sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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hyh - Allowances is double spent in BBLeverage's and SGLLeverage's `sellCollateral()` #141

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 6 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 6 months ago



Allowances is double spent in BBLeverage's and SGLLeverage's sellCollateral()


Both sellCollateral() functions remove allowance twice, before and after target debt size control.

This way up to double allowance is removed each time: exactly double amount when repay amount is at or below the actual debt, somewhat less than double amount when repay amount is bigger than actual debt.

Vulnerability Detail

Both _allowedBorrow() and _repay() operations spend the allowance from the caller. In the sellCollateral() case it should be done once, before the operation, since collateral removal is unconditional. It is spend twice, on collateral removal, and then on debt repayment now instead.


BBLeverage's and SGLLeverage's sellCollateral() callers lose the approximately double amount of collateral allowance on each call. The operations with correctly set allowance amounts will be denied.

There are no prerequisites, so the probability is high. As the allowances are material and extra amounts can be directly exploitted via collateral removal (i.e. any extra allowance can be instantly turned to the same amount of collateral as long as borrower's account is healthy enough), so having allowances lost is somewhat lower/equivalent severity to loss of funds, i.e. have medium/high severity.

Likelihood: High + Impact: Medium/High = Severity: High.

Code Snippet

The allowance is double written off in BBLeverage's and SGLLeverage's sellCollateral():

    function sellCollateral(address from, uint256 share, bytes calldata data)
        solvent(from, false)
        returns (uint256 amountOut)
        if (address(leverageExecutor) == address(0)) {
            revert LeverageExecutorNotValid();
>>      _allowedBorrow(from, share);
        _removeCollateral(from, address(this), share);

        _SellCollateralMemoryData memory memoryData;

        (, memoryData.obtainedShare) =
            yieldBox.withdraw(collateralId, address(this), address(leverageExecutor), 0, share);
        memoryData.leverageAmount = yieldBox.toAmount(collateralId, memoryData.obtainedShare, false);
        amountOut = leverageExecutor.getAsset(
            assetId, address(collateral), address(asset), memoryData.leverageAmount, from, data
        memoryData.shareOut = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, amountOut, false);
        address(asset).safeApprove(address(yieldBox), type(uint256).max);
        yieldBox.depositAsset(collateralId, address(this), address(this), 0, memoryData.shareOut); // TODO Check for rounding attack?
        address(asset).safeApprove(address(yieldBox), 0);

        memoryData.partOwed = userBorrowPart[from];
        memoryData.amountOwed = totalBorrow.toElastic(memoryData.partOwed, true);
        memoryData.shareOwed = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, memoryData.amountOwed, true);
        if (memoryData.shareOwed <= memoryData.shareOut) {
>>          _repay(from, from, memoryData.partOwed);
        } else {
            //repay as much as we can
            uint256 partOut = totalBorrow.toBase(amountOut, false);
>>          _repay(from, from, partOut);

    function sellCollateral(address from, uint256 share, bytes calldata data)
        solvent(from, false)
        returns (uint256 amountOut)
        if (address(leverageExecutor) == address(0)) {
            revert LeverageExecutorNotValid();
        // Stack too deep fix
        _SellCollateralCalldata memory calldata_;
            calldata_.from = from;
            calldata_.share = share;
   = data;

>>      _allowedBorrow(calldata_.from, calldata_.share);
        _removeCollateral(calldata_.from, address(this), calldata_.share);

        yieldBox.withdraw(collateralId, address(this), address(leverageExecutor), 0, calldata_.share);
        uint256 leverageAmount = yieldBox.toAmount(collateralId, calldata_.share, false);
        amountOut = leverageExecutor.getAsset(
            assetId, address(collateral), address(asset), leverageAmount, calldata_.from,
        uint256 shareOut = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, amountOut, false);

        address(asset).safeApprove(address(yieldBox), type(uint256).max);
        yieldBox.depositAsset(assetId, address(this), address(this), 0, shareOut);
        address(asset).safeApprove(address(yieldBox), 0);

        uint256 partOwed = userBorrowPart[calldata_.from];
        uint256 amountOwed = totalBorrow.toElastic(partOwed, true);
        uint256 shareOwed = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, amountOwed, true);
        if (shareOwed <= shareOut) {
>>          _repay(calldata_.from, calldata_.from, false, partOwed);
        } else {
            //repay as much as we can
            uint256 partOut = totalBorrow.toBase(amountOut, false);
>>          _repay(calldata_.from, calldata_.from, false, partOut);

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider adding a flag to _repay(), indicating that allowance spending was already recorded.

-   function _repay(address from, address to, uint256 part) internal returns (uint256 amount) {
+   function _repay(address from, address to, uint256 part, bool checkAllowance) internal returns (uint256 amount) {
        if (part > userBorrowPart[to]) {
            part = userBorrowPart[to];
        if (part == 0) revert NothingToRepay();

        // @dev check allowance
-       if (msg.sender != from) {
+       if (checkAllowance && msg.sender != from) {
            uint256 partInAmount;
            Rebase memory _totalBorrow = totalBorrow;
            (_totalBorrow, partInAmount) = _totalBorrow.sub(part, false);
            uint256 allowanceShare =
                _computeAllowanceAmountInAsset(to, exchangeRate, partInAmount, _safeDecimals(asset));
            if (allowanceShare == 0) revert AllowanceNotValid();
            _allowedBorrow(from, allowanceShare);

-   function _repay(address from, address to, bool skim, uint256 part) internal returns (uint256 amount) {
+   function _repay(address from, address to, bool skim, uint256 part, bool checkAllowance) internal returns (uint256 amount) {
        if (part > userBorrowPart[to]) {
            part = userBorrowPart[to];
        if (part == 0) revert NothingToRepay();

-       if (msg.sender != from) {
+       if (checkAllowance && msg.sender != from) {
            uint256 partInAmount;
            Rebase memory _totalBorrow = totalBorrow;
            (_totalBorrow, partInAmount) = _totalBorrow.sub(part, false);

            uint256 allowanceShare =
                _computeAllowanceAmountInAsset(to, exchangeRate, partInAmount, _safeDecimals(asset));
            if (allowanceShare == 0) revert AllowanceNotValid();
            _allowedBorrow(from, allowanceShare);

    function sellCollateral(address from, uint256 share, bytes calldata data)
        _allowedBorrow(from, share);
        _removeCollateral(from, address(this), share);


        memoryData.partOwed = userBorrowPart[from];
        memoryData.amountOwed = totalBorrow.toElastic(memoryData.partOwed, true);
        memoryData.shareOwed = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, memoryData.amountOwed, true);
        if (memoryData.shareOwed <= memoryData.shareOut) {
-           _repay(from, from, memoryData.partOwed);
+           _repay(from, from, memoryData.partOwed, false);
        } else {
            //repay as much as we can
            uint256 partOut = totalBorrow.toBase(amountOut, false);
-           _repay(from, from, partOut);
+           _repay(from, from, partOut, false);

    function sellCollateral(address from, uint256 share, bytes calldata data)

        _allowedBorrow(calldata_.from, calldata_.share);
        _removeCollateral(calldata_.from, address(this), calldata_.share);


        uint256 partOwed = userBorrowPart[calldata_.from];
        uint256 amountOwed = totalBorrow.toElastic(partOwed, true);
        uint256 shareOwed = yieldBox.toShare(assetId, amountOwed, true);
        if (shareOwed <= shareOut) {
-           _repay(calldata_.from, calldata_.from, false, partOwed);
+           _repay(calldata_.from, calldata_.from, false, partOwed, false);
        } else {
            //repay as much as we can
            uint256 partOut = totalBorrow.toBase(amountOut, false);
-           _repay(calldata_.from, calldata_.from, false, partOut);
+           _repay(calldata_.from, calldata_.from, false, partOut, false);

All other _repay() calls should by default use checkAllowance == true.

sherlock-admin3 commented 6 months ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

WangAudit commented:

I believe it's low; don't think lost allowance is somewhat equivalent to loss of funds and I don't think how it actually harms anyone; plus can be mitigated by setting uint max allowance

sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit

dmitriia commented 6 months ago

Escalate Allowance double spending without material prerequisites implies fund loss with a high probability. Allowance mechanics in question gives an ability to extract the collateral, i.e. is a direct equivalent of funds. On these grounds the issue should have high severity as described.

sherlock-admin2 commented 6 months ago

Escalate Allowance double spending without material prerequisites implies fund loss with a high probability. Allowance mechanics in question gives an ability to extract the collateral, i.e. is a direct equivalent of funds. On these grounds the issue should have high severity as described.

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nevillehuang commented 6 months ago

@maarcweiss Could you let us know why you believe this issue should be medium severity?

cvetanovv commented 5 months ago

I agree with @dmitriia escalation. We can upgrade it to High.

huuducsc commented 5 months ago

I don't think this issue meets the criteria for High severity according to Sherlock's criteria.

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 04 57 16

It involves the allowance of calldata_.from for the sender being spent twice, which doesn't directly result in a loss of funds. Instead, it causes the function to revert if the user approves the exact allowance they want to extract in correct behavior. While users may need to approve double allowance for the sender, which is risky, but it doesn't qualify as high severity since the sender is trusted by the user. I believe that the funds of users cannot be exploited without any external conditions, and the report didn't mention any attack path that could cause a loss.

maarcweiss commented 5 months ago

I agree with @huuducsc on this one, losing allowance and/or reverting on a correct one is important though does not apply as direct loss of funds. I think it should stay as a med.

cvetanovv commented 5 months ago

I will agree with @maarcweiss and @huuducsc comments and reject the escalation and this issue will remain Medium.

Evert0x commented 5 months ago

Result: Medium Unique

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status: