sherlock-audit / 2024-02-tapioca-judging

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GiuseppeDeLaZara - Stargate Pools conversion rate leads to token accumulation inside the Balancer contract #71

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 5 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 5 months ago



Stargate Pools conversion rate leads to token accumulation inside the Balancer contract


Stargate pools conversion rate leads to token accumulation inside the Balancer contract and dangling allowances to the StargateRouter contract. This breaks the expected behavior of the rebalancing process and can result in a loss of tokens.

Vulnerability Detail

Stargate pools have a concept of convert rate. It's calculated based on the sharedDecimals and localDecimals for a specific pool. For example, the DAI Pool has the sharedDecimals set to 6 while localDecimals is 18.

The convert rate is then: 10^(localDecimals - sharedDecimals) = 10^12.

Here is the DAI Pool on Ethereum and the convert rate logic inside the Pool contract.

During the rebalancing process:

However, if the specified amount is not a multiple of the conversion rate, which in the case of DAI pool is 10^12, the consequence is:

Repeatedly calling the rebalance function will leave more and more tokens inside the Balancer contract while leaving dangling allowances to the StargateRouter contract.

In case there is an issue upstream inside the StargateRouter contract it could result in a loss of tokens accumulated inside the Balancer contract.


ERC20 tokens will accumulate inside the Balancer contract with dangling allowances left to the StargateRouter contract. Under certain conditions, this can result in a loss of tokens.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The recommendation is to add a check for the conversion rate and adjust the amount to be rebalanced accordingly.

+interface IStargatePool {
+    function convertRate() external view returns (uint256);
+interface IStargateFactory {
+    function getPool(uint256 _poolId) external view returns (address);
 contract Balancer is Ownable {
     using SafeERC20 for IERC20;

     IStargateRouter public immutable routerETH;
     IStargateRouter public immutable router;
+    IStargateFactory public immutable stargateFactory;

-    constructor(address _routerETH, address _router, address _owner) {
+    constructor(address _routerETH, address _router, address sgFactory, address _owner) {
         if (_router == address(0)) revert RouterNotValid();
         if (_routerETH == address(0)) revert RouterNotValid();
         routerETH = IStargateRouter(_routerETH);
         router = IStargateRouter(_router);
+        stargateFactory = IStargateFactory(sgFactory);

         rebalancer = _owner;
@@ -179,8 +191,14 @@ contract Balancer is Ownable {
             revert RebalanceAmountNotSet();

+        uint256 convertedAmount = _amount;
+        uint256 srcPoolId = connectedOFTs[_srcOft][_dstChainId].srcPoolId;
+        address stargatePool = stargateFactory.getPool(srcPoolId);
+        uint256 convertRate = IStargatePool(stargatePool).convertRate();
+        if (convertRate != 1) { convertedAmount = (_amount / convertRate) * convertRate; }
-        ITOFT(_srcOft).extractUnderlying(_amount);
+        ITOFT(_srcOft).extractUnderlying(convertedAmount);

             if (msg.value == 0) revert FeeAmountNotSet();
             if (_isNative) {
                 if (disableEth) revert SwapNotEnabled();
-                _sendNative(_srcOft, _amount, _dstChainId, _slippage);
+                _sendNative(_srcOft, convertedAmount, _dstChainId, _slippage);
             } else {
-                _sendToken(_srcOft, _amount, _dstChainId, _slippage, _ercData);
+                _sendToken(_srcOft, convertedAmount, _dstChainId, _slippage, _ercData);

-            connectedOFTs[_srcOft][_dstChainId].rebalanceable -= _amount;
-            emit Rebalanced(_srcOft, _dstChainId, _slippage, _amount, _isNative);
+            connectedOFTs[_srcOft][_dstChainId].rebalanceable -= convertedAmount;
+            emit Rebalanced(_srcOft, _dstChainId, _slippage, convertedAmount, _isNative);
cryptotechmaker commented 5 months ago

I think the proposed solution is wrong.

cryptotechmaker commented 5 months ago

Did a fix here;

sherlock-admin4 commented 5 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in PR/commit;