentToken, _oTAPTokenID, chosenAmount);

But exerciseOptionsReceiver() will send out nothing in this case, the whole TAP amount received will be left with the contract instead of being forwarded to the user:

            // _data declared for visibility.
            IExerciseOptionsData memory _options = msg_.optionsData;
            SendParam memory _send = msg_.lzSendParams.sendParam;

            address tapOft = ITapiocaOptionBroker(;
            if (msg_.withdrawOnOtherChain) {
                /// @dev determine the right amount to send back to source
>>              uint256 amountToSend = _send.amountLD > _options.tapAmount ? _options.tapAmount : _send.amountLD;
                if (_send.minAmountLD > amountToSend) {
                    _send.minAmountLD = amountToSend;

                // Sends to source and preserve source `msg.sender` (`from` in this case).
                _sendPacket(msg_.lzSendParams, msg_.composeMsg, _options.from);

                // Refund extra amounts
                if (_options.tapAmount - amountToSend > 0) {
                    IERC20(tapOft).safeTransfer(_options.from, _options.tapAmount - amountToSend);
            } else {
                //send on this chain
>>              IERC20(tapOft).safeTransfer(_options.from, _options.tapAmount);

I.e. it will be amountToSend = _send.minAmountLD = 0 when msg_.withdrawOnOtherChain == true and just _options.tapAmount = 0 otherwise, so all the TAP proceedings will stay with the contract. Since there is no possibility to receive TAP funds out of the contract in excess to the oTAPTokenID eligible amount, which becomes zero after exercise, these TAP proceedings will be permanently frozen on the contract balance.

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider either forbidding zero _options.tapAmount in exerciseOptionsReceiver() or adding nonReentrant modifier to it, tracking TAP token balance and sending out the realized balance difference from TapiocaOptionBroker's exerciseOption() operation to the user instead of relying on _options.tapAmount.

sherlock-admin4 commented 3 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit;