sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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GiuseppeDeLaZara - All ETH can be stolen during rebalancing for `mTOFTs` that hold native #69

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 5 months ago



All ETH can be stolen during rebalancing for mTOFTs that hold native


Rebalancing of ETH transfers the ETH to the destination mTOFT without calling sgRecieve which leaves the ETH hanging inside the mTOFT contract. This can be exploited to steal all the ETH.

Vulnerability Detail

Rebalancing of mTOFTs that hold native tokens is done through the routerETH contract inside the Balancer.sol contract. Here is the code snippet for the routerETH contract:

## Balancer.sol

if (address(this).balance < _amount) revert ExceedsBalance();
        uint256 valueAmount = msg.value + _amount;
        routerETH.swapETH{value: valueAmount}(
            _computeMinAmount(_amount, _slippage)

The expected behaviour is ETH being received on the destination chain whereby sgReceive is called and ETH is deposited inside the TOFTVault.

## mTOFT.sol

    function sgReceive(uint16, bytes memory, uint256, address, uint256 amountLD, bytes memory) external payable {
        if (msg.sender != _stargateRouter) revert mTOFT_NotAuthorized();

        if (erc20 == address(0)) {
            vault.depositNative{value: amountLD}();
        } else {
            IERC20(erc20).safeTransfer(address(vault), amountLD);

By taking a closer look at the logic inside the routerETH contract we can see that the transfer is called with an empty payload:

    // compose stargate to swap ETH on the source to ETH on the destination
    function swapETH(
        uint16 _dstChainId,                         // destination Stargate chainId
        address payable _refundAddress,             // refund additional messageFee to this address
        bytes calldata _toAddress,                  // the receiver of the destination ETH
        uint256 _amountLD,                          // the amount, in Local Decimals, to be swapped
        uint256 _minAmountLD                        // the minimum amount accepted out on destination
    ) external payable {
        require(msg.value > _amountLD, "Stargate: msg.value must be > _amountLD");

        // wrap the ETH into WETH
        IStargateEthVault(stargateEthVault).deposit{value: _amountLD}();
        IStargateEthVault(stargateEthVault).approve(address(stargateRouter), _amountLD);

        // messageFee is the remainder of the msg.value after wrap
        uint256 messageFee = msg.value - _amountLD;

        // compose a stargate swap() using the WETH that was just wrapped
        stargateRouter.swap{value: messageFee}(
            _dstChainId,                        // destination Stargate chainId
            poolId,                             // WETH Stargate poolId on source
            poolId,                             // WETH Stargate poolId on destination
            _refundAddress,                     // message refund address if overpaid
            _amountLD,                          // the amount in Local Decimals to swap()
            _minAmountLD,                       // the minimum amount swap()er would allow to get out (ie: slippage)
            IStargateRouter.lzTxObj(0, 0, "0x"),
            _toAddress,                         // address on destination to send to
>>>>>>      bytes("")                           // empty payload, since sending to EOA

Notice the comment:

empty payload, since sending to EOA

So routerETH after depositing ETH in StargateEthVault calls the regular StargateRouter but with an empty payload.

Next, let's see how the receiving logic works.

As Stargate is just another application built on top of LayerZero the receiving starts inside the Bridge::lzReceive function. As the type of transfer is TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE the router::swapRemote is called:

function lzReceive(
    uint16 _srcChainId,
    bytes memory _srcAddress,
    uint64 _nonce,
    bytes memory _payload
) external override {

    if (functionType == TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE) {
            uint256 srcPoolId,
            uint256 dstPoolId,
            uint256 dstGasForCall,
            Pool.CreditObj memory c,
            Pool.SwapObj memory s,
            bytes memory to,
            bytes memory payload
        ) = abi.decode(_payload, (uint8, uint256, uint256, uint256, Pool.CreditObj, Pool.SwapObj, bytes, bytes));
        address toAddress;
        assembly {
            toAddress := mload(add(to, 20))
        router.creditChainPath(_srcChainId, srcPoolId, dstPoolId, c);
>>>>>>  router.swapRemote(_srcChainId, _srcAddress, _nonce, srcPoolId, dstPoolId, dstGasForCall, toAddress, s, payload);

Router:swapRemote has two responsibilities:

 function _swapRemote(
    uint16 _srcChainId,
    bytes memory _srcAddress,
    uint256 _nonce,
    uint256 _srcPoolId,
    uint256 _dstPoolId,
    uint256 _dstGasForCall,
    address _to,
    Pool.SwapObj memory _s,
    bytes memory _payload
) internal {
    Pool pool = _getPool(_dstPoolId);
    // first try catch the swap remote
    try pool.swapRemote(_srcChainId, _srcPoolId, _to, _s) returns (uint256 amountLD) {
>>>>>>   if (_payload.length > 0) {
            // then try catch the external contract call
>>>>>>      try IStargateReceiver(_to).sgReceive{gas: _dstGasForCall}(_srcChainId, _srcAddress, _nonce, pool.token(), amountLD, _payload) {
                // do nothing
            } catch (bytes memory reason) {
                cachedSwapLookup[_srcChainId][_srcAddress][_nonce] = CachedSwap(pool.token(), amountLD, _to, _payload);
                emit CachedSwapSaved(_srcChainId, _srcAddress, _nonce, pool.token(), amountLD, _to, _payload, reason);
    } catch {
        revertLookup[_srcChainId][_srcAddress][_nonce] = abi.encode(
        emit Revert(TYPE_SWAP_REMOTE_RETRY, _srcChainId, _srcAddress, _nonce);

As payload is empty in case of using the routerETH contract the sgReceive function is never called. This means that the ETH is left sitting inside the mTOFT contract.

There are several ways of stealing the balance of mTOFT. An attacker can use the mTOFT::sendPacket function and utilize the lzNativeGasDrop option to airdrop the balance of mTOFT to attacker's address on the destination chain:

## TapiocaOmnichainSender.sol

 function sendPacket(LZSendParam calldata _lzSendParam, bytes calldata _composeMsg)
        returns (MessagingReceipt memory msgReceipt, OFTReceipt memory oftReceipt)
        // @dev Applies the token transfers regarding this send() operation.
        // - amountDebitedLD is the amount in local decimals that was ACTUALLY debited from the sender.
        // - amountToCreditLD is the amount in local decimals that will be credited to the recipient on the remote OFT instance.
        (uint256 amountDebitedLD, uint256 amountToCreditLD) =
            _debit(_lzSendParam.sendParam.amountLD, _lzSendParam.sendParam.minAmountLD, _lzSendParam.sendParam.dstEid);

        // @dev Builds the options and OFT message to quote in the endpoint.
        (bytes memory message, bytes memory options) =
            _buildOFTMsgAndOptions(_lzSendParam.sendParam, _lzSendParam.extraOptions, _composeMsg, amountToCreditLD);

        // @dev Sends the message to the LayerZero endpoint and returns the LayerZero msg receipt.
        msgReceipt =
            _lzSend(_lzSendParam.sendParam.dstEid, message, options, _lzSendParam.fee, _lzSendParam.refundAddress);
        // @dev Formulate the OFT receipt.
        oftReceipt = OFTReceipt(amountDebitedLD, amountToCreditLD);

        emit OFTSent(msgReceipt.guid, _lzSendParam.sendParam.dstEid, msg.sender, amountDebitedLD);

All he has to do is specify the option type lzNativeDrop inside the _lsSendParams.extraOptions and the cost of calling _lzSend plus the airdrop amount will be paid out from the balance of mTOFT.

As this is a complete theft of the rebalanced amount I'm rating this as a critical vulnerability.


All ETH can be stolen during rebalancing for mTOFTs that hold native tokens.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


One way to fix this is use the alternative RouterETH.sol contract available from Stargate that allows for a payload to be sent. It is denoted as *RouterETH.sol in the Stargate documentation: This router has the swapETHAndCall interface:

function swapETHAndCall(
        uint16 _dstChainId, // destination Stargate chainId
        address payable _refundAddress, // refund additional messageFee to this address
        bytes calldata _toAddress, // the receiver of the destination ETH
        SwapAmount memory _swapAmount, // the amount and the minimum swap amount
        IStargateRouter.lzTxObj memory _lzTxParams, // the LZ tx params
        bytes calldata _payload // the payload to send to the destination
    ) external payable {

The contract on Ethereum can be found at: And the Stargate docs specify its deployment address on all the chains where ETH is supported:

cryptotechmaker commented 5 months ago

We had a chat with LZ about this a while ago and yes, the router cannot be used in this case. However the contract we're going to use is and it respects the IStargateRouter interface

windhustler commented 5 months ago

The contract you referenced above, i.e. StargateComposer doesn't have the swapETH interface:

function swapETH(uint16 _dstChainId, address payable _refundAddress, bytes calldata _toAddress, uint256 _amountLD, uint256 _minAmountLD) external;

Your options are to refactor this to either use the *RouterETH: swapETHAndCall or the StargateComposer::swapETHAndCall function.

cryptotechmaker commented 5 months ago

Good catch @windhustler

cryptotechmaker commented 5 months ago

Changed the status to 'Will fix'

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit;