sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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hyh - TOFTOptionsReceiverModule's and UsdoOptionReceiverModule's exerciseOptionsReceiver can lose the option payment provided #147

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 4 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 4 months ago



TOFTOptionsReceiverModule's and UsdoOptionReceiverModule's exerciseOptionsReceiver can lose the option payment provided


There is a valid case of zero paymentAmount in TapiocaOptionBroker's exerciseOption(). When this happens, exerciseOptionsReceiver() does not return any exercise funds remainder to the caller.

Vulnerability Detail

Zero amount can happen due to rounding and is allowed in the logic. However, the reimbursement logic is conditioned on non-zero balance change (while it cannot be the case as the exercise reverts on all the errors, there is no possibility to just exit), so user will not be reimbursed in this case.


The _options.paymentTokenAmount provided by the caller can be lost for them if exerciseOption() ended up requesting no payment due to rounding. These user provided funds can be immediately stolen by any back-running attacker, as attacker's _options.paymentTokenAmount can be less than what they need for exercise, i.e. currently anyone can freely use the funds from the contract balance to pay for their options' exercise as user provided funds aren't controlled to match with option strike payment ones.

The probability of such rounding can be estimated as low, while fund freezing impact is high.

Likelihood: Low + Impact: High = Severity: Medium.

Code Snippet

TapiocaOptionBroker's exerciseOption() can request zero paymentAmount due to rounding in _getDiscountedPaymentAmount():

        // Calculate payment amount
>>      paymentAmount = discountedOTCAmountInUSD / _paymentTokenValuation;

        if (_paymentTokenDecimals <= 18) {
>>          paymentAmount = paymentAmount / (10 ** (18 - _paymentTokenDecimals));
        } else {
            paymentAmount = paymentAmount * (10 ** (_paymentTokenDecimals - 18));

Zero discountedPaymentAmount is allowed:

        // Calculate payment amount and initiate the transfers
>>      uint256 discountedPaymentAmount =
            _getDiscountedPaymentAmount(otcAmountInUSD, paymentTokenValuation, discount, _paymentToken.decimals());

        uint256 balBefore = _paymentToken.balanceOf(address(this));
        // IERC20(address(_paymentToken)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), discountedPaymentAmount);
            bool isErr =
                pearlmit.transferFromERC20(msg.sender, address(this), address(_paymentToken), discountedPaymentAmount);
            if (isErr) revert TransferFailed();
        uint256 balAfter = _paymentToken.balanceOf(address(this));
>>      if (balAfter - balBefore != discountedPaymentAmount) {
            revert TransferFailed();

        tapOFT.extractTAP(msg.sender, tapAmount);

In this case for exerciseOptionsReceiver() it is bBefore == bAfter and nothing will be refunded from _options.paymentTokenAmount:

            // Refund if less was used.
>>          if (bBefore > bAfter) {
                uint256 diff = bBefore - bAfter;
                if (diff < _options.paymentTokenAmount) {
                    IERC20(address(this)).safeTransfer(_options.from, _options.paymentTokenAmount - diff);

I.e. given exerciseOption() was run successfully the bBefore == bAfter state doesn't imply that no refund is needed.

In the same time _options.paymentTokenAmount is user provided and can be arbitrary large.

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider including zero amount case in TOFTOptionsReceiverModule's and UsdoOptionReceiverModule's exerciseOptionsReceiver() functions, e.g.:

            // Refund if less was used.
-           if (bBefore > bAfter) {
+           if (bBefore >= bAfter) {
                uint256 diff = bBefore - bAfter;
                if (diff < _options.paymentTokenAmount) {
                    IERC20(address(this)).safeTransfer(_options.from, _options.paymentTokenAmount - diff);

            // Refund if less was used.
-           if (bBefore > bAfter) {
+           if (bBefore >= bAfter) {
                uint256 diff = bBefore - bAfter;
                if (diff < _options.paymentTokenAmount) {
                    IERC20(address(this)).safeTransfer(_options.from, _options.paymentTokenAmount - diff);
0xRektora commented 4 months ago

I'd put it at low/informational. Can only be true based on the statement

There is a valid case of zero paymentAmount in TapiocaOptionBroker's exerciseOption()

However there's a requirement in TapiocaOptionBroker that forces at least 1 TAP to be exercised

dmitriia commented 4 months ago

chosenAmount will not be zero, while _tapAmount == 0. I.e. TapiocaOptionBroker will not revert in that case.

sherlock-admin4 commented 3 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit;