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hyh - Liquidation fees are permanently frozen on Penrose YB account #148

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 6 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago



Liquidation fees are permanently frozen on Penrose YB account


There is no treatment of liquidation fees in SGL, they are frozen on Penrose YB account.

Vulnerability Detail

There are 3 kinds of fees, borrow/interest and liquidation ones. The latter miss the handling logic, so such funds are accumulated and frozen.


Protocol-wide loss of funds, which othwerwise would be channelled to stakers.

Code Snippet

Interest fees are accumulated in the accrueInfo.feesEarnedFraction variable:

        uint256 feeAmount = (extraAmount * protocolFee) / FEE_PRECISION; // % of interest paid goes to fee
        feeFraction = (feeAmount * _totalAsset.base) / (fullAssetAmount - feeAmount);
        _accrueInfo.feesEarnedFraction += feeFraction.toUint128();

Which is then accumulated on internal Penrose account via withdrawing feeShares = _removeAsset(_feeTo, msg.sender, balanceOf[address(penrose)]):

    function _depositFeesToTwTap(IMarket market, ITwTap twTap) private {
        if (!isMarketRegistered[address(market)]) revert NotValid();

>>      uint256 feeShares = market.refreshPenroseFees();

    function refreshPenroseFees() external onlyOwner returns (uint256 feeShares) {
        address _feeTo = address(penrose);
        // withdraw the fees accumulated in `accrueInfo.feesEarnedFraction` to the balance of `feeTo`.
        if (accrueInfo.feesEarnedFraction > 0) {
            uint256 _feesEarnedFraction = accrueInfo.feesEarnedFraction;
            balanceOf[_feeTo] += _feesEarnedFraction;
            emit Transfer(address(0), _feeTo, _feesEarnedFraction);
            accrueInfo.feesEarnedFraction = 0;
            emit LogWithdrawFees(_feeTo, _feesEarnedFraction);

>>      feeShares = _removeAsset(_feeTo, msg.sender, balanceOf[_feeTo]);

    function _removeAsset(address from, address to, uint256 fraction) internal returns (uint256 share) {
        if (totalAsset.base == 0) {
            return 0;
        Rebase memory _totalAsset = totalAsset;
        uint256 allShare = _totalAsset.elastic + yieldBox.toShare(assetId, totalBorrow.elastic, false);
>>      share = (fraction * allShare) / _totalAsset.base;

        _totalAsset.base -= fraction.toUint128();
        if (_totalAsset.base < 1000) revert MinLimit();

        balanceOf[from] -= fraction;
        emit Transfer(from, address(0), fraction);
        _totalAsset.elastic -= share.toUint128();
        totalAsset = _totalAsset;
        emit LogRemoveAsset(from, to, share, fraction);
>>      yieldBox.transfer(address(this), to, assetId, share);

However, liquidation fees are being placed to Penrose account directly and aren't included in the feeShares = share variable above:

    function _extractLiquidationFees(uint256 extraShare, uint256 callerReward)
        callerShare = (extraShare * callerReward) / FEE_PRECISION; //  y%  of profit goes to caller.
>>      feeShare = extraShare - callerShare; // rest goes to the fee

        if (feeShare > 0) {
>>          uint256 feeAmount = yieldBox.toAmount(assetId, feeShare, false);
>>          yieldBox.depositAsset(assetId, address(this), address(penrose), feeAmount, 0);
        if (callerShare > 0) {
            uint256 callerAmount = yieldBox.toAmount(assetId, callerShare, false);
            yieldBox.depositAsset(assetId, address(this), msg.sender, callerAmount, 0);

But _depositFeesToTwTap() uses only refreshPenroseFees() returned yieldBox.toAmount(_assetId, feeShares, false), which consists of interest and borrowing fees only:

    function _depositFeesToTwTap(IMarket market, ITwTap twTap) private {

>>      uint256 feeShares = market.refreshPenroseFees();
        yieldBox.withdraw(_assetId, address(this), address(this), 0, feeShares);

        uint256 rewardTokenId = twTap.rewardTokenIndex(_asset);
>>      uint256 feeAmount = yieldBox.toAmount(_assetId, feeShares, false);
>>      _distributeOnTwTap(feeAmount, rewardTokenId, _asset, twTap);

This way liquidation fees accumulated on Penrose's YB account are frozen there as there are no Singularity fees distribution mechanics besides withdrawAllMarketFees() $\rightarrow$ _depositFeesToTwTap():

    /// @notice Loop through the master contracts and call `_depositFeesToTwTap()` to each one of their clones.
    /// @param markets_ Singularity &/ BigBang markets array
    /// @param twTap the TwTap contract
    function withdrawAllMarketFees(IMarket[] calldata markets_, ITwTap twTap) external onlyOwner notPaused {
        if (address(twTap) == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

        uint256 length = markets_.length;
        unchecked {
            for (uint256 i; i < length;) {
                _depositFeesToTwTap(markets_[i], twTap);

        emit ProtocolWithdrawal(markets_, block.timestamp);

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider placing liquidation fees into Penrose internal account, leaving them with common YB account of SGL, e.g.:

        if (feeShare > 0) {
            uint256 feeAmount = yieldBox.toAmount(assetId, feeShare, false);
+           uint256 fullAssetAmount = yieldBox.toAmount(assetId, totalAsset.elastic, false) + totalBorrow.elastic;
+           uint256 feeFraction = (feeAmount * totalAsset.base) / fullAssetAmount;
+           balanceOf[address(penrose)] += feeFraction;
+           totalAsset.base += feeFraction.toUint128();
+           totalAsset.elastic += feeShare.toUint128();
-           yieldBox.depositAsset(assetId, address(this), address(penrose), feeAmount, 0);
+           yieldBox.depositAsset(assetId, address(this), address(this), 0, feeShare);
sherlock-admin4 commented 6 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit